• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Idiots Guide to New World Order


Well-Known Member
This is a very important video ... and it's right ... the facts are hidden in plain sight ... the fact that no one reacted to the video proves that ... especially the fact that all the presidential candidates with the exception of Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel are members or are involved with the CFR ....

But like I said ... no body give a shit ...:sleep:


Well-Known Member
I just didn't see a need to comment GR, that and if it is true then it really doesn't matter who wins, Obama or McCain, we are still fuxored.


Well-Known Member
Keep the comments coming, they bump the topic! :clap:

Send this video to everyone you know. It's perfect for anyone in doubt or hesitant towards "conspiracy theories".


Well-Known Member
it matters alittle bit who becomes president, not very much, like 5%... but, shit, man, we got to use that 5% if we dont do something else... somthing. crazy maybe?


Well-Known Member
it matters alittle bit who becomes president, not very much, like 5%... but, shit, man, we got to use that 5% if we dont do something else... somthing. crazy maybe?
Yeah, one president promises a road to hell faster, and the other promises that we will move along that road slower.


Well-Known Member
A video of truth can't beat that! It is quite extordinary to be living in such times. The world's currency system is going to be the first thing to see significant changes in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Yet I'm still called a conspiracy theorist for showing people this video.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? Why can't we break down the walls?


New Member
So, OK. Now we've figured it out. What do we do about it? Does anyone with any pull, clout, moxie etc. have a plan?


Well-Known Member
I'll have to find a download for that movie, it looks good.

I'm completely awestruck by how so many people can't see the big picture... I just don't understand. It's so obvious now what they are doing, yet people stay in total denial.

Is it fear? Fear of knowing the truth, or fear of becoming an outcast to society?

What makes people block out true reality? I suppose we can blame the mainsteam media, but how could they manipulate the minds of the masses to the point where they even deny that they're being punched in the face?


Well-Known Member
Parallels between the Republics By : TheBrutalTruth (2008-10-30 00:02:12)

My fellow citizens it is a sad fact that we have become divorced from the past, and the great lessons that are written in it. Our schools neglect education of history and focuses on useless things that will do little to improve our nation like learning Spanish, or art, or music.

While those things can better a nation, the ability to paint a picture in of itself means nothing if there is nothing under it. The ability to write a beautiful sonata is nothing if it is just a collection of sounds that lacks a story, or reason or idea behind it.

I will stop there, and move on to the actual point that I am getting to. President Eisenhower, who served as the Supreme Allied Commander during World War II, warned us that we must beware the rise of the military-industrial complex. Would that he had warned us of being weary of the rise of a media that does not focus on the relevant facts.

Perhaps then we would have articles that do more to address the issues that are confronting our nation, and have a more intelligent and self-educated people that is fully capable of comparing the path that our nation is taking to that of other failed republics.

Perhaps they would see that this Republic, is following the footsteps of another Republic. One that existed up to 1,800 years before this one. That Republic was the Republic of Rome. It is important to note that there was a lot more to the Republic of Rome than there was to the Roman Empire. Like our own Republic, the Republic of Rome was founded upon the rights of the citizenry being protected from a tyrannical government.

Like our own nation, Rome went from being a monarchy to being a Republic. During its rise it primarily engaged in wars to defend itself from neighbors, and other powers that were seeking to interfere with its trade. During this time the Republic went from being a small city-state to the dominant power of the Italian Peninsula and North Africa.

Also during this time frame the Senators, Patriarchs, of Rome went from being leaders to being figure heads. Instead of being voices of moderation and sage advice they became the yes-man for the Consuls. Instead of speaking the truth and speaking against the rising power of the executive branch and the government they chose to give massive amounts away in bread and circuses to secure their own power.

The Republic slowly went from being a society founded upon laws and public duty, to a society that was ran by bureaucrats that were always seeking power. Generals, fresh from bloody fields of battle in far away lands, would return to Rome for triumphs and run for the position of Consul.

The first Dictator of Rome was, contrary to popular belief, not Caesar, but Sulla, who was a general that had expanded the empire. Like all dictators he exiled his political enemies or made it so that they were afraid to speak up. He then used his power to govern as he saw fit.

The interesting parallel here is the rise of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who would run the United States for over thirteen years. In truth, the best term to describe Roosevelt, despite the fact that he was elected by popular vote, is that of a Dictator.

Like Sulla, who used Proscriptions against his political enemies, FDR used the power of the government to attack his political enemies, and protect his friends.

In an Oval Office conversation that took place in 1940, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to persuade Congressman Martin Dies of Texas to call off his investigation of Communist subversion in the U.S. government. Dies, chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA HCUA House Committee on Unamerican Activities (usually seen as HUAC)
HCUA Honeywell Computer Users Association ), was puzzled by this request. After all, FDR had personally urged Dies to take the HCUA post in order to investigate the activities of suspected agents of National Socialist (Nazi) Germany.

Dies eagerly dug into his task, which he understood to be investigating and exposing the efforts of all agents of foreign subversion -- both Nazi and Communist. With the arrival of the pro-Soviet New Deal "Brain Trust" in 1933, scores of Communist foreign nationals had arrived on our shores to organize and direct subversive efforts. In 1935, prior to becoming HCUA chairman, Dies introduced a measure to deport Communist foreign nationals. Although the bill quickly passed the House, a coalition of Senate leftists, led by socialist Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin, prevented it from reaching the Senate floor.

Unlike Sulla, who at the end of his dictatorship restored the Republic and retired peacefully, FDR had to be kicked out of office by Death, but nonetheless FDR was the first American Dictator who ruled by decree.

Thus, America has had its own Sulla, and the question can only become how long before America has its own Caesar?

This is an important question, because we have seen the rise of politicians who are manipulative and nothing more than a collection of pleasing words and false ideals. Politicians who rise to power, not on the merits of their actions, but on the perceived import of their words.

Politicians who promise 'Change' and 'Reform' but are merely seeking power for themselves. Politicians who would place oppressive taxes upon everyone but their supporters. Politicians who have manipulated the legal code to protect their allies and attack their enemies.

It is only a question of time before we have our own Caesar, one that rises to power upon the backs of the bureaucratic armies and by giving bread and circuses to the poor, much like Caesar rose to power at the head of a real army, and by giving bread and circuses to the poor.

"Are you not entertained?"

I know that I am not.

There are many sides to this coin. Some speak against the rise of the Industrial-Military Complex, and others speak out against the rise of the Media-Education Complex. Both of those groups are seeking to grind the freedoms of the citizens in this Republic into the ground. Much like the Generals of Ancient Rome used the power of the military, and their ability to create for themselves favorable public personae.

Both of them attack the other, and press for increased power to their allies.

Isaac Asimov, a science fiction author, illustrated this point better then I can with my own voice, when in his fictional universe he said that a weak general was no threat to a strong emperor, but a strong general and a strong emperor were good for the empire. He also said that a strong general and a weak emperor was the potential for a disaster in the empire, but that a weak general and a weak emperor all but guaranteed it.

It is the truth, because in it we have two sides of the same coin. We have the generals, who can be pictured as the Military-Industrial Complex and the emperors, who can be pictured as the Media-Education Complex. As long as these sides are in relative balance in their powers then the Republic will be safe from harm, but if both are weak then we are in danger of being over ran by external invasion or internal revolt.

When the Military-Industrial Complex is strong, we follow the military path of Ancient Rome, and engage in pointless wars. When the Media-Education Complex is strong, we follow the social path of Ancient Rome with the slow erosion of the morals and standards that lead to the over throw of the Republic.

I fear that it is impossible to summarize all the details of what I am aiming at, but I trust that the people that read this, can lead from this poor start to its logical conclusion, which is that the Republic of the United States is at the edge of the precipice and must turn back. We must rein in our military and bring it home, and rein in our government and return power from the corporations and the bureaucrats to the people.


Well-Known Member
They only mentioned europe, africa, north america and asia. What are Austraila and South America going to be doing?
South America is fighting between Socialism and Capitalism, and thus is divided right now.

If Brazil comes out on top, you can expect them to form the nucleus of a Capitalist based Super-Nation based in South America.

The Alternatives are a Communist Anti-American Super-Nation headed by Venezuela , and a Communist Super-Nation headed by Argentina.

Though, I suspect with its elephant Brazil is going to wipe the floor with Argentina and Venezuela.