Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

I backed it up. I posted it. They posted a guess and tried to pass it off as facts. That’s why everyone’s laughing. You’re fear magnets. You love it. It’s ok bud I chose not to you choose to. Good luck to you buddy.
did you learn to babble in that shit choked, incoherent style from feeding at trump's blowhole? you've got spicer, huckabee, trump and the mooch all blended together like a lie flavored shit shake.

Assup your message isnt getting through. Maybe keep it stuffed up your thought hole for now.
Messages 49
Reaction score 7
I thought it was America? Typical white person think you own the forum too? I’m staying pal
Scanning back a few posts from this one shows you just came here to argue. No content, no facts or evidence. Mostly insults and innuendo. Because your sock hasn't yet been banned doesn't mean I have to read your bullshit.
Scanning back a few posts from this one shows you just came here to argue. No content, no facts or evidence. Mostly insults and innuendo. Because your sock hasn't yet been banned doesn't mean I have to read your bullshit.
Great work bud
Speaking of socks, has this one been banned yet?

Sure thing! Thanks for the advice. I’ve been a lurker of the thread for many years on this handle and on one other one.

It has been at least a day since it posted some lies, so, maybe the sock tree has already been pruned.
Correct. I’m a “new”

Read a history book. It’s not as hard as it sounds.

when you really think about it, Socialism isn't all that bad. I got to thinking about it the other day. People sometimes make the mistake of conflating socialism with communism. They are really quite different.
One definition of Socialism says Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution or ability. Some well-known examples of Socialism (or social programs) as defined above are: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and unemployment insurance, to name a few.

But there are more government-funded programs that can be considered socialistic in their approach. Here's a sampling: the United States Military; highways/roads; public libraries, CIA and FBI; the EPA; public schools; FEMA; Center for Disease Control; OSHA; National Weather Service; and let's not forget: corporate bailouts/welfare.
As someone once said, "Socialism does work! Just as when the banks failed in 2008, legislation was passed to bail themselves out. Ya' see, they practice socialism at the top … it's capitalism for everybody else!"
So, when you really think about it, government may not be the problem after all. It sure looks like we need these programs, and to move toward eliminating them would certainly make us a lot worse off.
In short, our economic system is a hybrid, a combination of capitalism and, do I dare say the word, "Socialism" or at least socialistic in its approach. Don't know about you, but I think we need both. Neither capitalism not socialism alone can be that effective, but together we stand a chance in this uncertain and sometimes terrifying world.
did you learn to babble in that shit choked, incoherent style from feeding at trump's blowhole? you've got spicer, huckabee, trump and the mooch all blended together like a lie flavored shit shake.

Assup your message isnt getting through. Maybe keep it stuffed up your thought hole for now.
Messages 49
Reaction score 7
Still not a trump guy. Man you’re full of facts lmao
Socialism doesn’t take depth to understand especially when the Cubans are teaching you how to read propaganda. Those comrades did do some wonderful things! There are some inspirational communist countries out there that would love to have you. Why not move? Obviously this country sucks, right? Why start a revolution here when the real deal is out there? I heard Venezuela is looking for young talent. Plus if we open our borders we’re going to need your parents basement for room.
Right wingers are stoking the propaganda from the Sanders left.

Pretty soon both groups will be crying about having to wait four years before they can throw another brick at our house.
I am wondering if cart collectors are picking up the dead ... or morgues at capacity. Heard cremation recommendation for dead.

You mean like this, only using 1/2 tons and guys in MAGA hats who found employment?
Monty Python - "Not Dead Yet" Scene (HD)
Hospice / elder centers are ALWAYS ripe with disease ... MRSA , Hep C , Biohazards, even STDs.
Code Brown alert for granny in room 3 !

Sunnyvale , calif.
Several public safety officers administered CPR to a man that was identified as a cruise passenger ( he now has died ) - those officers were quarantined temporarily until patient was determined NEGATIVE.

Hate to say this ... but if i find you a traffic accident, laying there not breathing ( and some shit is hanging out your mouth ) looking for some mouth to mouth , im afraid you gonna die. Even if you have a decent rack. Sorry .