When should I lower my light ? Pics


Well-Known Member
There seedlings for the first 21 days and they don’t need much light at first. If anything you may have to raise you light depending on how tall they grow eventually. As my plants get bigger I raise the light. Then when I turn to flower I leave my light alone till after the two week stretch and if they are more than 18 inches from my light I will lower it. I don’t know the recommendation on your specific light but I use a hlg550 and I can have mine 18-24 inches away during flower


Well-Known Member
What is the pot with multiple seedlings and them solo cups I start my seeds in dark and warm place not sure about the light


Well-Known Member
Cool proper green fingers then. Just my other query is I thought warm air rises and would be best to extract that air through your filter therefore having filter off the floor. I may be wrong on this


Cool proper green fingers then. Just my other query is I thought warm air rises and would be best to extract that air through your filter therefore having filter off the floor. I may be wrong on this
Totally agree , my tent is a little warm . However the filter doesn’t fit up top , tent is 2x2