SmokezAlot Runs King's Banner XIII Again In 2020


Well-Known Member
The clones and seedlings are doing great. Seedlings were transplanted into 1 gallon pots a few days ago. Pictured here are the King's Banner XIII re-vegged clones. The plants have grown great so far. They received plain water today after their pictures were taken. The clone taken from KB #1 clone has grown roots and she was also transplanted into a gallon pot. Next Thursday they will receive their first dose of bloom nutrients. The plants have a strong pungent smell, just like mom had. The re-vegged clones will get more veg nutrients when the pots dry. Well enough yapping its time for show. Here are the re-vegged clones.


Well-Known Member
The re-vegged clones were fed Connoisseur Bloom A&B for the first time yesterday. They have been on 12/12 for 11 days today. They smell wonderful out the tent. They are starting to form buds. I wish I could of left them in veg for 2 more weeks. I needed the room in the tent, and these girls were getting their stretch on. So I decided to flower them sooner than later. All 4 the seedlings are doing great, even the #4 has picked up nicely. Here is a look at the re-vegged clones. Also some looks at the seedlings and the rooted little clone from re-vegged clone #2. Oh yes a random thought I took another clone yesterday.

Firstly here is a look at the seedlings. Followed by 2 looks of the little rooted clone, that was cut ffom 1 of the re- vegging clones. Took a small clone for a reason :biggrin: . Lastly we have the re-vegged clones. Thanks for taken the time to view my girls and young seedlings.

seedlings.JPGclone.from.reveg.JPGclone.from.reveg (2).JPGrevegged.clones (2).JPGrevegged.clones.JPG


Well-Known Member
well today marks the second week of 12/12. The 2 girls were fed their first dose of bloom nutrients yesterday. Tuesday the girls had their lower branches cut off, and stripped of all growth. The plants are moving along nicely except seedling #4. It appears whenever I water it, the plant gets droopy. The plant will get the axe today more than likely . To this day I hate killing a plant off. but I remind myself, that my space is very important. The other seedlings are doing great without issue.

So my 2 fem seeds sprouted yesterday and they will takeover the space that seedling #4 is getting they will stay in solo cups for 2 weeks. Than move to 1 gallon pots for a few weeks. Humboldt Seed Organization Gorilla Breath and Freedom of Seeds Dieselicious. These girls will get pollinated with some male King's Banner XIII pollen. Well here is a look at the re-vegged flowering clones.

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Well-Known Member
So here is a few looks at the seedlings and the clone cut from the re-vegged clone. I am about 95% sure seedling #3 female. This based off looks, she is short and neat and healthy looking. She looks like she takes good care of her self. The other 3 seedlings look kind of rough and tall. Yesterday they got fed Connoisseur Grow for the first time. Well there is nothing to really report on, so here is the pictures.

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revegged.cut.clone.2.29.20. (3).JPGrevegged.cut.clone.2.29.20. (2).JPG


Well-Known Member
Week 3 of 12/12 , and the girls are doing good building bud. Their has been no issues so far. In 2 more weeks and we will um the bloom nutrients to full strength. The seedlings are doing great as well. Their in need of food and water, I will be giving it to them within the hour. The clone of the re-vegged clone was transplanted into a 3 gallon Superoots air-pot two days ago. The seedlings will get Connoisseur Grow @ 2ml a liter. Nothing major going on so here are the pictures.


Well-Known Member
Their looking good smokezalot, good to see your still at it. How's your crosses coming along?
Hey SUNDOG yeah buddy im still chugging along. Thanks for taking the time to come to the thread. My cross I made smokes good for me thanks for asking. I just popped a Gorilla Breath by Humboldt Seed Organization and a Dieselicious from Freedom of Seeds. These seeds are fem seeds and will be pollenated with a reversed female Kings Banner fem from a clone. The clone will get sprayed with Tiresias Mist. I have never made female photo-period seeds. I have had great success making my own female autoflower seeds. I will apply the same technic to the photo-period parents. Sorry for rambling on and on but it was wake n bake time here. once again thanks for dropping in.


Well-Known Member
@SmokezAlot I'm new to the breeding thing. With the price of seeds is there any worries about self pollinating? I waiting for my royal dwarf auto seeds and am wondering if I should use the Tires mist ( how ever it is spelt) on one plant and use the pollen on another to make the seeds or is it safe to spray one branch and use the pollen on the other branches of the same plant?


Well-Known Member
@SmokezAlot I'm new to the breeding thing. With the price of seeds is there any worries about self pollinating? I waiting for my royal dwarf auto seeds and am wondering if I should use the Tires mist ( how ever it is spelt) on one plant and use the pollen on another to make the seeds or is it safe to spray one branch and use the pollen on the other branches of the same plant?
If your goal is to make female seeds than just self pollinate one plant. You want to spray one branch, but the way I do it is spray one pump. That one pump goes onto a piece of plastic wrap or baggie. Whichever I have on hand. Than I put the branch in the middle of the wet plastic and rub it between my fingers making sure to saturate the branch. the spraying once onto plastic will save you a lot of the Tiresias Mist. And will make sure your not treating any branches with over spray. If your wanting to make seeds from one plant just remove the plant when clusters form. Remove the plant from around any other plant so you don't pollenate another plant. If you want to make a cross just leave the plant around the other plant to pollenate her. But once you get the hang of it it's pretty cool.

Last time I made auto seeds. I cut the branch off after it started growing pollen sacks. And placed it into some water. How I did it was wait until the sacks looked like they might pop at any moment. I placed some water into a cup than placed aluminum foil over the cup. I than made a little slit in the foil to allow the branch to stay put and upright. The day the pollen started falling it just collected on to the foil. another thing I placed the cup with the treated branch in a windowsill in another room away from the other female plant. I than used a small tip paint brush. One that came in a paint by number kids book. And I shook the branch lightly to get more pollen to drop. I collected the pollen placed it into a pill bottle. I than painted the pollen on my plants buds to make female seeds. Now I never have to buy any Purple Kush Auto seeds. And I have a shit load of Afghan Kush x Purple Kush Auto seeds. Now I don't even grow auto-flowers just photo-period plants. I have never made fem seeds with photos. I have made regular seeds from collecting pollen from my male plants and have 3 different male pollen bottles on hand. And another thing I added 50/50 ratio of pollen and bleached flour from the kitchen cabinet. This cuts the pollen, given you double the pollen, A little pollen goes a long way trust me.

You want to paint the buds after you add the flour to save pollen. The flower will also help too keep the pollen from collecting moister while you store it in the freezer. Damn man every time I wake and bake I ramble on sorry for being long winded. But I hope this helps. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow blades. Today marks the 4th week of flower for the 2 big girls. They stink out of the tent just like their mother did rotten fruit and fuel. The are busy building buds and drinking liquid just about every 2 days or so. I was right on the money when I said #3 was a girl. This morning at lights on I was looking over the young plants. And #3 was showing some white hairs. The other young plants are not showing anything as of today. The clone is doing just great. She will get cloned in 2 weeks.
I had seeds pop out the ground a few days ago. A Humboldt Seed Organization Gorilla Breath. And a Freedom of Seeds Dieselicious. These 2 plants will get their own thread soon. Well here is a look at the girls. I didn't include any pictures, of the young plants that have not shown sex. (2).JPG


Well-Known Member
Quick little update, this morning I decided to transplant the little plant. Since she showed me her sex, I decided to give her a new home. And at lights on that's exactly what I did. She was transplanted into a 3 gallon Superoots Air-pot. The other three plants their necks snapped right before lights out. And the first thing I did at lights on was toss them into a garbage bag. The prosses of elimination. She was the best looking out of the 4 anyhow. Besides I'm 98% sure the other 3 were male, I can live with that. Well here are a few looks at the young lady in her new home.

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Well-Known Member
Week 5 flower for the big girls. They have one week left to enjoy Big Bud, as it stops at week 6. The clone is just growing her ass off, I am going to put her on 12/12 this Saturday or Sunday. Seeing as I would like to keep her height in check. The Kings Banner from seed is doing great. She received her second topping yesterday. She is taking nutrients at full strength, 8ml half gallon water. I took 2 clones from the clone a few days ago as I plan on flowering the clone in a few days time.
The cuttings are doing great as well, at least so far. They are getting my usual treatment for rooting clones. Sprayed with water that has not been pH balanced, 2xs a day. The seeded plant has also had her fan leaves removed. As they were blocking the light, from the bottom and side branches. Well here are a few looks at all the King's Banner XIII girls. Oh yeah! some of the side branches were tied to the main stem to keep them from flopping about.
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Well-Known Member
Well here we are 1 week later, and all the plants are doing just great. The 2 big King's Banner XIII clones are on week 6 flower. They received their last feed of nutrients yesterday. They will just receive plain water these last 3 1/2 weeks. The smaller clone was put into 12/12 6 days ago. She will continue getting veg nutrients for another week. Than she will switch to bloom nutrients. I also have 6 clones of the Kings Banner XIII going. I will keep the best 2 and either gift out or kill the other 4. The seed plant of the Kings Banner XIII is doing great too. Here is a look at all the Banners today. (2).JPG3.26.20.clone.kb.JPG3.26.20.seed.kb.JPG3.26.20.seed.kb (2).JPG
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Well-Known Member
Okay so I am still alive thankful to be here and somewhat healthy. Since your reading this thread, that means your safe too. Be thankful and smoke to that fact! Well I ventured outside the house for the first time in over 2 weeks. Needed to get food and water and other shit. So I put on my mask and my gloves. I headed to the store. Shit was like a movie most people had on masks and gloves. There was this glass that separates the cashiers from the customers. And they were only taking credit or debit cards. I left the house stoned, I was very uncomfortable outdoors. This shit is crazy my friends crazy indeed :spew:. Sorry had to vent real quick. Situation got me drinking Stella Artois and smoking a fat blunt :joint: this morning.

Okay now that I got that out the way. The reason I am really here is to update this thread. The 2 older Kings Banner's are at week 7 flower. After the pictures they received their last feeding. I never stopped feeding them. Yesterday before lights out, I staked bamboo sticks into the pots. I than took pipe cleaners and cut them in half. Than I used them to tie the leaning and flopping branches up. I am happy with the way they have produced. These two plants were my clones as well. Boy oh boy do they smell awesome :hump: .

The younger clone is growing real good. As you can see she has grown nicely in the week. She has started to flower. She had her first feed of Big Bud and Bud Candy. She's beautiful pictures do her no justice. Any hoot, the seed plant is growing nicely as well. She was put into flower last night. She will remain on veg nutrients for 2 more weeks. I'm high as hell in my bedroom with the music bumping im feeling very good also on my second Stella. One good thing about venturing out the house yesterday. I picked up a case of the Stella and she's tasting very good.

Stay home and stay safe!


Well-Known Member
Hey SUNDOG yeah buddy im still chugging along. Thanks for taking the time to come to the thread. My cross I made smokes good for me thanks for asking. I just popped a Gorilla Breath by Humboldt Seed Organization and a Dieselicious from Freedom of Seeds. These seeds are fem seeds and will be pollenated with a reversed female Kings Banner fem from a clone. The clone will get sprayed with Tiresias Mist. I have never made female photo-period seeds. I have had great success making my own female autoflower seeds. I will apply the same technic to the photo-period parents. Sorry for rambling on and on but it was wake n bake time here. once again thanks for dropping in.
Does this work on seeds grown from feminized stock as well? I don't see why it wouldn't but was just wondering (The Tiresias Mist)


Well-Known Member
Hello, here is a look at the King's Banner XIII clones. Today or tomorrow they will get potted into 1 gallon pots. These girls are all rooted and doing good. I was going to give 4 away but with this Covid-19 im going to keep them at least 4 or 5 of them. And destroy the other 1 or 2 clones, hell I may only keep 3. I have 5 clones from the King's Banner XIII clone and 1 clone from the Kings Banner XIII seed plant. All the clones have been kept small under less than optimal lighting and food. This is on purpose to keep them small while my 2 big Banners finish up. They have 9 days to go until harvest. This will open up room in the tent for the clones. After the clones finish up I'm going to move on from the king's Banner and work on another strain.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I hope today find you all in good hands. Today is week 8 of flower for the older King's Banner XIII's. I wish you all could get a sniff. My tent is over crowded, I can not wait for these girls to finish up. I will have a little wiggle room when they finish. They have a week to go. And I will be moving my clones into the tent at that time. The other flowering clone is doing great as well. She is busy growing buds and looking pretty. She on her 3rd week of flower today. The Kings Banner XIII seed plant is doing great. She is on the start of week 2 of 12/12. And for sure the clones are doing great I just posted them a few days ago. Well I'm going to get to the point of coming to the thread. I give you the King's Banner XIII's. And stay home and stay safe! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow the older King's Banner XIII clones will come down. They have been in the dark for 48 hours, I am not sure if this is going to do anything. I have never done darkness before harvest. I figured it couldn't hurt much, so what the hell. These 2 plants are left in the flowering tent. King's Banner XIII flowering clone and a King's Banner seed plant. Also we transplanted 4 of the 6 King's Banner XIII clones from Solo cups into 1 gallon pots.

These plants are the last time we run the Banner's for the year. We have many seeds from last years seed run. And a lot of seeds from a cross I made last year as well. Somewhere along the line or early next Year. I'm going to cross the King's Banner XIII with the 818 Headband A.K.A. Sour OG. I have seeds I made of the Sour OG I need to put to good use. Anyone know of a proven dank strain let a brotha know. Please feel free to post your strains here I would appreciate it.
Well here is a few looks at the girls. The King's Banner XIII clone on week 3of flower and one on week 2 of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
First off I hope this update finds you all healthy and safe. These girls are doing just great. They are busy growing bud. I transplanted 4 out of the 6 clones, and I snapped the necks of the other 2 clones. The clones were of course transplanted into one gallon pots. They will stay in the 1 gallon pots for the next 14 days. Then they will get flowered, gonna keep them small only looking for 2 ounces per plant. Anything more than that will be a bonus. The kings banner is a great strain. I say if you have the extra hundred dollars grab a 10 pack, its well worth it.