Should bernie drop out

If it is true, let it be heard then. I rather vote a leader who is so genuine he is able to self-criticize, self-reflect, and see mistakes in his own side of the court. That speaks volumes of Bernie as a leader, that he is able to see both sides of the argument. He isn't living in his own dream world, which is what a lot of these politicians seem to be doing.
I cited a perfect example of Bernie's speech and rhetoric against the Democratic Party during a Unity Tour and you said "if true", LOL. Resistant to facts much?

The dream world you and Bernie live in has Independent voters, who tend to be more conservative than Democrats, flocking to a socialist democrat who couldn't even get the majority of Democrats -- twice. Your fantasy has those conservative Independents voting for Bernie instead of Trump, who they voted for in 2016. That demonstrates zero ability to self reflect and learn from mistakes.
4 years of Trump and no Hillary to run against.

How hard was that to figure out?

And Biden is 15-20 points up in Pa. by the way. Where do you get your polls, from the Trump campaign?

And Bernie won there (Michigan) by 1.4 points over Hillary in 2016. That's what you call a 'landslide'? 49.7 to 48.3? Really?
Is she not amazing?

She denies every poll that doesn't suit her and then cites the ones that she liked while she whines "RIGGED!!" while blaming African Americans at the same time.

What a piece of shit.
I suppose some are gonna dance on poor old Bernie's political corpse until he says uncle and comes around. He too will find Joe and be saved!
As Easter approaches remember Jesus saved you from your sins by rising from the dead, so too did Joe, remember that when yer thinking about divine providence and shit like that.
how in gods name?

how in gods name did sleepy uncle joe take all michigan counties when sanders won overwhelmingly against the very same moderate agenda in a landslide in 2016? are there replicants voting? dnc sheningans? hackers changing 'things'?

i don't believe it for one minute..uncle joe wasn't even polling well in pennsylvania- his go to and Sanders expected to win.

somethings fishy imho- and i'm allowed to have mho.
It's because the 2020 election is about fear. Mainly fear of another 4 years of Trump. People aren't voting for Biden because they think he would be the best President, they are voting for him because they believe that he has the best chance of beating Trump, due to the fear perpetuated that the US isn't ready to embrace a radically progressive agenda. In the vote of the 2016 primaries it was about Sanders vs Clinton; in the primary vote of 2020 it's about @ vs Trump.
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I cited a perfect example of Bernie's speech and rhetoric against the Democratic Party during a Unity Tour and you said "if true", LOL. Resistant to facts much?

Nah, I'm not resistant to your facts, you got it twisted. You cited Bernie's speech dividing the DemoParty and I said if what Bernie's saying is true, let it be heard then. If the DemoParty is divided, let it be heard then, if the DemoParty is not up to task, let it be heard then. Because that shows Bernie is able to self-criticize. I'm not part of the voting process but even I can see he is the most genuine leader the US has right now.

The dream world you and Bernie live in has Independent voters, who tend to be more conservative than Democrats, flocking to a socialist democrat who couldn't even get the majority of Democrats -- twice. Your fantasy has those conservative Independents voting for Bernie instead of Trump, who they voted for in 2016. That demonstrates zero ability to self reflect and learn from mistakes.

Your passion against Bernie alluded you to believing I'm a Bernie supporter, simply because I raised some points in favour of Bernie. This shows you are emotionally too vested in this topic, and you will not change your opinion even if evidence shows the contrary.

Also, get it straight: Bernie can self-reflect and can self-criticize. The independent voters who want to vote Bernie or Trump, have nothing to do with my argument--that is Bernie is the most genuine and intrinsically the most trustworthy leader the US has right now. The fact that he can self-reflect and criticize his own party shows he's willing to do and say the right thing regardless of political bias. The fact that he criticizes his own party is enough for me to have confidence in him to do the right thing--He does not subscribe to the buddy-clique culture that's rife in US politics. He does not protect his own party if he sees problems in his own arena. He will not cover up, he will expose them and fix the problems--exactly what is needed today.
It's because the 2020 election is about fear. Mainly fear of another 4 years of Trump. People aren't voting for Biden because they thing he would be the best President, they are voting for him because they believe that he has the best chance of beating Trump, due to the fear perpetuated that the US isn't ready to embrace a radically progressive agenda. In the vote of the 2016 primaries it was about Sanders vs Clinton; in the primary vote of 2020 it's about @ vs Trump.
Things will get "progressively" better under Joe and 2024 awaits, but Bernie is done with the run, the threat from the racist right will hopefully be diminished by then and the republicans unfair electoral advantages largely removed. States are holding elections too and the republican "brand" has been greatly diminished this year. The left wing of the party is strong right now, but as change happens and issues are resolved, the fire will burn out, but the heat will remain in the progressive wing of the party.
Nah, I'm not resistant to your facts, you got it twisted. You cited Bernie's speech dividing the DemoParty and I said if what Bernie's saying is true, let it be heard then. If the DemoParty is divided, let it be heard then, if the DemoParty is not up to task, let it be heard then. Because that shows Bernie is able to self-criticize. I'm not part of the voting process but even I can see he is the most genuine leader the US has right now.

Your passion against Bernie alluded you to believing I'm a Bernie supporter, simply because I raised some points in favour of Bernie. This shows you are emotionally too vested in this topic, and you will not change your opinion even if evidence shows the contrary.

Also, get it straight: Bernie can self-reflect and can self-criticize. The independent voters who want to vote Bernie or Trump, have nothing to do with my argument--that is Bernie is the most genuine and intrinsically the most trustworthy leader the US has right now. The fact that he can self-reflect and criticize his own party shows he's willing to do and say the right thing regardless of political bias. The fact that he criticizes his own party is enough for me to have confidence in him to do the right thing--He does not subscribe to the buddy-clique culture that's rife in US politics. He does not protect his own party if he sees problems in his own arena. He will not cover up, he will expose them and fix the problems--exactly what is needed today.
Oh look. Another of Sockie McFistupyerass' puppets.

I strongly suspect that I got a visit last night from another, similarly named new member who also used a short, pithy name with a 3 substituted for an e when they "followed me" the day they signed up after making one pathetic grow post about being excited about ordering some seeds or some bullshit.

Have any other users her had similar things happen? About twice a week some unknown noob follows me on they day they open an account. I am deeply suspicious about such things in the current climate. Is the Internet Research Agency using us for training for their trolls and bots?

This shit isn't subtle and has the advantage of making anybody that notices it and mentions it look like a paranoid.
Nah, I'm not resistant to your facts, you got it twisted. You cited Bernie's speech dividing the DemoParty and I said if what Bernie's saying is true, let it be heard then. If the DemoParty is divided, let it be heard then, if the DemoParty is not up to task, let it be heard then. Because that shows Bernie is able to self-criticize. I'm not part of the voting process but even I can see he is the most genuine leader the US has right now.

Your passion against Bernie alluded you to believing I'm a Bernie supporter, simply because I raised some points in favour of Bernie. This shows you are emotionally too vested in this topic, and you will not change your opinion even if evidence shows the contrary.

Also, get it straight: Bernie can self-reflect and can self-criticize. The independent voters who want to vote Bernie or Trump, have nothing to do with my argument--that is Bernie is the most genuine and intrinsically the most trustworthy leader the US has right now. The fact that he can self-reflect and criticize his own party shows he's willing to do and say the right thing regardless of political bias. The fact that he criticizes his own party is enough for me to have confidence in him to do the right thing--He does not subscribe to the buddy-clique culture that's rife in US politics. He does not protect his own party if he sees problems in his own arena. He will not cover up, he will expose them and fix the problems--exactly what is needed today.
What is a DemoParty?

I cited an interview he made at a Unity Tour rally to NPR. I'm not claiming Bernie has been deceitful. His words and actions for the past four years have been consistently couched as if he were running against Democrats. Contrast what Perez said with what Bernie said. It's night and day difference.

Listen to Perez: "Donald Trump is a disaster. He's a threat to our democracy," Perez said. "And I think everybody in that room that we were in in Miami, and yesterday, and the day before, and tomorrow, and through the weekend, understands that."

Listen to Sanders: "How in God's name are they (Republicans) winning elections?" Sanders asked, exasperated. "And I think the answer to that is the failure of the Democratic Party — to have a progressive agenda, to bring people into the party, to mobilize people. And that's what I'm running around this country trying to do."

Is what Bernie said true? Your question is valid. So, go forth, prove it is. It's not on me to prove a negative. I can say it wasn't true in 2018, when Democratic Party leaders were criticized for favoring moderate candidates in Republican-held districts. The DNC's strategy to: "back moderates in contested districts" strategy worked quite well then, when they took away GOP control of the House. The same strategy held true in the special election in Alabama when Democratic Party leadership were criticized for endorsing a moderate who ended up winning the first Alabama Democratic Senate seat in ages.

Here is what Bernie said in Jackson, Mississippi last year:

"The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure.. People sometimes don't see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama."

In his speeches, Bernie would have people believe that the Democratic Party lost ground because it wasn't supporting a far left agenda. I can't dispute the numbers. The Republican Party did well for itself in the 2010's. I dispute the leap of faith required to believe that a right wing fascist movement within the GOP succeeded because Democrats weren't far enough to the left. The logic fails.

On top of that, Bernie was willfully ignorant in his display of disregard for the sentiment of black voters who greatly admire Obama. He diminished Obama with dog whistle rhetoric. Obama was a very good president, yet Sanders claimed he was a failure but we were fooled by Obama's charisma. Buuuuuulshit. I can cite the accomplishments made during his tenure if you like.

Beating Trump is necessary and will make real difference in the lives of millions, not to mention ending the degradation Republicans are inflicting upon our system of government. Trump asserted the rights of a king during his impeachment trial and Republican Senators backed him. So, yes, I do care about Democrats winning back the WH and at least showing a sensible strategy to take the Senate. The whole notion that Bernie can beat Trump never made sense to me and I'm relieved to find that most Democrats agreed. There is no way Sanders could have beaten Trump.
And by the way, Bernie is a total asshole and I am sorry I stood up for him this afternoon. I heard his little "I (oh, excuse me, WE) won the ideological contest but are losing the 'electable' contest" bullshit. He went on to say that he intended to pin Biden (unpure) down about what Biden is going to say to justify that America is the only developed country without national healthcare and press him on whether he would really veto the MFA bill that Congress will supposedly pass.

What a fucking asshole. This shithead isn't to get elected. He already knows he lost. And the next Congress has about as much chance of passing MFA as I do of having Shakira stop the SuperBowl halftime show in order to profess her undying love for me on national tv. This shit is intended to create convenient soundbites that can be used to keep disaffected Bernie Bros from voting against Trump - quite possibly by the feckless Tusli Gabbard or anybody else that cares more about purity than winning because they don't know a goddamn thing about political reality and are too fucking stupid to push for incremental change until the opportunity arises to make sweeping changes.

At this point I would even wager a fin that Bernie isn't going to get his payoff of converted rubles unless he is in the race until May 1st. Something stinks about this.
Oh look. Another of Sockie McFistupyerass' puppets.

I strongly suspect that I got a visit last night from another, similarly named new member who also used a short, pithy name with a 3 substituted for an e when they "followed me" the day they signed up after making one pathetic grow post about being excited about ordering some seeds or some bullshit.

Have any other users her had similar things happen? About twice a week some unknown noob follows me on they day they open an account. I am deeply suspicious about such things in the current climate. Is the Internet Research Agency using us for training for their trolls and bots?

This shit isn't subtle and has the advantage of making anybody that notices it and mentions it look like a paranoid.
I've had a couple, but you have more enemies;), you should be honored to be an enemy of the confederacy. I wonder if @potroat can create the morgue of assholes when he kills em with a bolt of lighting, would make it easier for "volunteers" to find them, maybe some clever fellow could write an app that would nail em in a half dozen posts, if they got verbal.
It's because the 2020 election is about fear. Mainly fear of another 4 years of Trump. People aren't voting for Biden because they think he would be the best President, they are voting for him because they believe that he has the best chance of beating Trump, due to the fear perpetuated that the US isn't ready to embrace a radically progressive agenda. In the vote of the 2016 primaries it was about Sanders vs Clinton; in the primary vote of 2020 it's about @ vs Trump.
So why aren't people voting for Bernie? Fear of some idiot that has had decades to come up with a financial plan that would actually pay for his free crap and has none. And gets cranky when asked for details of his plan.
I've had a couple, but you have more enemies;), you should be honored to be an enemy of the confederacy. I wonder if @potroat can create the morgue of assholes when he kills em with a bolt of lighting, would make it easier for "volunteers" to find them, maybe some clever fellow could write an app that would nail em in a half dozen posts, if they got verbal.
I inquired with the powers if this was a normal thing. I think they considered me slightly paranoid but perhaps I got some traction. A couple of them have been smited nearly as soon as they are created.

I suspect that they are merely monitor accounts used in training trolls. I know it sounds bonkers but I also know that it is quite possibly true.

Is anybody else having this happen? I don't recall it ever happening before I started posting here in politics and it has not happened at the other sites I post on - political or not.

It's because the 2020 election is about fear. Mainly fear of another 4 years of Trump. People aren't voting for Biden because they think he would be the best President, they are voting for him because they believe that he has the best chance of beating Trump, due to the fear perpetuated that the US isn't ready to embrace a radically progressive agenda. In the vote of the 2016 primaries it was about Sanders vs Clinton; in the primary vote of 2020 it's about @ vs Trump.
I had made up my mind to be silent about my reservations on Sanders if he won the nomination. I'm willing to respect the will of the majority. I also saw how the daily drone of criticism from the left suppressed the vote for Clinton in 2016. The effect was a nudge for Trump. He won by a small margin, if you recall. I could see no good coming from my voicing the same kind of negative bullshit that Cult of Sanders voiced in 2016 about Hillary.

So, now, Sanders' supporters are starting the whole negative drumbeat all over again. "Give me Sanders or I'll give you Trump". You just might succeed in doing just that.
I inquired with the powers if this was a normal thing. I think they considered me slightly paranoid but perhaps I got some traction. A couple of them have been smited nearly as soon as they are created.

I suspect that they are merely monitor accounts used in training trolls. I know it sounds bonkers but I also know that it is quite possibly true.

Is anybody else having this happen? I don't recall it ever happening before I started posting here in politics and it has not happened at the other sites I post on - political or not.

I figured they were monitors too, they would monitor several people at once though, for efficiency, maybe post a list of suspects and folks can cross reference? We can ring up those who haven't spoken and who follow several active users.