Are clone machines worth it?


Well-Known Member
Also, adding chlorine is something new to me. Must be dependant on where your from and your tap water quality as well. We have high levels of chlorine where i am so i fill 5 gallon buckets with tap water and air them out with a pump and airstones before they hit the plants a day or two later.
Chlorine, H2O2 is used on a commercial industrial scale as a sterilizing agent and to remove biofilm in hydroponic systems. I use household bleach ( Clorox) with sodium hypochlorite for small reservoirs and Pool shock (Calcium hypochlorite) for a bigger rez. I try to keep residual chlorine at 0.5-2 ppm.

Chlorine is a tertiary nutrient for Cannabis.
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Well-Known Member
Chlorine, H2O2 is used on a commercial industrial scale as a sterilizing agent and to remove biofilm in hydroponic systems. I use household bleach ( Clorox) with sodium hypochlorite for small reservoirs and Pool shock (Calcium hypochlorite) for a bigger rez. I try to keep residual chlorine at 0.5-2 ppm.

Chlorine is a tertiary nutrient for Cannabis.
ok so first how do you test chlorine levels at home and secondly im growing in soil but am willing to do what ever it takes to be successful at cloning


Well-Known Member
ok so first how do you test chlorine levels at home and secondly im growing in soil but am willing to do what ever it takes to be successful at cloning
You don't really have to do that. Over 5ppm is safe for most plants. You use a dilution calculator to be able to dose correctly and calculate desired ppms. Here's a link to the one I used:

Aim for 1-2 ppm. I add 2ppm to everything that goes in to the reservoirs ie rez change, filling up cloner etc.


Well-Known Member
well 48 hours so far and no roots, first time using this clone machine and the donor plants were still a tad young (~4 weeks old). Have high hopes this go around, only one stem is showing wilting the rest are still green and firm.

I cleaned the unit with quat solution prior to using.


Well-Known Member
Here’s my shit...
All the seeds in those pellets are bag seed with no germination. Disappointed. First time using pellets. Before seed in soil no germ worked 100% so I’m not sold on pellets yet



Well-Known Member
well 48 hours so far and no roots, first time using this clone machine and the donor plants were still a tad young (~4 weeks old). Have high hopes this go around, only one stem is showing wilting the rest are still green and firm.

I cleaned the unit with quat solution prior to using.
5 days is quick, 10 days is normal 14 days is taking time.


Well-Known Member
I also clone in coco. I use those square 4 in or whatever pots and set them in a domed nursery flat with damp perlite in the bottom so I dont even have to water. Set it and forget it come back in 7 to 10 days with all rooted.
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Well-Known Member
The thing I like about clone machines is that I don't need medium or ongoing extra supplies. I still do runs in coco or whatever I have on hand when I need a shit load, but when I only need enough for a tent I use the cloner.

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I can’t think of what I do wrong. It blows my mind. I’m going to search on here for cloning and see what all people doin for step I guess. Maybe I’m missing something. Idk.
You’re missing aeration. If you want numerous clones on a regular basis, make or buy a machine.
If you want a few clones now and then, get the above mentioned aquarium air pump and stone or two. Drop cuttings and stone in a cup of water. They will root.


Well-Known Member
I love my ez cloners, though diy clone machines will do the same thing.

The biggest issues I've had with the clone machines is sterility, which lead to always having to replace collars and the clogged spray nozzles (roots) on the manifold.

The last few years been using permaclone collars, the kind you can sanitize in a goose bag in the microwave. Expensive up front but they pay for themselves after a couple runs, they've rooted at least a couple thousand with same collars, sometimes I double and triple up cuts per collar.

I never change my water in a clone cycle, only adding more to top off as they root and start to drink. Depending on need/schedule I will transplant as soon as rooted or let grow some wizard beards in the machine.

In the cloner I only use base nutes at same ppm of the moms, kln hormone, and a clear rez knockoff ( I see roots in as little as 10 days but most of the time I won't even check them for 2-3 wks.

Temps can be an issue for some, my 60 site I run on a chiller, but you can keep the slime away by adding clear rez equivalent up to every 3 days. I've tried 15on/15off on the sprayer manifold which works to keep temps lower, however have had pumps decide to not turn on so I just run the pumps 24/7.

I keep the lights over the clone machines off for the first few days, which helps keep the clones from yellowing. I have used the vitagrow anti-wilt in the past but find it unnecessary if the environment is ideal.

Used to be a domer with rapids or rockwool but once I got the cloners down to set-and-forget I haven't looked back.
I got a 9 plug EZcloner a month or so ago , had my ladies in there for 2 weeks now and they just getting club like roots at the bottom,
I use clonex , off to the side of a smaller led , Do they always take this long ? I had roots in less time with a cheap small bucket cloner
that I had gotten off of amazon , and rapid rooters in a dome .
Am I missing something ? What could I being doing wrong ? water level is just below the manifold , r.o. water . Thanks !


Well-Known Member
If you have healthy cuts going in they are will root within 14 days within a wide range of temps, the colder it is the longer it takes. Change out your Rez to plain tap water pHed to 5.5 to 6.0 and wait


Well-Known Member
I got a 9 plug EZcloner a month or so ago , had my ladies in there for 2 weeks now and they just getting club like roots at the bottom,
I use clonex , off to the side of a smaller led , Do they always take this long ? I had roots in less time with a cheap small bucket cloner
that I had gotten off of amazon , and rapid rooters in a dome .
Am I missing something ? What could I being doing wrong ? water level is just below the manifold , r.o. water . Thanks !
If you have healthy cuts going in they are will root within 14 days within a wide range of temps, the colder it is the longer it takes. Change out your Rez to plain tap water pHed to 5.5 to 6.0 and wait
Like DaFreak said, use tap water not RO water.

In addition to water temps rooting times can be strain dependent.

If you’re using clonex solution you may need to add some dyna-KLN rooting hormone as the clonex solution is simply light nutrient. Maintain pH in hydro range, 5.5-6.0 is fine.

Also patience is key, learn how long it takes to produce viable uniform cuttings in your environment with your genetics. If the cuts aren’t melting just slow to root you’re on your way to happy babies.


Well-Known Member
If you have healthy cuts going in they are will root within 14 days within a wide range of temps, the colder it is the longer it takes. Change out your Rez to plain tap water pHed to 5.5 to 6.0 and wait
Yep , took great cuts , around 8" to 9" wanted the best cause ladies were going into flip mode next night , I did fill up ezcloner with R.O.
put in ez clone solution , used the clone gel supplied with the machine , They been in it for a little over 2 weeks , they have big numbers on them but haven't grown out to full blown roots , Don't make sense , I had a cheap bucket one from amazon with a little aquarium bubbler that work faster ,
But was only a 5 cell , and The ez cloner has 9 and a better water sprayers . Its just taken the nubs so long to explode into hairs .


Well-Known Member
Like DaFreak said, use tap water not RO water.

In addition to water temps rooting times can be strain dependent.

If you’re using clonex solution you may need to add some dyna-KLN rooting hormone as the clonex solution is simply light nutrient. Maintain pH in hydro range, 5.5-6.0 is fine.

Also patience is key, learn how long it takes to produce viable uniform cuttings in your environment with your genetics. If the cuts aren’t melting just slow to root you’re on your way to happy babies.
Its been about 17 days , they have club like nubs at the bottom , not growing out yet , Think I should switch the water over ? I have 2 gal. of tap water ph'd to almost 6.0. .


Well-Known Member
Its been about 17 days , they have club like nubs at the bottom , not growing out yet , Think I should switch the water over ? I have 2 gal. of tap water ph'd to almost 6.0. .
Yeah you can switch out or add back the tap h2o depending on your rez size.
I take roughly 300-500 cuts per month and rarely do I change out my water. Only adding back as they drink/ evaporates and keeping my ec/ppm where I want it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can switch out or add back the tap h2o depending on your rez size.
I take roughly 300-500 cuts per month and rarely do I change out my water. Only adding back as they drink/ evaporates and keeping my ec/ppm where I want it.
well it currently has the R.O. water in it ,


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can switch out or add back the tap h2o depending on your rez size.
I take roughly 300-500 cuts per month and rarely do I change out my water. Only adding back as they drink/ evaporates and keeping my ec/ppm where I want it.
Do you run the pump 24 /7 , maybe I should run 1/2 on 1/2 off ,,, I don't have min. timer just 1/2 increment ones


Well-Known Member
Do you run the pump 24 /7 , maybe I should run 1/2 on 1/2 off ,,, I don't have min. timer just 1/2 increment ones
I run the pump 24/7 but my clone reservoirs are 10 and 20gals. Have ran 15 on/off but have had pumps fail to turn back on. I also run water coolers and keep my temps between 73-76f.

Whats the ppm of your solution?

The biggest mistake folks make with cloners besides bacteria melting the clones is doing too much versus letting them root at their own pace.

If you have root nubs you may just need more food available. Are they still healthy green or have they started to get limey?

I get my clone reservoirs perfect and then cut clones, and don’t look at them again for wks except to check water levels or add clear rez knockoff for sterile rez.


Well-Known Member
I run the pump 24/7 but my clone reservoirs are 10 and 20gals. Have ran 15 on/off but have had pumps fail to turn back on. I also run water coolers and keep my temps between 73-76f.

Whats the ppm of your solution?

The biggest mistake folks make with cloners besides bacteria melting the clones is doing too much versus letting them root at their own pace.

If you have root nubs you may just need more food available. Are they still healthy green or have they started to get limey?

I get my clone reservoirs perfect and then cut clones, and don’t look at them again for wks except to check water levels or add clear rez knockoff for sterile rez.
just topped off with 6.0. tap water was a tad low . The numbers are showing growth , may explode uncouple of days , Yes healthy green yet . Its day 16 , so maybe a little more patience , Gonna check ppm , I know the r.0. water I use is around 6 unless I go to this water store theres is 9 , Thanks


Well-Known Member
No roots day 16 with an aero cloner most likely means that your mothers were not in the right state to take cuts from. There really is no secret formula, ro water, tap water, no Nutes, low nutes, 24/7, 15/15, 1/4 they all work with good cuts.