Another round of "Name that defficiency"


Active Member
Ok i know their all looking like shit tip burn, discolouration and a bit of leaf canoing, went away the weekend before last, the girls had no one to look after them, real thirsty and too boot the ac split in my grow room blew on me so i came home to dead plants which i have managed to save over the past 10 days. 20200304_145340.jpg

Only way i was able to keep the temps down sustainably was to drop from the 400w mh too a 130w cfl until i can replace the ac unit.

Figured this is as good of time as any to get on top of what i assume is cal-mag defficiency/toxicity, only seems to be affecting my jack hereres not my bruce banger. 1 cleared up early on anothers just hung on to the issues.

Currently in overkill 30L pots. Flushing would drown the roots and probably give me more issues than i have now as the medium will take a week to dry.

Any input is appreciated.20200304_145310.jpg
Well i mean you know whats gone wrong so not really the deficiency problem more of a carry on as normal see what happens tbf if they live they live if not dont neglect them next time


Well-Known Member
You really can't leave hem unattended. They need way too much constant attention.


Well-Known Member
That's dope! Where did you have it made if you don't mind me asking?

All you need is the picture.
They're still having the movie poster size sale for $20. Laminated was $13 more I think.
Took less than a week.
Great quality. Shipped in a thick tube and all.


Active Member
Appreciate the chart, ive adjusted my calmag and made -.1 adjustment on my ph too see if that eliminates the one plant possibly having uptake issues as its been on going for the whole grow.

As for leaving them unnatended it was a last minute interstate trip to change custody orders for my kids. Winning that battle far outweighed the life of a grow, happy i could salvage them to this point.

Pruning; their about to get stripped completely (bar the one with defficiencies till i got that under controll.) They were due to be flipped 2 weeks ago but just signed a new lease moving house in a weeks time and thought best to leave them in veg oppose to any risk of interrupting early flower cycles.

Cheers for the input fellas


Well-Known Member

All you need is the picture.
They're still having the movie poster size sale for $20. Laminated was $13 more I think.
Took less than a week.
Great quality. Shipped in a thick tube and all.
I think staples would do it cheaper