how to make weed stem tea ???


I've herd that you can make weed stem tea but not sure exactly on how to so if any one has tryed or knows on how to actually make a stem tea that works can you tell me how to do it properly
Get some stems
Get some hot water
Put stems in hot water....wait.....wait...............................wait some more .....
Remove stems
If you burn your mouth with the liquid you didn't wait long enough
This is the wrong thread. But I make tea with fresh leaf cuttings and stems. Never dried. Taste like hay then. I set the material on a cutting board and roll a coffee cup on it to break the cell wall. Then place this in a container and cover with boiling water for about 15 minutes. Strain it and add honey and lemon or orange juice to taste. Keeps about two days in the fridge. "cooking with cannibus" is the place for this. Peace.