Bernie Sanders 2020

So odd to see you upset over Bernie's statement, committing to what you would expect him to do anyway if he does get less than a plurality of delegate votes. Damned if he do, damned if he don't I guess.
So you agree that defeating the will of 75% of the Democratic Party was an appropriate plan?

Once again, @Padawanbater2 shows the political acumen he has become famous for.

The progressive political strategy is to offer new voters something they want so they have incentive to get involved in the political process, in other words, it's to increase voter turnout and overwhelm the amount of Republicans voting for Trump also having a secondary effect of potentially winning Republican held seats in the Senate

Or how about this one from a locked thread?

Centrists don't boost turnout, everyone who will vote for a centrist will end up at the polls anyway and vote for whoever is on the Democratic ticket. Progressives will only turn out if someone they actually support runs. You do the math, it's not rocket surgery..

I can't really blame him; if you are fighting to prove something that the numbers just don't bear out, your only real choice is to make up something that can't be quantified until it is too late. I've been saying that the whole turnout thing was a myth all along and am glad we have a primary system to test their baseless hypothesis. Now the only question remaining is how many of them will be little Bernie-bitches about being wrong and actively work and vote against the only feasible opposition Trump faces.

So let's put the question to them. @schuylaar, @ttystikk, @Padawanbater2 - are you going to vote for Biden in November?

No answer will be forthcoming.
Florida isn't going bernie. Their only example of a bernout drives uber and silly strings cars in her golden years. I'd be turned off too

i often wonder what jail is like..then again..there's Lockup on the teevee.
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It was an accurate and clear paraphrasing of a very poorly worded post. I'm not fighting, I'm just saying better what you meant. If it meant other than what I said, then by all means, explain.

I'm not sorry you don't like it. I'd be embarrassed if I were caught out making a statement like that too.

no, no it wasn't..stop taking liberties with other members' post. Freak.
you know the drill..cite it.
We now know she saw the post and she won't answer that she will vote for Biden.

Yeah, its not as if Florida is a battleground state or anything and she is or will be dependent on medicaid when the uber gig and unemployment money can't pay the bills. She's become the example of Sanders self-fulfilling prophecy -- of a well of extreme left non-voters who prefer the fascist rule of Republicans because Democrats aren't far enough left for them.

Yeah, its not as if Florida is a battleground state or anything and she is or will be dependent on medicaid when the uber gig and unemployment money can't pay the bills. She's become the example of Sanders self-fulfilling prophecy -- of a well of extreme left non-voters who prefer the fascist rule of Republicans because Democrats aren't far enough left for them.
She makes it so easy. Trump loves her though.

Yeah, its not as if Florida is a battleground state or anything and she is or will be dependent on medicaid when the uber gig and unemployment money can't pay the bills. She's become the example of Sanders self-fulfilling prophecy -- of a well of extreme left non-voters who prefer the fascist rule of Republicans because Democrats aren't far enough left for them.

ummmmm didn't you say how much you and your mother love Medicare- share the wealth, freakiedeekie.

speaking of which you know your mental health problems are deductible.
ummmmm didn't you say how much you and your mother love Medicare- share the wealth, freakiedeekie
Medicare is a good deal for my mother. She and my dad worked to earn it. It wasn't free.

I know you can't understand this but Sanders never did say how he was going to pay for all that free stuff. What does it feel like knowing he has all but lost and you will have another four years of crying "rigged"?
Oh shit!
I just got home from work and look what's in my mail today

*HUSKY folding utility knife to block my name and addy not included with absentee ballot

Reverse side (with instructions!)

I feel so patriotic right now, 100 proof American!

I'm going to have ribeye steak on the grill later tonight and a 12 pack of Bush light beer and vote for Joe Biden!


AMERICA is #1 Wooooooooo!