Economical multi LED Chip Projects for Growing

What do you recommend for heatsink?

Don't forget about safety. Always use a 3 prong plug and an old computer cord works great, go to the Sally Ann store, if ya don't got one. Attach the green wire to the heat sink and if the drivers have ground wires ground them to the heatsink as well. You can power the 3" or 4" fans with a little 12 volt power supply module that costs a couple of bucks from ebay or any wall wart type that's up to the job (SallyAnn, yardsale, etc keep your eyes open). The fans typically draw around .3 amps each so if you got 5 you will need at least a 1.5 amp supply. If you use a proper heatsink extrusion with good surface area you can get away with less fans. Shoot for an operating temp of below 40 C for the heat sink, and if you use an ebay infrared thermometer to measure temps use black tape or spay paint over the area of measurement. Aluminum is hard to take proper readings off and if you want increased the heat sink performance spray, the fin side lightly with flat black spray paint to increase thermal emission.

Using WAGO electrical connectors will make the wiring literally a snap, order a few of those too on ebay, they come in different capacities and a couple of 6 wire connectors will do the job cheap and easy. Follow the line and neutral wiring conventions and if you don't know much about it go to google or youtube and look it up. DON'T FORGET TO GROUND THE HEAT SINK! I don't wanna help kill no Canadians;)

PS don't burn down yer house, the wife would be pissed!
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Socks with sandals is haute couture in Colorado...

This is brilliant. I love how you're driving the cost down for water cooled fixtures and I think it's for a good cause; after all, I see precious few people using all those watts 'wasted' as heat!

Hi Yoda,
Drop by my new home till it dies, hopefully an early death, start down about 3/4 on this page for a chuckle and look through the thread for laughs. I'm com'n outta my shell a bit. I'd like you to share the Colorado experience with folks on the thread, don't spook em though (read a bit to get an idea of my goals). I'll be back here for the Citizen upgrade on the water cooled rigs, but I'm busy with a "burr under my saddle", fur now, if ya drop by you'll know why.

Make no mistake when we're done here, were com'n after ya, and they'll be legally stoned in Alabama, fur were done. I made a lotta friends among you folks and I don't let my friends down. Read the whole thread and you'll know me as well as my friends, I'm a bit of a Yoda myself, in fact, I ripped off yer logo fur skype! ;) So I guess I owe ya one.
Visit the new home for Canada for more water cooling info, politics, humor, parts sources, legal, human interest stuff and general enlightenment! An exercise in community building and culture change as legalization draws near. Also a giant how build a thread and a community lesson, we'll see how it goes...

I'm going back home fur a bit but might start another similar thread for the States or you can. Cause I gotta bone ta pick with yer Uncle Sam on this drug war thing. Got lots of friends down there who I wanna teach to live free and learn the true purpose of the law, to protect communities! Price of liberty stuff, I figure some down that way feel the same. Hear its a majority, that's growing all the time. Wonder why more isn't being done about changing things, maybe join the Donald's base?;)

If you guys thought the Russians were fuck'n with ya, wait till we get a grip on yer arse!
Uncle Sams eyes will bug out fur sure!
They will be legally stoned in Alabama fur we're done! :fire:

Come on the thread and see how free people live!:bigjoint:
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Visit the new home for Canada for more water cooling info, politics, humor, parts sources, legal, human interest stuff and general enlightenment! An exercise in community building and culture change as legalization draws near. Also a giant how build a thread and a community lesson, we'll see how it goes...

I'm going back home fur a bit but might start another similar thread for the States or you can. Cause I gotta bone ta pick with yer Uncle Sam on this drug war thing. Got lots of friends down there who I wanna teach to live free and learn the true purpose of the law, to protect communities! Price of liberty stuff, I figure some down that way feel the same. Hear its a majority, that's growing all the time. Wonder why more isn't being done about changing things, maybe join the Donald's base?;)

If you guys thought the Russians were fuck'n with ya, wait till we get a grip on yer arse!
Uncle Sams eyes will bug out fur sure!
They will be legally stoned in Alabama fur we're done! :fire:

Come on the thread and see how free people live!:bigjoint:
There are a lot of us down here on both the right and the left that are not "down" with the whole drug war thing.
There are a lot of us down here on both the right and the left that are not "down" with the whole drug war thing.
It cost and ruined a lot of lives, read up on Nixon and the politics. Most of the people died and suffered for medical reasons and stuff could have been known before. Research was impeded globally and is in the US today, with families as refugees in Colorado and other free states. In the future it will be considered a crime against humanity, a horrible act of hatred and self interest that has perpetrated hate from anslinger to today. It was illegal in Canada in 1924, because of bullshit. It used to be a big part of a doctor's bag of tricks. Like WW2, were gonna want allies in this one too!
It cost and ruined a lot of lives, read up on Nixon and the politics. Most of the people died and suffered for medical reasons and stuff could have been known before. Research was impeded globally and is in the US today, with families as refugees in Colorado and other free states. In the future it will be considered a crime against humanity, a horrible act of hatred and self interest that has perpetrated hate from anslinger to today. It was illegal in Canada in 1924, because of bullshit. It used to be a big part of a doctor's bag of tricks. Like WW2, were gonna want allies in this one too!

I like to tease my friends!
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and this is useful for what exactly in the times of strips that can be run without any heatsinks?
and this is useful for what exactly in the times of strips that can be run without any heatsinks?
I swear to god dude, you only post negative, hateful, Spiteful, arrogant and sarcastic Shit on this forum.
Why would you even EVER bad mouth or question WHY it's a good thing to keep our LED s cooler?! Pretty much at this point, that's one of the FEW THINGS we actually CAN DO to help boost efficiency.
and this is useful for what exactly in the times of strips that can be run without any heatsinks?
It's a DIY thread, D'oh, someone asked a while back about a DIY solution for COBs. I use COBs and have for years, they work fine, thought today I'd look at strips if I wanted to buy new. I use water cooled lights of a 3rd generation that I haven't documented on this thread to better control the grow environment, cool the COBs and recover heat for the house here in Canada. It's cheaper than air cooled lights here and is an order of magnitude better than air for cooling. I'm also using CO2 supplementation, intense light and low humidity and Ya need a sealed room for that.