Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
pipe down you dumbshit racist
Uncle Buck I often wonder where your head is at. Not unlike my mom's brother Uncle Jim who, like his sons, was/is a totally off the wall hard right republican. A very educated man that was an engineer on the building of the Grand Coulee dam and many dams all over the world after.

I grok that you are no Trump fan but your lividly ignorant responses belies your barely hidden intelligence.

I'm a hard man when it comes to the ignorance perpetuated on the main stream news and watch very little of the hysteria. BBS World news and the PBS News Hour are my main sources. I watch The Daily Show and Colbert for the humourous explanations of what's gone on for the day. Very left leaning tho but I take that into consideration while I watch and adjust my bias accordingly.

I personally believe that you are much deeper than the ignorant persona you display and would really like to see the real Uncle Buck one of these days.

I would love to be shocked to my core when the brilliance of Uncle Buck is unleashed upon the world but if your 'I am what I am and it's all that I am' is all that you are truly 'am' is it then our world won't shut down any worse than it already is.

Rock us Uncle B!!!



Well-Known Member
Rhodes: Obama Left Trump A 'Global Health Infrastructure' | MSNBC

Fmr. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes responds to President Donald Trump's statement that he doesn't "take responsibility at all. Because we were given a set of circumstances, and we were given rules, regulations and specifications from a different time," saying that fmr. President Barack Obama left President Trump a "global health infrastructure" to manage global health threats, shut down by the current administration


Well-Known Member
Total fuck up going on at airports with American returning from banned areas. Waiting in extremely close contact for several hours.
trump’s total weakness is gonna get a lot of people killed.


Well-Known Member
I'm Canadian but have seriously deluded Trumpkins in my family. Cousins that their dad moved from Canada in the 60s to Oregon and they are totally deluded. My 92 yo mom makes a point of warning everybody not to start talking about politics with any of them or the family gathering is f'ed bad.

What is with these types? They are well educated and very rich but can't seem to see his shortcomings at all. Say one negative thing about US politics and they throw up the wall big time! Even when talking about how the republicunts refused to pass anything that Obama put up that would have benefitted their own electorate just because Obama put it forth. Screwing their own people.

The Repubs are so corrupt that if Trump gets in again the US will be no better than the Nazis were in their early days under Hitler. Shake and bake Mexicans anyone? !

The lack of understanding about climate, immigration and health care are just the tips of the ignorance that prevails in the hard right. Ignorance can be cured with education but stupidity is forever! Trump is truly stupid as most of his base is.

It is what a decade plus of hard core psychological programming will do.


Well-Known Member
Went to the local grocery store that serves a large area about 10AM on a saturday to see if there was a panic, none, and few people there so I went in and bought some stuff to stock up. I live in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Canada and there was toilet paper on the shelves though the supply was ravaged a bit. The staff told me the shelves were cleaned of it last night when folks got off work and picked up their orders on fridays, people are buying extra so they go out less often is what I figure, me too. They stocked the shelves this morning thought the situation there this afternoon might be a bit chaotic. There is no hand sanitizer to be had, but I've got the ingredients to make over 2 gallons of WHO approved hand sanitizer using instructions from a youtube video.

I noticed that there was lots of -40 windshield washer which also has a bit of detergent and water in it, I'll bet that could be used as sanitizer in a jamb, straight out of the car if required! I'll have to see what the alcohol content would be, says it's good to -40 C so there should be lots of methyl alcohol in it, google time.

Edit: -40 C windshield washer fluid is around 60% methyl Alcohol and you should be able to use it as hand sanitizer, add some glycerine to keep it from drying the skin.
there's a ton of stuff you can use Purell empty but Listerine right next to is fully stocked..this is not a gastro thing so I'm still not understanding the need for toilet paper.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck I often wonder where your head is at. Not unlike my mom's brother Uncle Jim who, like his sons, was/is a totally off the wall hard right republican. A very educated man that was an engineer on the building of the Grand Coulee dam and many dams all over the world after.

I grok that you are no Trump fan but your lividly ignorant responses belies your barely hidden intelligence.

I'm a hard man when it comes to the ignorance perpetuated on the main stream news and watch very little of the hysteria. BBS World news and the PBS News Hour are my main sources. I watch The Daily Show and Colbert for the humourous explanations of what's gone on for the day. Very left leaning tho but I take that into consideration while I watch and adjust my bias accordingly.

I personally believe that you are much deeper than the ignorant persona you display and would really like to see the real Uncle Buck one of these days.

I would love to be shocked to my core when the brilliance of Uncle Buck is unleashed upon the world but if your 'I am what I am and it's all that I am' is all that you are truly 'am' is it then our world won't shut down any worse than it already is.

Rock us Uncle B!!!

trump is a piece of shit

His supporters are worse


Well-Known Member
We're getting ready to start grading the camp road and spent most of yesterday clearing shit. We have an elderly neighbor on a fixed income living at the mouth of the road and Mr Tang checks in on her every few days. Local stores sold out of toilet paper and paper towels days ago and she had run out.
We're fortunate to also have Jayco camper for guests/travel that I stocked at the end of summer so he raided that and took the toilet paper, paper towels, and soap over to her.
I'm not to concerned right now. Between camp, home, and the shop we're well stocked but I do fear for those on fixed incomes, living alone.

Right now people are in panic and having an imbecile for a leader that couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on is just making it worse.
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Well-Known Member
Looks like half of the people parked on the side of the road. Probably to avoid the chaos of trying to escape the parking lot.

I'm glad that I've always planned ahead. Having lived sustainably for a long time, I'm always in a good position when this kind of nonsense happens.

I kind of get homicidal sensations when I'm out shopping when it's crazy busy, so I'm glad I don't have to do it LOL

yes, I oft want to put them out of their low IQ misery..


Well-Known Member
trump is a piece of shit

His supporters are worse
they're the hoarders..'i got mine..'

CDC I brought one swab on Monday and I told the guy who's checking it in that it was COVID19 and are you going to wear gloves? 'meh' and shrugged by Thursday bringing in batches same dude had protective gear..I was going to say something then again..'meh' <shrug>. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Looks like half of the people parked on the side of the road. Probably to avoid the chaos of trying to escape the parking lot.

I'm glad that I've always planned ahead. Having lived sustainably for a long time, I'm always in a good position when this kind of nonsense happens.

I kind of get homicidal sensations when I'm out shopping when it's crazy busy, so I'm glad I don't have to do it LOL
I'd rather be beaten with bat
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