Well-Known Member
right.....Ok Im totally sold Im going to give it a try this weekend.
When it comes to germinating my success rate is high however when ever I place the seeds (after the taproot is visible) in rockwool for a week or so to sprout they seem to die (mould starts to grow around the seed). Can you share your method of growing with the miracle soil to increase the success rate for sprouts (e.g. temps,humidity,how much water to feed in the beginning, how much water there after,when do you switch on the lights for the 1st time etc)
By the way thats a great setup you have & a delicious bunch of plants slurp slurp
well my method wasn't exactly well thought out or planned. but hey, worked absolutely fine for me.
here's what i did.
i germinated my seeds for a few days, made sure they had a good strong, long tap root.
i put them straight into soil, root down. making a hole about 10mm deep, placed the seeds in the hole and cover with soil. so that the seed was about 5mm under soil.
for watering i used a sprayer, i didn't pour water on my seedlings, EVER!
Make sure the top of the soil is moist, you don't want to be soaking all the way through.
i placed there on a window sill for a while. sometimes i would also place them under a very small fluorescent light. they lived happily on the window sill for a while until they were quite large.
not sure on humidity but i guess temps were around 70 - 80 Fahrenheit.
i didn't feed them anything until they were into flowering, i really don't think they need more. the soil should contain plenty. they will show you if they want more.
i put them under my 600W hps lamp pretty soon after, when they were only a few inches tall. i kept the light far away until they were old enough to handle it.
feel free to ask more, or for a better explanation.