Been at it for almost 2 years using 2 each Roleadro and 2 each Viparspectra '300w' LED's in a 2.5x5 tent. Running anywhere from 2 to 4 plants each time in either DWC or aeroponic. In the beginning, running just random bag seed, I was getting massive harvest of pretty decent green, but now I'm getting light and airy harvests using pretty good genetics. I usually use GH trio nutrients, but occasionally will use FF trio or AN trio. I'm thinking it's about time for a different lighting option, but I'm on a budget. There's so much misinformation out there about the pros and cons of LED's or HID. Any suggestions for options between 200-300 that will cover my 2.5x5 area? I figure I may keep my LED's for veg since I'm still getting great growth unless a better option is suggested. I appreciate any feedback you guys may have.