Pandemic 2020

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Steve Colbert & Seth Meyers & Jimmy Fallon have canceled their shows for at least a week.

What the fuck are we gonna do now?

Now I'm getting really pissed off.
They found it hard to do shows with just their writers and staff, they need the energy of a crowd to make the magic happen in their present formats. They will change format a bit so the audience is less important, hard to do stand up to a dead room, ya need feedback, the louder the better, it's the same for many sports. TV sports might be able to electronically insert a crowd though, Trump will be keenly interested in that deep fake technology, creating cheering crowds from empty seats in arenas, the miracle of modern technology.
Steve Colbert & Seth Meyers & Jimmy Fallon have canceled their shows for at least a week.

What the fuck are we gonna do now?

Now I'm getting really pissed off.

I don't watch the other guys but Colbert was on without an audience and the show was pretty funny. I never used to watch Carson as Ed McMan drove me crazy and Colbert's band dude is much the same. Talented as hell but the constant asides coming from him turn me right off.

I never miss the Daily Show! Trevor Noah is no Jon Stewart but I really like his style. Dude does killer stand-up too.

I don't watch the other guys but Colbert was on without an audience and the show was pretty funny. I never used to watch Carson as Ed McMan drove me crazy and Colbert's band dude is much the same. Talented as hell but the constant asides coming from him turn me right off.

I never miss the Daily Show! Trevor Noah is no Jon Stewart but I really like his style. Dude does killer stand-up too.

I guess we'll just have to depend on Donald for comic relief, he says he's a wit, but thus far we've seen but half of it...
I don't watch the other guys but Colbert was on without an audience and the show was pretty funny. I never used to watch Carson as Ed McMan drove me crazy and Colbert's band dude is much the same. Talented as hell but the constant asides coming from him turn me right off.

I never miss the Daily Show! Trevor Noah is no Jon Stewart but I really like his style. Dude does killer stand-up too.

This pandemic will change many things permanently. Many schools will remain distance learning. Nothing involving large crowds will be the same. Many jobs will be lost and not return. People haven't seen the full impact of this. This will change the country for a long long time. People who think this will be over in 2 weeks will be sorely mistaken...
This pandemic will change many things permanently. Many schools will remain distance learning. Nothing involving large crowds will be the same. Many jobs will be lost and not return. People haven't seen the full impact of this. This will change the country for a long long time. People who think this will be over in 2 weeks will be sorely mistaken...
Hopefully it will change American politics, it would be interesting to see the GOP reaction if Donald's poll numbers went down to his super hardcare base of 35%, those that can't be peeled off no matter what.
This pandemic will change many things permanently. Many schools will remain distance learning. Nothing involving large crowds will be the same. Many jobs will be lost and not return. People haven't seen the full impact of this. This will change the country for a long long time. People who think this will be over in 2 weeks will be sorely mistaken...

Totally agree. The financial hit will be the worst part of this virus. Just like the most harms caused by pot is the prohibition of same.

Banner day here what with everybody"stocking up just in case".
Seeing a definite personality type doing this which makes me wonder about myself.
You fellas ever wonder about yourselves?
Banner day here what with everybody"stocking up just in case".
Seeing a definite personality type doing this which makes me wonder about myself.
You fellas ever wonder about yourselves?

Who doesn't? I'm pretty comfortable in my skin. Well educated and well read. No concerns at all about this 'crisis'. We bought a couple extra packs of TP this week but just because the wife and he daughter use so much we didn't want to run short should the sheeple run amok but no signs of that here.

We have a huge chest freezer full of all sorts of food and a few pounds of pot. Deer and moose wander through my property fairly often and I got the gear to take one if I need it and a neighbour with all the gear to do it up right. George's family has shared in all hunts and raising of animals for 100+ years since their people settled here in 1910 or so. Really religious but not pushy about it.

I truly have few fucks to give about Covid and if I did contract it I'm pretty sure I'd get through it no problem. I'm 65 but have a great immune system and don't recall having a serious cold/flu in the last 20 years. Since moving to northern Alberta in '01 from the Vancouver area haven't even had the chronic bronchitis that plagued both my wife and myself twice a year back there. So f'n wet and humid there compared to here. 23% RH in the house right now. 38% in the grow room according to my remote monitor. Clean, dry air is good for us!

Wife just left to score me some more Ukranian vodka in town. Love that woman!

Who doesn't? I'm pretty comfortable in my skin. Well educated and well read. No concerns at all about this 'crisis'. We bought a couple extra packs of TP this week but just because the wife and he daughter use so much we didn't want to run short should the sheeple run amok but no signs of that here.

We have a huge chest freezer full of all sorts of food and a few pounds of pot. Deer and moose wander through my property fairly often and I got the gear to take one if I need it and a neighbour with all the gear to do it up right. George's family has shared in all hunts and raising of animals for 100+ years since their people settled here in 1910 or so. Really religious but not pushy about it.

I truly have few fucks to give about Covid and if I did contract it I'm pretty sure I'd get through it no problem. I'm 65 but have a great immune system and don't recall having a serious cold/flu in the last 20 years. Since moving to northern Alberta in '01 from the Vancouver area haven't even had the chronic bronchitis that plagued both my wife and myself twice a year back there. So f'n wet and humid there compared to here. 23% RH in the house right now. 38% in the grow room according to my remote monitor. Clean, dry air is good for us!

Wife just left to score me some more Ukranian vodka in town. Love that woman!

Good dealio sounds similar to where we live.
Zero worries about the virus which is in stark contrast to the chicken littling clucking off everywhere.
Clean air is the best by far,have a great night.
Good dealio sounds similar to where we live.
Zero worries about the virus which is in stark contrast to the chicken littling clucking off everywhere.
Clean air is the best by far,have a great night.
If 200 million Americans get this illness and if the mortality rate is 5% because the hospitals are overwhelmed that's 10 million corpses in a span of a few months. This doesn't count the accident victims and others with medical emergencies that will die without hospitalisation, people like cancer patients. They estimate 10 to 15% of patients will need to be hospitalized with a rapid 70% of people infected and many will need ICU support, no medical system can withstand that.
Donald was worried about his numbers going up, I guess he never heard about exponential growth! What do you think his numbers will be like in november? Neither Vlad nor Jesus can save Donald now, no other president in the history of the republic fucked things up so badly and so fucking obviously. He managed to fuck every single fucking American, though many fucked themselves by voting for the moron. This guy will kill more Americans than all of America's wars combined since its founding in the span of three months, fuck what's next, nuking your poor asses? Many voted for suicide when they voted for Trump.
Donald was worried about his numbers going up, I guess he never heard about exponential growth! What do you think his numbers will be like in november? Neither Vlad nor Jesus can save Donald now, no other president in the history of the republic fucked things up so badly and so fucking obviously. He managed to fuck every single fucking American, though many fucked themselves by voting for the moron. This guy will kill more Americans than all of America's wars combined since its founding in the span of three months, fuck what's next, nuking your poor asses? Many voted for suicide when they voted for Trump.
That being the case you can finally relax in the knowledge he won't get another term.
Course that means Biden is in and he is fucked.
That being the case you can finally relax in the knowledge he won't get another term.
Course that means Biden is in and he is fucked.
You'll relax more than me, hopefully things won't come apart at the seams in America, we've been testing in Canada all along, Trudeau is in self isolation and his wife has it from a trip to London.
By the time Donald is done with Uncle Sam's asshole he'll be down on all fours bleeding from the asshole and infected with syphilis, gonorrhea and AIDS. Broken hearts and a broken nation, with an economy on the skids, incompetent government by an unfit president will do that, in just 3 very long years of daily scandals. The latest scandal involves the possible death of millions of Americans, a national emergency to avoid a medical catastrophe and a testing fiasco that crippled the response. The economy is or will be in a shambles, 401Ks and retirement incomes are screwed as is the market.
Donald was worried about his numbers going up, I guess he never heard about exponential growth! What do you think his numbers will be like in november? Neither Vlad nor Jesus can save Donald now, no other president in the history of the republic fucked things up so badly and so fucking obviously. He managed to fuck every single fucking American, though many fucked themselves by voting for the moron. This guy will kill more Americans than all of America's wars combined since its founding in the span of three months, fuck what's next, nuking your poor asses? Many voted for suicide when they voted for Trump.

And it's still going to be touch and go come November. Never underestimate the power of huge crowds of stupid people to skew the logic of the educated!

Who knew in 2016 that we'd end up with this asshole. Totally blew me away and it's been a horror show ever since and I'm Canadian for fug sake!

The new NAFTA deal just got signed and now we're doubly screwed. Triply screwed when you think about it. I'm in Alberta where out land-locked oi lis only sold to the US for about a third of world prices but without pipelines we're fucked. Now prices just tanked again plus Covid came along and we have a new hard right conservative gov't that is dragging us back to the 50s while giving billions to the failing oil companies. I'm a left leaning but conservative type of voter who is appalled by what is happening here now. Totally freaked out about what Trump is spewing and can't understand how he exists.

Vote that bitch out in November people or the whole world is fucked!


I came across this article about a month and a half ago. In light of the last day or two with trump trying to blame obama for the the bungled response i figured this article is worth sharing with your friends and family, especially the trumpkins in our families.
By the time Donald is done with Uncle Sam's asshole he'll be down on all fours bleeding from the asshole and infected with syphilis, gonorrhea and AIDS. Broken hearts and a broken nation, with an economy on the skids, incompetent government by an unfit president will do that, in just 3 very long years of daily scandals. The latest scandal involves the possible death of millions of Americans, a national emergency to avoid a medical catastrophe and a testing fiasco that crippled the response. The economy is or will be in a shambles, 401Ks and retirement incomes are screwed as is the market.

Have your wife of SO edit your stuff so that you don't come off as a complete whatever. Damn, that's some graphic shit.

I came across this article about a month and a half ago. In light of the last day or two with trump trying to blame obama for the the bungled response i figured this article is worth sharing with your friends and family, especially the trumpkins in our families.

I'm Canadian but have seriously deluded Trumpkins in my family. Cousins that their dad moved from Canada in the 60s to Oregon and they are totally deluded. My 92 yo mom makes a point of warning everybody not to start talking about politics with any of them or the family gathering is f'ed bad.

What is with these types? They are well educated and very rich but can't seem to see his shortcomings at all. Say one negative thing about US politics and they throw up the wall big time! Even when talking about how the republicunts refused to pass anything that Obama put up that would have benefitted their own electorate just because Obama put it forth. Screwing their own people.

The Repubs are so corrupt that if Trump gets in again the US will be no better than the Nazis were in their early days under Hitler. Shake and bake Mexicans anyone? !

The lack of understanding about climate, immigration and health care are just the tips of the ignorance that prevails in the hard right. Ignorance can be cured with education but stupidity is forever! Trump is truly stupid as most of his base is.

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