Oh crap I let a plant go dry in DWC...


The roots were dry a day or so. I filled with water/nutes and plant is still not happy. Trying hydro peroxide at 10ml/gal (arbitrary) to see if that perks it up some!


i wouldn't have added a strong oxidizer to roots that are already not happy.

plain water/no nutes for a day would have been better
Why is that, exactly? My theory is the roots dried up on the outside and the oxidizer will help remove that outer skin and reveal the water-uptaking vessels below it. :)


Well-Known Member
Why is that, exactly? My theory is the roots dried up on the outside and the oxidizer will help remove that outer skin and reveal the water-uptaking vessels below it. :)
or it willl burn the roots and kill them. guess we're gonna find out! keep us posted, i'm curious.


The gold standard for little fuck ups is flush with straight RO and then start with a low PPM of nutes and then go from there.
Yeah I'm just doing this till the lights come on. Then I'll try straight RO. This wasn't a PH or PPM fuckup. The oxydizer should only take dead tissue off the roots, and then we'll see what happens...