Pandemic 2020

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I was thinking how cute they looked and how I couldn't kill/eat them.
Nah, they're my favorite animals.
I love rabbits & used to eat them before I had one but no more.
Fucking excellent pets, you can litter train them so they don't poop all over the house & there's nothing like watching a bunny hop around ur house while ur tripping :)
Here's Bob the Wabbit & Cheech the Cat (she loves too eat my plants so I named her Cheech :) )

Cheech & Bobbi.JPG
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It's fucking unbelievable.
I live in Newtown, CT (yea, that 1) and yesterday witnessed panic buying after Trump's assuring the Nation that he had it all under control.
I guess that's what scared them the most
I think I'm getting the feeling of what the passengers on the Titanic must have felt that night that their ship sank, that this can't be happening, but it really is & it really sucks.
I really don't think I'm gonna be able to dodge this bullet this time though, because I have COPD & am over 60, and am surrounded by this shit (latest case in CT 15 miles from where I live) and I just have a very bad feeling about it.
But hey, what the fuck, nothing is forever, right?
Stay safe people :)
Good luck James
Do you let the rabbits run around in the house?
No cage animals, they are totally free range house bunnys.
I have dogs & cat's and the rabbits are the least maintenance by far.
They poop in their litter boxes (nice little pellets) & are just great
Just simply a great animal/petBob the Rabbit.JPG
Experts are saying the Iranian response was better than the American one which ranks worst among industrialised countries, but in the end it will rank even lower than places like Iran and the death rate might be higher too. They are digging mass graves in Iran that you can see from orbit, I wonder how long before there are FEMA mass graves in America. Are ya tired of winning yet?
Experts are saying the Iranian response was better than the American one which ranks worst among industrialised countries, but in the end it will rank even lower than places like Iran and the death rate might be higher too. They are digging mass graves in Iran that you can see from orbit, I wonder how long before there are FEMA mass graves in America. Are ya tired of winning yet?

Now to get the tumpers to see.
No cage animals, they are totally free range house bunnys.
I have dogs & cat's and the rabbits are the least maintenance by far.
They poop in their litter boxes (nice little pellets) & are just great
Just simply a great animal/petView attachment 4503299

i'd love to have a house bunny..are they okay with little dogs and how do you litter train them? I've been secretly wanting to steal a prairie dog..shhhhh! don't tell anyone.
Experts are saying the Iranian response was better than the American one which ranks worst among industrialised countries, but in the end it will rank even lower than places like Iran and the death rate might be higher too. They are digging mass graves in Iran that you can see from orbit, I wonder how long before there are FEMA mass graves in America. Are ya tired of winning yet?

Trump for Life!

Me and my sister had pet rabbits when we were kids, don't be fooled by their cuteness, they can be vicious, our rabbits didn't like each other and tried to fight to the death several times opening large wholes on each other while making creepy shrieking sounds.
Don't worry, it won't be quite as bad, this time around, there will be 1/2 tons and guys in MAGA hats who found jobs Making America Great Again loading the bodies. A loudspeaker on the truck will replace the bell and shout, "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD", like you would your trash, get your free green government issued body bag today and be prepared.... It will be just like garbage pickup day, with loads of green bags taken to the landfill and bulldozed over by a guy in a respirator and a bunny suit. Trumpers will be used to pick up bodies because they don't believe the fake news, fortunately there is a large supply for replacements, no PPE required for them either and there's a shortage of that. McNamara had his morons in Nam and you'll have Donald's morons in this war, gives em something constructive to do, educational as well.
Monty Python - "Not Dead Yet" Scene (HD)
Stupid racist assholes have brought America to this point, they had their chance with impeachment, but he had too much support from a racist minority in this country and a cowardly republican senate. Donald, his minions and the GOP senate are the real villains here, while they were violating the constitution and their multiple oaths to defend him, Donald was sowing the seeds of your and even their destruction. He impeded testing for political purposes, so his numbers wouldn't look bad, suppressed the information about infections and lied to the public about important matters, it's become just like the cruise ship, he turned America into a giant cruise ship, aimlessly circling in it's own wake as bodies are heaved over the side.
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Stupid racist assholes have brought America to this point, they had their chance with impeachment, but he had too much support from a racist minority in this country and a cowardly republican senate. Donald, his minions and the GOP senate are the real villains here, while they were violating the constitution and their multiple oaths to defend him, when Donald was sowing the seeds of your and even many of their destruction. He impeded testing so his numbers wouldn't look bad, suppressed the information about infections and lied to the public about important matters, it's become just like the cruise ship, he turned America into a giant cruise ship, aimlessly circling in it's own wake as bodies are heaved over the side.
We're you in drama club?
Don't worry Jared is on the job.

All hail superJarad, the miracle worker, . Donald is reaching into his bag of tricks. Yep Jared the tongue tied is gonna tell us all about it.
Jesus Christ I'm discussed, I can't imagine how a hundred and fifty million Americans feel about it, those who aren't trump fools and who have a fucking brain in their heads..
i'd love to have a house bunny..are they okay with little dogs and how do you litter train them? I've been secretly wanting to steal a prairie dog..shhhhh! don't tell anyone.
Bunny's have no fear of other animals & I have a Whippet dog that was engineered to hunt rabbit & she is fine with them.
As far as litter training is concerned all you need is a good sized cat litter box filled with Timothy hay (their main source of food) & they will sit & eat & poop simultaneously.
Very easy.
You do/should feed be them veggies daily, like I feed mine Kale, Celery, Parsley & Carrot every meal, once a day.
Check out animal adoption shelters because that's where I would start.
Oh, and Prairie Dogs are a blast :) :) :)
Had 2, Lewis & Clark, and I'm laughing now thinking about them.
Fucking excellent animals :)
Just imagine a 10 Lb. Hamster that loves people & stands on it's hind legs and says 'Wooo Hooo" every time it sees you
Awesome animals :)
We're you in drama club?
Sometimes you need an create an impression using a fucking club, its being done in the news and media as we speak. If hospitals are overwhelmed people will be told to stay home and die in large numbers and if you injure yourself and need hospitalisation you will probably die, as will many car accident victims too.
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