Should bernie drop out

There is an argument to make that if they continue the primaries, they will continue to expand the Democratic party electorate between now and the general election.
There is an argument to make that if they continue the primaries, they will continue to expand the Democratic party electorate between now and the general election.
Did that "argument" come from the same site where you got the phony sciency algorithm that told us Bernie Bros don't exist?
Did that "argument" come from the same site where you got the phony sciency algorithm that told us Bernie Bros don't exist?
No, it came from NPR as I listened to a discussion on my way home from work this week. The commentators were discussing how Obama and Clinton expanded the Democrat electorate in 2008 because the primary was so drawn out, because Democrats in places like Indiana had someone to root for in the late primary season.
No, it came from NPR as I listened to a discussion on my way home from work this week. The commentators were discussing how Obama and Clinton expanded the Democrat electorate in 2008 because the primary was so drawn out, because Democrats in places like Indiana had someone to root for in the late primary season.
There is a difference in the rhetoric, between now and then. Sanders is very divisive and not even a Democrat. He ran against Democrats. Listen to his speeches and interviews during a Unity Tour

Listen to Perez: "Donald Trump is a disaster. He's a threat to our democracy," Perez said. "And I think everybody in that room that we were in in Miami, and yesterday, and the day before, and tomorrow, and through the weekend, understands that."

Listen to Sanders: "How in God's name are they (Republicans) winning elections?" Sanders asked, exasperated. "And I think the answer to that is the failure of the Democratic Party — to have a progressive agenda, to bring people into the party, to mobilize people. And that's what I'm running around this country trying to do."

During a so-called Unity Tour. Perez was tearing at Trump and highlighting our opposition to Trump. Sanders was tearing at the Democratic Party. That's what he does and it is genuine. Therein lies the difference and why it would be best for all if Bernie were to concede and recede.
During a so-called Unity Tour. Perez was tearing at Trump and highlighting our opposition to Trump. Sanders was tearing at the Democratic Party. That's what he does and it is genuine. Therein lies the difference and why it would be best for all if Bernie were to concede and recede.

If it is true, let it be heard then. I rather vote a leader who is so genuine he is able to self-criticize, self-reflect, and see mistakes in his own side of the court. That speaks volumes of Bernie as a leader, that he is able to see both sides of the argument. He isn't living in his own dream world, which is what a lot of these politicians seem to be doing.
Yes, he should drop out.

Michigan was the death knell for Bernie. The last time he ran, he won big there. That he lost it this time puts him behind the eight ball.

Bernie has no big territories left to win. It's all smaller electorates most of which are nearly guaranteed Biden wins.

All Bernie will accomplish by staying in the race is giving his followers false hope and further dividing the democratic party.

He should, in the interest of beating Trump, bow out now so the party can heal, get its shit together and clobber Trump in November.
Bernie should drop out and throw his support for Biden and start campaigning with him to unite the party.

Trump has been getting a free ride and is able to do his rallies ahead of Democrats, Democrats need to focus in on beating Trump and every Republican down the ticket instead of listening to what supposedly divides our party.

This will also open up Biden to pick a VP and really start nailing Trump to the wall for his bad policies. And Bloomberg can zone in with his advertising on Trump too.

Bernie gave it a good shot, he has been running for 5 years now and couldn't get it done. It is time to step aside and focus on the real threats to our country.
538 has moved Bidens chances to 99/100 of winning. Bernie is now less than 1/100.

But those little donations still roll in. So hard to walk away from that.
What a difference a couple weeks makes, right?

Seems like yesterday when one of the media outlets had Biden a 1 in 10 shot while Bernie was the 7 in 10 front runner.

Then came South Carolina and Bernie's serious problems with minorities came shining through.
He had 4 years to try to fix that but lost ground.

Bottom line is people want the person who can beat Trump and unite to the country as much as that's possible.
People don't want another devisive guy who can't tell the truth about how he's going to pay for things he couldn't pass through congress anyway.

A good Hollywood ending would be Biden beats Trump, his coat tails win the senate and Trump contracts coronavirus at a campaign rally and dies before he can pardon anybody.

And Pence becomes 46 for a few weeks achieving his dream of getting his picture on those presidential placemats at cheap restaurants.