Is this powdery mildew or some other fungi?

Regalia is trash. I sprayed it and a week later my PM had gone from a few infected plants to 30 plants.
Your 30 plants already had the pm more than likely... if a few had it, they likely all just wasn't showing itself yet. Regalia is a preventative...Supposed to be used BEFORE you get pm, but it can help strengthen a plant sick with pm.
Hello ladies and gentlemans

I dont know, if I am in trouble or not. 2 days ago I noticed these (photos atached). I am nervous about this little white hairs and somewhere around the leaves there are also something like crystals or whatever... could it be nutrients coming from leaves (probably bullshit) or some funghi? It is Auto LSD from Barneys if it helps.

Thank you for any advice
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Spray it down with 3% peroxide
You might be able to save them. or nurse them through flower by strengthening them. There's several threads around here talking about products that help, and many can be bought cheaply. I've been dealing with this for months now too, and it does suck!! You will think it's gone, only to have it rear it's ugly head again, at least that been my case.