Calcium, Magnesium, or PH spotting


Well-Known Member
Whats it look like to you. I'm only 2 weeks from harvest need to keep her going until then. I have only "flush" watered once with Plain Ph'd water, to begin my 2 week flush before harvest. Not a bug problem, maybe ph spotting?



Well-Known Member
Nope looked all up and down the plant no bugs at all, its definitely a nute or ph problem just dont know where to start to fix


Well-Known Member
Whats it look like to you. I'm only 2 weeks from harvest need to keep her going until then. I have only "flush" watered once with Plain Ph'd water, to begin my 2 week flush before harvest. Not a bug problem, maybe ph spotting?
It looks like its lacking cal-mag due to low ph. When the ph drops then the plant cannot take in and utilize cal and mag. However since you are at the 2 week flushing point then this is somewhat normal. Let that plant finish up with plain water so the plant can use the rest of the nutrients that are in its system. good luck.


Active Member
that is normal 2 weeks from harvest.your plant is dying and that is what it is suppose to will use nutrients stored in those leaves to make buds. don't change anything just flush it out then harvest!


Active Member
well I just started feeding mine with molasses but my spoting is nothing compared to his I only have minor dots here and there.