Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

Costco temporarily suspends free food samples over coronavirus ..
Welp ... there goes my my free lunch ( samples ) ........

Figure places like Soup Plantation / buffet style restaurants with Single serving utensils in food will be the next casualty.
Amazing how many dirty fucks fight over the crab leg tongs !
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Let me put it another way. If ya sat down at the kitchen table with Donald, just the two of ya, drinking a forty ouncer of rum, How long would it be before ya choked the living shit out of the asshole while pounding him into a pulp? Think he'd make it through the first hour?"

> ..excellent scenerio..thanks..on the living room sit down.. it may go either way..

he really has a good sense of humour...he could annoy me quickly..[but not as quickly a you guys]

he could be alot of fun..or maybe not...but either way it would have no bearing on his effectiveness as a Prez

"you don't have to be a nice guy to be a great Prez"[ tm]

i ended up liking the trumpster be cause he has done so much good for America and i hope he gets to continue

Hillary would not have got through my door...


carry on bro's
Full of examples of trump's unfitness for office, he's in so far over his head he's walking on the abyssal plain of the fucking ocean.

I say he'll still try to claim jenious status as it being part of the plan.

Cruise lines, Hotels chains, lots of opportunity will abound soon for a Developer.

Just a little thank you from Putin.
Money has no Constitutional Borders.

Let me put it another way. If ya sat down at the kitchen table with Donald, just the two of ya, drinking a forty ouncer of rum, How long would it be before ya choked the living shit out of the asshole while pounding him into a pulp? Think he'd make it through the first hour?"

> ..excellent scenerio..thanks..on the living room sit down.. it may go either way..

he really has a good sense of humour...he could annoy me quickly..[but not as quickly a you guys]

he could be alot of fun..or maybe not...but either way it would have no bearing on his effectiveness as a Prez

"you don't have to be a nice guy to be a great Prez"[ tm]

i ended up liking the trumpster be cause he has done so much good for America and i hope he gets to continue

Hillary would not have got through my door...


carry on bro's

Remember when the Dr. told you your country will live longer if you fill your life with stress.

Let me put it another way. If ya sat down at the kitchen table with Donald, just the two of ya, drinking a forty ouncer of rum, How long would it be before ya choked the living shit out of the asshole while pounding him into a pulp? Think he'd make it through the first hour?"

> ..excellent scenerio..thanks..on the living room sit down.. it may go either way..

he really has a good sense of humour...he could annoy me quickly..[but not as quickly a you guys]

he could be alot of fun..or maybe not...but either way it would have no bearing on his effectiveness as a Prez

"you don't have to be a nice guy to be a great Prez"[ tm]

i ended up liking the trumpster be cause he has done so much good for America and i hope he gets to continue

Hillary would not have got through my door...


carry on bro's
So you got sold snake oil by a conman.

He really has not done much at all. Passed tax breaks for the rich, stuffed a bunch of unqualified judges down our throats, made a slight adjustment to NAFTA, and signed the Democratic prison reform bill.

Outside of that I can't think of much that isn't all talk with little actual benefit to our country, just his acting like a child pulling every string without understanding what he is doing.

And if we started listing the negative impacts he has had on our country it would be a lot larger list that gets summed up nicely by a video of the world laughing at him/us.
On a bright note, the AIPAC convention which Pence just attended was infected apparently.
Could we be that lucky?
Here's a marketing ploy for funeral directors and headstone makers, aimed at the future victims of the coronavirus, those with a sense of humor, or malice, can have KBT (Killed By Trump) engraved on the top of their headstone for free, just check the box for the option on the form. For those who want to call Donald an asshole from beyond the grave, the internet offers endless options...
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Coronavirus outbreak: Italy quarantines 16 million people after COVID-19 cases spike

The Italian government introduced dramatic measures on Sunday, which will remain in effect until April 3, quarantining 16 million people in the country's north, after its biggest one-day spike in COVID-19 cases.

The country is Europe's hardest hit and on March 7, it was reported the number of cases had jumped by 1,200 in a 24-hour period, which is its largest daily increase since the epidemic began in Italy two weeks ago.

In response, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed unprecedented restrictions into law overnight. He announced that people should now not enter or leave Lombardy, Italy's richest region including the financial centre Milan, as well as 14 provinces in four other regions including the cities of Venice, Modena and Parma among others.

The novel coronavirus has killed more than 200 people in Italy, and the northern regions of Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto represent 92 per cent of recorded deaths and 85 per cent of all cases.
Good news! They figured out what to do about this pandemic just a month or two before it existed..
