To Transplant Or Not?


Hello all! These are some babies that popped exactly 45 days ago. I went from solo cup to 1gal fabric pot. Looking to move to a final 3gal fabric pot and flip to flower after I get a few clones from each and let it adjust to it's new home.

I did a bit of LST and recently started topping. Any other advise is welcomed!


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Are they sexed? If so...
Topping or FIM will get you more clones, shorten the height and create more tops.
The top growth looks a little bunched up or stunted might be beginning of cal-mag and phos need. No obvious chlorosis showing deficiency but theres a few things going on with the leaves to keep an eye on. Theres some early chlorosis possible on the new tip growth and the lower fan leaves are flagging a little bit. Just watch it like you have been.
FYI-if deficiencies appear figure out the factors and mechanism thats causing it not necessarily just hungry for more.
Yes they are fem photo, germinated by popping it straight into soil. I transplanted to a 1gal and mixed Kind Hot Soil (pre-amended) with some Roots Organic Potting. I have a feeling I didn't give them enough of the Kind Soil so im starting to see nutrient def? I was hoping with the transplant I can provide more of the hot soil which should fix some of the def. Some of my other plants are showing it more so.

I water with purified water at a PH between 6-7.
Here are some other plants.


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just top it and transplant, but one shock at a time, don't over water. and dont overfeed, seems that u did a bit of a hard feed on her or the soil is hot, in all cases less is more
You got a good plan. Youre on top of it. Transplant will definitely help with growth and deficiency.
If your purified water is RO it has virtually no minerals and will actually leach from soil when draining FYI.
My biggest issue currently is finding a good water source at the right PH and PPM. Thank you guys for your feedback. This is my first grow.
A compost tea. A worm castings tea. Aerated preferred. KNF is pretty goodfor sure, but as far as ganja still gotta fertilize just less. Bokashi is commonly available now too, a KNF preparation.