Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

Good news! They figured out what to do about this pandemic just a month or two before it existed..

some good stuff in there. Particularly interesting was a video-recap of their panel discussions. It gives a good hypothetical discussion about how a hypothetical country that behaved rationally and had rational leadership could hypothetically respond to this hypothetical/real threat.

It all starts with having rational leadership.

Gotta vote for Democrats. The one we have is more worried about his polling numbers being affected. We are screwed right now.
some good stuff in there. Particularly interesting was a video-recap of their panel discussions. It gives a good hypothetical discussion about how a hypothetical country that behaved rationally and had rational leadership could hypothetically respond to this hypothetical/real threat.

It all starts with having rational leadership.

Gotta vote for Democrats. The one we have is more worried about his polling numbers being affected. We are screwed right now.
State and local officials are swinging into action as concern rises, they're phones ringing. Donald is being bypassed and if Mitch hasn't told him to STFU he soon will and GTF out of the way, Mitch is 78 and the senate is ancient. Testing will start soon, until then assume the worst and go to personal lock down to the extent you can. Take vitamin D, supplements especially in winter and especially if you're African American, get the facts before ya argue Foggy! :wink:
State and local officials are swinging into action as concern rises, they're phones ringing. Donald is being bypassed and if Mitch hasn't told him to STFU he soon will and GTF out of the way, Mitch is 78 and the senate is ancient. Testing will start soon, until then assume the worst and go to personal lock down to the extent you can. Take vitamin D, supplements especially in winter and especially if you're African American, get the facts before ya argue Foggy! :wink:
Trump is prez and he can fire anybody he wants. A scene in "A very stable genius" was illuminating. At a conference room in the Pentagon, some of the best and brightest assembled to go over the facts and reasons behind the US's system of alliances that Trump was threatening to break. By the end of the meeting, Trump simply rejected everything he was told, exclaiming:

Trump by now was in one of his rages. He was so angry that he wasn’t taking many breaths. All morning, he had been coarse and cavalier, but the next several things he bellowed went beyond that description. They stunned nearly everyone in the room, and some vowed that they would never repeat them. Indeed, they have not been reported until now.
“I wouldn’t go to war with you people,” Trump told the assembled brass.
Addressing the room, the commander in chief barked, “You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.”

He's on track to do the same with health experts. He's cutting lines of communication with the outside and clamping down on inter-agency cooperation. Very soon, he will start firing people who for one reason or another have shown more allegiance to honesty and facts than Trump, the wannabe King.

Trump is prez and he can fire anybody he wants. A scene in "A very stable genius" was illuminating. At a conference room in the Pentagon, some of the best and brightest assembled to go over the facts and reasons behind the US's system of alliances that Trump was threatening to break. By the end of the meeting, Trump simply rejected everything he was told, exclaiming:

Trump by now was in one of his rages. He was so angry that he wasn’t taking many breaths. All morning, he had been coarse and cavalier, but the next several things he bellowed went beyond that description. They stunned nearly everyone in the room, and some vowed that they would never repeat them. Indeed, they have not been reported until now.
“I wouldn’t go to war with you people,” Trump told the assembled brass.
Addressing the room, the commander in chief barked, “You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.”

He's on track to do the same with health experts. He's cutting lines of communication with the outside and clamping down on inter-agency cooperation. Very soon, he will start firing people who for one reason or another have shown more allegiance to honesty and facts than Trump, the wannabe King.

It will be his doom, if this gets away, he might be impeached in a month when the GOP realise the magnitude of there mistake in letting him off the hook to kill a good number of them. If Mitch panics, a call to Nancy is all it would take, articles would be delivered upon request very quickly on any number of things. The GOP congress must dread the coming congressional oversight hearings into this, everybody knows what Donald will do, he fucked up bigly. Fun and games are over for witnesses and documents on this one foggy and the public is gonna be keen, worried and pissed over this bigly, especially older folks. Unlike Ukraine they will pay attention to these hearings and the news they generate, their asses are on the line and that will get anybody's attention, and hold it.
Trump is prez and he can fire anybody he wants. A scene in "A very stable genius" was illuminating. At a conference room in the Pentagon, some of the best and brightest assembled to go over the facts and reasons behind the US's system of alliances that Trump was threatening to break. By the end of the meeting, Trump simply rejected everything he was told, exclaiming:

Trump by now was in one of his rages. He was so angry that he wasn’t taking many breaths. All morning, he had been coarse and cavalier, but the next several things he bellowed went beyond that description. They stunned nearly everyone in the room, and some vowed that they would never repeat them. Indeed, they have not been reported until now.
“I wouldn’t go to war with you people,” Trump told the assembled brass.
Addressing the room, the commander in chief barked, “You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.”

He's on track to do the same with health experts. He's cutting lines of communication with the outside and clamping down on inter-agency cooperation. Very soon, he will start firing people who for one reason or another have shown more allegiance to honesty and facts than Trump, the wannabe King.

Nope, and he's cried the Obama wolf so many times now, that it'll soon be disregarded entirely by even his supporters.
Obama should start speaking out on this as soon as Joe sews up the nomination, he gave his word and is a man of honor. He and his former pandemic czar Ron Klein will do an expert critique of the Trump administration's pandemic response that will turn up the heat on Donald and drive him fucking nuts. He's obsessed and insanely envious of Obama and it will be used to against him to throw him off balance, I think Barrack will rather enjoy it too, but he will have too much class to show it, too much.
It will get their attention especially if the political class become infected, its unfortunate, but might be required to get serious action.

If you thought the impeachment hearings were something to behold, wait for the oversight hearings on this coronavirus turd. Scientists and doctors who work in this field are driven by compassion and have their scientific integrity to uphold, there will be so many whistle blowers over this they will be able to form an orchestra. It's gonna be a real shit show on national TV, as Donald tries to hide the truth and order people not to appear and documents to be withheld, he's gonna be fucking crucified in congress. The senate is gonna want the witnesses and documents too, this would be far too hot to fuck around with, this is not gonna be like the impeachment trial. These old senators could be hit hard by this shit and a few of em die, they are in a vulnerable age group with lots of exposure to potential infection.

Older voters vote and from the reaction of the older members here, some of whom have chronic health conditions, I'd say interest in the hearings will be very high, even the young might pay attention.