Anyone on Rollitup have Coronavirus?

As of 8 March , South Korea had 3 500 tests per million people, the UK had 350 tests per million. In the US, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there had been just five tests per million. Feigl-Ding said the lack of testing in the US, in particular, was a serious problem.
I was going to go target shooting today, but it rained all day and then I realized I should probably save those rounds anyway. Things could get rough before this pandemic has run it's course. It's time to dig in and lock and load of luck to everyone
I'm expecting the Toilet Paper riots to start soon, women are really getting angry.

My wife's Facbook group exploded with death threats after women "with toilet paper" poked fun at folks who bought Taco Bell napkins.
My God, it got ugly quick! You might want to stay out of the TP aisle today, guys.
My cousin may have been exposed. She works at the state hospital in Chattahoochee. We had been planning to go out Friday night for her birthday, but she called to cancel. Someone who later tested positive went into her office, and the office of another lady we know. Not sure if they will be tested when they go back to work tomorrow, or if they have to wait until they have symptoms. Having more test would be nice.
My cousin may have been exposed. She works at the state hospital in Chattahoochee. We had been planning to go out Friday night for her birthday, but she called to cancel. Someone who later tested positive went into her office, and the office of another lady we know. Not sure if they will be tested when they go back to work tomorrow, or if they have to wait until they have symptoms. Having more test would be nice.
I give her an appropriately distanced e-hug for her social distancing Kung fu.