Sounds like adjustments to the new normal are being made.
For me, working from home sucks. There is much that needs doing and can't get done from here. Work site is shut down. What happens next will not be good. Nothing I can do about it so I'm not going to let it get to me. (much)
Freezer is full of recently bought proteins, still have fruit from last summer. A binge of bread making late Feb/early March made enough to last us through the great Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat flour shortage. For some unknown reason, I got down on doing a winter garden last fall that is bursting with fresh greens, kale, cabbage and favas. Re-planting as I go with veg for late spring, such as peas and carrots. A plot is designated for this years home-grow and buried under six inches of compost. I'll get some seeds started for that in a couple more weeks, goal is to get them in the ground after May 15. .
Squabbles among the kids are getting fierce but we live on two acres, so I've given each their own corner and materials to build their own fort. Wars between territories are imminent. The ends of sticks used as "spears" must be covered with old rags or the emperor will take them away. I'm waiting for war to break out and maybe they will value of alliances.
Having time for noonies isn't bad either.
I dunno, I just might make it. At least everybody is occupied with things other than Facebook.
Staying home to flatten the curve is the prime objective for now.
Live long and prosper.
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