Pandemic 2020

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Trump is using Putin's strategy, don't test, don't know.

Putin's strategy is to "toss under bus or out windows."

The Facebook crowd-sourcing exercise showed how Trump‘s team is scrambling for solutions to confront the outbreak after weeks of criticism for the administration's sluggish response, a shortage of tests and the president’s own rhetoric downplaying the pandemic.
What's untrue about it?
Still have trouble with telling right and wrong apart?
Are you as tainted as that?
I am looking for common ground in an attempt to understand why you seem to be so angry and full of hate towards any one ethnotype.
No matter our outward differences,cultural practice political beliefs I like to believe we are all fundamentally the same.
We love our partners,family and friends.
We want our kids to do better than we have.
You know...........that whole racist,uneducated approach to life thing you seem to think I espouse.
Putin's strategy is to "toss under bus or out windows."

The Facebook crowd-sourcing exercise showed how Trump‘s team is scrambling for solutions to confront the outbreak after weeks of criticism for the administration's sluggish response, a shortage of tests and the president’s own rhetoric downplaying the pandemic.
Trump's plan is to fight the pandemic with bullshit, if a hammer is your only tool, you tend to perceive your problems as a series of nails.
I am looking for common ground in an attempt to understand why you seem to be so angry and full of hate towards any one ethnotype.
No matter our outward differences,cultural practice political beliefs I like to believe we are all fundamentally the same.
We love our partners,family and friends.
We want our kids to do better than we have.
You know...........that whole racist,uneducated approach to life thing you seem to think I espouse.
Then drop Trump like a turd and act like a fucking patriotic American and not like some fucking child. Let your posts reflect your new attitude.
Then drop Trump like a turd and act like a fucking patriotic American and not like some fucking child. Let your posts reflect your new attitude.
Will you show me the posts you refer to here,the ones where I support any politician.
I ask because I missed that one.
You seem to think not parroting exactly what you say is something it is not.
Will you show me the posts you refer to here,the ones where I support any politician.
I ask because I missed that one.
You seem to think not parroting exactly what you say is something it is not.
You've been ambiguous at best about a clear issue of right and wrong, there is no middle ground in America Trump removed it along with your grandparents and parents. There is no fence to sit on in no man's land, just barbed wire and it will hurt your ass.
You've been ambiguous at best about a clear issue of right and wrong, there is no middle ground in America Trump removed it along with your grandparents and parents. There is no fence to sit on in no man's land, just barbed wire and it will hurt your ass. were wrong?
Michigan released a list of locations that were visited by the people who have tested positive for the virus.
The Tap room is on that list! That is way too close for comfort.
Don't worry Jared is on the job.

I dont trust that asshole to not use this as a scam to get more potential victims for their internet spam on Facebook.
Trump Addresses the Nation on the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at President Trump’s address to the nation and the administration’s failed response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Gee, this is interesting.

Thanks for sharing that article, it was breathtaking.
Really well written piece of work that laid bare, again, the complete incompetency of Trump's Administration
But well on the bright side, if there is one in this situation, and that is that Trump will never, ever be fucking re-elected as a result of his actions & his response to COVID-19.
Sad to think it was over this, but at least it gives me some solace. were wrong?
Tell ya what taint, others here know you better than me, let's let them decide and speak if they want, say stupid shit and I'll say something to you, otherwise I won't bother with ya. Just vote for Joe or stay home and not vote for Trump in the fall, for your own sake, and yer ok by me and most others here too.
Well the herd has woken, they are currently stripping the grocery stores in my area bare.
The trucks will refill them unless Trump orders them not to, then they will tell him to go fuck himself. Supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open (masks for employees and testing) as will the supply chain for basics, soon large numbers of working people will be well again and immune. Uncle Sam needs to come through with some temporary cash for the poor and desperate to keep them locked down at home.
The Tap room is on that list! That is way too close for comfort.

I dont trust that asshole to not use this as a scam to get more potential victims for their internet spam on Facebook.

The list says nothing within 20 miles of me but we know that's bullshit, they've hardly tested anyone so I just assume it's every where at this point, just incubating right now, hospitals will start filling up next week.
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