Ways to fuck your neighbor WITHOUT jail time


Well-Known Member
So I have 3 sets of neighbors.

To my left are an older couple, who I don't want to fuck.
To my right is a younger couple (mid 30s) with a young daughter approximately 9 months older than mine. I don't want to fuck them either.
My problem neighbors are BEHIND my property BEHIND a wooden fence. I do want to fuck them. How can I fuck them and not go to jail? The obvious answer is roofie them and fuck them but I don't want the cops called on me. Please help and make me smile.
When we bought this house 11 yrs ago I found one next door neighbor trespassing in our yard, talking to the neighbor on the opposite side. I said nothing, just observed.

A few days later it happened again, this time he had his GF and leashed dog with him. I walked out to where he was, let him know this is trespassing and I'm not having it. I have never trespassed and hadn't seen it on our properties, prior.

The 3rd time I saw this dude I threatened him with bodily harm. Told him I need no gun, I'd rip him apart. He had 10 seconds to disappear. The idiot called the police! They came and sided with me.

He has never shown his face since.
i had a friend who had issues with a neighbor. they threw like 2 or 3 needles on the ground near the property line and took pics. showed a couple neighbors and everyone thought they were druggies. moved out about 3 months later. this is not good advice but its worked for people i know in the past lol
Anger is a very expensive emotion. Better to make friends than enimies. Especially if you are involved with something that violates a zoning ordinance or worse. I recently went to a township meeting to support a neighbor, who was trying to get a variance. I also got a couple other neighbors to go, I’ve been here a long time, and know pretty much everyone. They got the variance, they are new to the hood, a rural area. They are very nice neighbors. You gotta be a good neighbor. If nothing else, it takes you off a lot of radar screens.
When we bought this house 11 yrs ago I found one next door neighbor trespassing in our yard, talking to the neighbor on the opposite side. I said nothing, just observed.

A few days later it happened again, this time he had his GF and leashed dog with him. I walked out to where he was, let him know this is trespassing and I'm not having it. I have never trespassed and hadn't seen it on our properties, prior.

The 3rd time I saw this dude I threatened him with bodily harm. Told him I need no gun, I'd rip him apart. He had 10 seconds to disappear. The idiot called the police! They came and sided with me.

He has never shown his face since.
i had a friend who had issues with a neighbor. they threw like 2 or 3 needles on the ground near the property line and took pics. showed a couple neighbors and everyone thought they were druggies. moved out about 3 months later. this is not good advice but its worked for people i know in the past lol

And did either one of you fuck the girlfriend or boyfriend? Did you get any butt play?

None of this is relevant otherwise.

Neo, you're a future mod of RIU, just start there and then you'll have no problem fucking them...
@neosapien for mod 2020

Anger is a very expensive emotion. Better to make friends than enimies. Especially if you are involved with something that violates a zoning ordinance or worse. I recently went to a township meeting to support a neighbor, who was trying to get a variance. I also got a couple other neighbors to go, I’ve been here a long time, and know pretty much everyone. They got the variance, they are new to the hood, a rural area. They are very nice neighbors. You gotta be a good neighbor. If nothing else, it takes you off a lot of radar screens.

Did you even read the thread? I am trying to be a good neighbor and make friends. A very specific kind of friend.
If you can find out any computer information you can sign them up for a never ending train of commercials