

Well-Known Member
What's the most food you have ever eaten in one sitting when you got the bad case of the munchies? After i got baked one day i went to the grocery store bought 18 cup cakes and a half gallon of whole milk and downed it all lol. I'm sure someone else has eaten more...


Well-Known Member
Entire pineapple (weird huh?), entire bag of chips, 5 'crushes' and a medium pizza + various other small snacks - rolos, dots, swedish fish, etc...

Had terrible terrible diarrhea the day after


i dont have an exact figure on what i ate, cause it went on for like 3weeks.... but back in my school daze, i used to sling a lil... my boy got this weed for awhile that gave the most ridiculous munchies i have ever had.... i would eat and drink until my stomach was swollen... lay there for a minute and think "i need a big glass of milk"....then go drink about a quart of milk.... i puked twice during those few weeks just from eating waay too much


Well-Known Member
i dont have an exact figure on what i ate, cause it went on for like 3weeks.... but back in my school daze, i used to sling a lil... my boy got this weed for awhile that gave the most ridiculous munchies i have ever had.... i would eat and drink until my stomach was swollen... lay there for a minute and think "i need a big glass of milk"....then go drink about a quart of milk.... i puked twice during those few weeks just from eating waay too much
I usually would eat a shit load after school, i wouldn't stop stuffing my face, my parents were givin' me some weird looks. It was constant too, my arms would be grabbin every second, i just get bad diarrhea