Pandemic 2020

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Read that Seattle is to the point of making impossible decisions, who gets ventilators, rumor says nobody over 40 considered,let that sink in if true.
He's the kind of asshole that will say, "see, it was nothing" if the current measures are successful.

The internet is a form of communication where the idiots have a huge advantage.
Alas, many are struck down and slain in bars and at public gatherings across the land, online is their safe space, or soon will be...
You guys could choose to make up nice stuffs about have never met.
Why do you always choose to make up the worst scenario you can........why not nice fantasies?
180,000 cases worldwide is pretty far right of the decimal point statistically.
Read that Seattle is to the point of making impossible decisions, who gets ventilators, rumor says nobody over 40 considered,let that sink in if true.
Talk about yer death panels, Trump death panels, if yer over 40 yer fucked. Accident victims and others needing critical care will soon be out of luck. Soon they will be deciding between the under 40's, who shall live and who shall perish, it's got to be Hell for the doctor explaining it to the families and calling the God shots..
Reading about rural hospitals in Iowa, one has 2 ventilators, rural areas will be the last to get the spread of the virus but they have nothing to fight it, tRUmp country will not far well but who will?
You guys could choose to make up nice stuffs about have never met.
Why do you always choose to make up the worst scenario you can........why not nice fantasies?
180,000 cases worldwide is pretty far right of the decimal point statistically.
Best case scenarios aren’t dramatic enough
You don't actually believe hospital administrators will go on record saying such things do you? Heath care workers are leaking this stuff to warn the public what's coming in the hope people will wake up and follow the warnings.
Reading about rural hospitals in Iowa, one has 2 ventilators, rural areas will be the last to get the spread of the virus but they have nothing to fight it, tRUmp country will not far well but who will?
Trump won't fair well either as the magnitude of his incompetence becomes even more apparent, the GOP might end up begging the democrats for new articles of impeachment. Nothing changes your opinion of someone like realizing they are trying to kill you to keep their numbers good. Many trumpers over 40 are coming to that realisation, it takes death and catastrophe to do it, but some will break loose. November will be a massacre of the elephants with Donald leading the herd over a cliff and into the abyss, while trampling over the corpses of millions.
Daughter works at the local hospital.
Well stocked and ready no Wuhan Wailer cases but a few oldies with flu......yes just the flu.
Schools are all closed and there was a shootout at the DQ..........big time for around here.
They closed casinos and ski resorts here in NV which are fairly large employers in this state. The workers will suffer greatly. State offices and schools now shuttered. My grandson's golf and other grandson's baseball season is over early as all school sports are closed down for the year. I think we have about 30-40 cases reported for the state as of this morning.
Daughter works at the local hospital.
Well stocked and ready no Wuhan Wailer cases but a few oldies with flu......yes just the flu.
Schools are all closed and there was a shootout at the DQ..........big time for around here.
With social distancing the murder rate will drop like a stone.
Daughter works at the local hospital.
Well stocked and ready no Wuhan Wailer cases but a few oldies with flu......yes just the flu.
Schools are all closed and there was a shootout at the DQ..........big time for around here.
Maybe if schools were open they would have been learning instead of shooting I say we add those to the list killed by corona virus. Inflation
So stay off the road to avoid being hit by over worked truck drivers that may fall asleep at the wheel. That’s a bigger 10-4.

That's a pretty dumb thing to say.

Do you realize some of these drivers are making a sacrifice and putting time with their family on the back burner so you can have food in your refrigerator or hospitals can have all the supplies they need?
Incompetence, they are waiting in limited space to get through customs and must crowd together.
Joe: Trump Was So Ill-Prepared On Airport Screenings | Morning Joe | MSNBC
That's a pretty dumb thing to say.

Do you realize some of these drivers are making a sacrifice and putting time with their family on the back burner so you can have food in your refrigerator or hospitals can have all the supplies they need?
Do you realize being sleep deprived is just as bad as being under the influence

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