Pandemic 2020

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Americans are dumb as fuck

You got that right but look at the Commander-In-Chief who's freaking them all out. Trump is a f'n idiot yet claims to have absorbed his uncles brilliant mind and be a very smart man. How is this happening? Every day he proves his ignorance and stupidity yet so many think he's god for fug sake.

If he gets in again the US is going back to the dark ages. The way he's f'ed up this Covid-19 BS will get rid of him and all the other old white farts pretty soon. But with Biden and Bernie gone too what's left? :D

The best thing that's happened so far is they cancelled hockey! happydance.gif

Here's what's happening in Canada, it's about the best comparison Americans can to make, in terms of response and mortality rate, we have about 10% of the US population and most folks live in cities too. We've been doing testing and the medical community has not complained, haven't heard too much about serious problems, an issue about out of date respirators in the stock pile, but that is most likely easily resolved.

CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, National News website.
A "Nasty" question?

Hey Jimmy Jump in the car and come to Nova Scotia, we've got zero cases, so far... You might be able to hide out in Canada if ya can afford it, at least you can get tested here, if you can get in, you might not be able to soon though. I figure our hospital system will become overloaded too, dunno when though, we are taking dramatic mitigation measures up here. Trudeau's wife has it and he's self isolating with her, the political class in every country (most social contact) was the first to get nailed by this, so at least there's that!
Here's what's happening in Canada, it's about the best comparison Americans can to make, in terms of response and mortality rate, we have about 10% of the US population and most folks live in cities too. We've been doing testing and the medical community has not complained, haven't heard too much about serious problems, an issue about out of date respirators in the stock pile, but that is most likely easily resolved.

CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, National News website.

We here in Canukistan are so much better prepared for this than the US. Very few cases so far and lots of tests ready to go. Not to mention that health care is free or super cheap compared to the US. Here in Alberta basic health care is free for all and Blue Cross isn't much more that a StarBux/day for most. Now that I'm over 65 I get Blue Cross for free too.

The main damage is going to be the hit on the economy all over the world. The effects of that won't really affect me or my family. I'm retired, wife is on disability and the cheques get auto-deposited so we're good. No cases up here in northern Alberta and at both our local supermarkets the shelves are full of everything including ass-wipe. I was in both today.

I was pissed off with the CBD Radio1 today. Wall to wall Covid BS and when Trudeau spoke in French they had a translator saying the same thing in English that I just heard drowning out his French version. I live in a predominately French/Catholic area and I'm sure many would have liked to have heard the actual French part of his speach. I'm Anglo only and was pissed off having to hear the same thing repeated to me by the translator. Maybe I would have picked up a little more French listening to Trudy speak but not much. lol

Schools closing is going to have parents scrambling for day care or taking time off to stay home. Even day care is going to be shut down to keep it from spreading.

The world is going mad and it's going to get worse with goofs like Trump and Pence running the narrative. With global warming these types of events are going to be happening regularly as melting permafrost exposes old virus and bacteria no one has ever been exposed to before.

As much as CBC pissed me off today, mostly because of the repetition, the info I heard from medical authorities and Trudy himself leaves me confident that our gov't has a handle on the problem and I'm not worried about it at all. It's going to take it's course but with care we'll level the peak so our resources aren't overwhelmed and we'll weather the storm easily.

I'm at the age with a few health issues that put me at a higher risk and the same with the flu. I've never had a flu shot and don't recall ever having the flu in the last 40 years or so. Hardly ever get a cold and then just sniffles at the worst. I have always taken care not ot touch my face when out and about in public places and always wash my hands as soon as I get home after unloading the shopping. But you can still get Covid or flu or many other things from the packaging of the things you brought home days later. So far, so good tho.

Relax folks! It's not the end of the world unless we make it so!

Notice any difference?
Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau speaks from self-isolation as Parliament suspended

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now addressed the country following Thursday's revelation his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau tested positive for COVID-19. Dawna Friesen has more on Trudeau's message to Canadians. David Akin reports on Trudeau's promise to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the Bank of Canada is reacting to the crisis. Plus, In an effort to control the spread of COVID-19 in Canada, the federal government is asking Canadians to eliminate all non-essential travel outside the country. Jeff Semple looks at some of the measures in place during the pandemic.
Democrats are not a cult.
Yea, we are a "cult".
A cult that is organized with the intent of improving the lives of everything surrounding us.
Unfortunately the Republicans are a cult of self-interest, designed to leave the disadvantaged & feeble in it's wake.
Pull up your bootstraps, or die, say the one's with all the power, and they won't blink an eye when someone does die, and that's an evident fact, especially today
Fuck Republicans
We here in Canukistan are so much better prepared for this than the US. Very few cases so far and lots of tests ready to go. Not to mention that health care is free or super cheap compared to the US. Here in Alberta basic health care is free for all and Blue Cross isn't much more that a StarBux/day for most. Now that I'm over 65 I get Blue Cross for free too.

The main damage is going to be the hit on the economy all over the world. The effects of that won't really affect me or my family. I'm retired, wife is on disability and the cheques get auto-deposited so we're good. No cases up here in northern Alberta and at both our local supermarkets the shelves are full of everything including ass-wipe. I was in both today.

I was pissed off with the CBD Radio1 today. Wall to wall Covid BS and when Trudeau spoke in French they had a translator saying the same thing in English that I just heard drowning out his French version. I live in a predominately French/Catholic area and I'm sure many would have liked to have heard the actual French part of his speach. I'm Anglo only and was pissed off having to hear the same thing repeated to me by the translator. Maybe I would have picked up a little more French listening to Trudy speak but not much. lol

Schools closing is going to have parents scrambling for day care or taking time off to stay home. Even day care is going to be shut down to keep it from spreading.

The world is going mad and it's going to get worse with goofs like Trump and Pence running the narrative. With global warming these types of events are going to be happening regularly as melting permafrost exposes old virus and bacteria no one has ever been exposed to before.

As much as CBC pissed me off today, mostly because of the repetition, the info I heard from medical authorities and Trudy himself leaves me confident that our gov't has a handle on the problem and I'm not worried about it at all. It's going to take it's course but with care we'll level the peak so our resources aren't overwhelmed and we'll weather the storm easily.

I'm at the age with a few health issues that put me at a higher risk and the same with the flu. I've never had a flu shot and don't recall ever having the flu in the last 40 years or so. Hardly ever get a cold and then just sniffles at the worst. I have always taken care not ot touch my face when out and about in public places and always wash my hands as soon as I get home after unloading the shopping. But you can still get Covid or flu or many other things from the packaging of the things you brought home days later. So far, so good tho.

Relax folks! It's not the end of the world unless we make it so!

Most will get it, but hopefully not at once, hence the travel restrictions and self isolation so the healthcare system doesn't become overwhelmed and accident victims and others don't die as well. We can handle it, the old and sick will suffer, parents and grandparents, not so much, we've gotta think of others and our communities in this too. Take vitamin D supplements, I take 2000 IUs a day, cuts risk of infection by 50% and the same for developing ARDS, I believe. Do some homework on this if you're not taking it now, best thing you can do to protect yourself is to make sure you got plenty, those around you too, share the info to protect yourself.
It's the uneducated, lower-wage earning, no health insurance folk that are going to suffer the worst I feel. That's a big chunk of Trump supporters.
No, it's the educated, medium wage earners that are going to suffer/die the most as a result of Trumps low income, gullible semi-literate followers that elected him.
There's more of them than us them unfortunately, not that it matters anymore.
Done deal
That 37% of the population that still thinks of Trump as a Messiah that was sent as a Savoir too MAGA, have won.
They have killed us all in the process though :)
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Most will get it, but hopefully not at once, hence the travel restrictions and self isolation so the healthcare system doesn't become overwhelmed and accident victims and others don't die as well. We can handle it, the old and sick will suffer, parents and grandparents, not so much, we've gotta think of others and our communities in this too. Take vitamin D supplements, I take 2000 IUs a day, cuts risk of infection by 50% and the same for developing ARDS, I believe. Do some homework on this if you're not taking it now, best thing you can do to protect yourself is to make sure you got plenty, those around you too, share the info to protect yourself.

I take a multitude of supplements and have for decades. VitC, zinc and a multi since I was a teen. Upped the Zn with copper and Saw Palmetto for my prostate issues. Take a big CalMag/D3 tab and 3000IUs D3/day. Always seem to have verging on low iron so take a 300mg ferrous sulfate tab about 3x/wk. Had to get the iron tabs from the pharmacist now and that's weird tho they are dangerous if taken in excess. Same with copper tho that's on the shelf in health food store.

A couple years ago I had an emergency appendectomy. Turns out that my appendix tried to blow 6 years prior when my gut problems started but blew a small hole near the base and never properly ruptured and had been leaking ever since. That's what the surgeon said. My guts are still screwed up and come monday will see my doc and get the results of a recent stool sample I sent in. Two small jars that had different chemicals in plus a big jar of gooey stuff alone. Sure hope they find something to figure my gut problems out. Had a colonoscopy last year and other than a few nodes that were benign and removed no problems.

I'm good on everything else. Good weight, no diabetes, low blood pressure but cholesterol is a tad high by doc ideals but normal to me. 46x blood donor and they want me back! lol

Arthritis and chronic depression are my biggest problems.

Notice any difference?
Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau speaks from self-isolation as Parliament suspended

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now addressed the country following Thursday's revelation his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau tested positive for COVID-19. Dawna Friesen has more on Trudeau's message to Canadians. David Akin reports on Trudeau's promise to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the Bank of Canada is reacting to the crisis. Plus, In an effort to control the spread of COVID-19 in Canada, the federal government is asking Canadians to eliminate all non-essential travel outside the country. Jeff Semple looks at some of the measures in place during the pandemic.

they will help canadians financially meanwhile trumpy* is still going through with cutting 700k from food stamps during corovid19.
Notice any difference?
Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau speaks from self-isolation as Parliament suspended

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now addressed the country following Thursday's revelation his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau tested positive for COVID-19. Dawna Friesen has more on Trudeau's message to Canadians. David Akin reports on Trudeau's promise to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the Bank of Canada is reacting to the crisis. Plus, In an effort to control the spread of COVID-19 in Canada, the federal government is asking Canadians to eliminate all non-essential travel outside the country. Jeff Semple looks at some of the measures in place during the pandemic.
At least someone on this Continent has they're shit together.
Must be nice too have an intelligent Human leading your country
Kudo's :)
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