Pandemic 2020

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Ecclesiastes 1 : 9-11

9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which one can say,
“Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.
11 No one remembers the former generations,
and even those yet to come
will not be remembered
by those who follow them.

Hey, could you forward God my Safeway order when you get a chance?

Genesis 15:9
The Lord answered, “Bring me a heifer three years old, a she-goat, three years old, a ram three years old, a turtle dove and a young pigeon.”
Hey, could you forward God my Safeway order when you get a chance?

Genesis 15:9
The Lord answered, “Bring me a heifer three years old, a she-goat, three years old, a ram three years old, a turtle dove and a young pigeon.”
Care to discuss the pandemic? That seems to be what your most concerned with.

How are you fairing during the storm friend/compadre?
Care to discuss the pandemic? That seems to be what your most concerned with.

How are you fairing during the storm friend/compadre?
Chinese cold, not a pandemic.

This is what I'll be doing today out in the garage:
Ezekiel 16:17
You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them.
Sounds like adjustments to the new normal are being made.

For me, working from home sucks. There is much that needs doing and can't get done from here. Work site is shut down. What happens next will not be good. Nothing I can do about it so I'm not going to let it get to me. (much)

Freezer is full of recently bought proteins, still have fruit from last summer. A binge of bread making late Feb/early March made enough to last us through the great Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat flour shortage. For some unknown reason, I got down on doing a winter garden last fall that is bursting with fresh greens, kale, cabbage and favas. Re-planting as I go with veg for late spring, such as peas and carrots. A plot is designated for this years home-grow and buried under six inches of compost. I'll get some seeds started for that in a couple more weeks, goal is to get them in the ground after May 15. .

Squabbles among the kids are getting fierce but we live on two acres, so I've given each their own corner and materials to build their own fort. Wars between territories are imminent. The ends of sticks used as "spears" must be covered with old rags or the emperor will take them away. I'm waiting for war to break out and maybe they will learn the value of alliances.

Having time for noonies isn't bad either.

I dunno, I just might make it. At least everybody is occupied with things other than Facebook.

Staying home to flatten the curve is the prime objective for now.

Live long and prosper.

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Sounds like adjustments to the new normal are being made.

For me, working from home sucks. There is much that needs doing and can't get done from here. Work site is shut down. What happens next will not be good. Nothing I can do about it so I'm not going to let it get to me. (much)

Freezer is full of recently bought proteins, still have fruit from last summer. A binge of bread making late Feb/early March made enough to last us through the great Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat flour shortage. For some unknown reason, I got down on doing a winter garden last fall that is bursting with fresh greens, kale, cabbage and favas. Re-planting as I go with veg for late spring, such as peas and carrots. A plot is designated for this years home-grow and buried under six inches of compost. I'll get some seeds started for that in a couple more weeks, goal is to get them in the ground after May 15. .

Squabbles among the kids are getting fierce but we live on two acres, so I've given each their own corner and materials to build their own fort. Wars between territories are imminent. The ends of sticks used as "spears" must be covered with old rags or the emperor will take them away. I'm waiting for war to break out and maybe they will value of alliances.

Having time for noonies isn't bad either.

I dunno, I just might make it. At least everybody is occupied with things other than Facebook.

Staying home to flatten the curve is the prime objective for now.

Live long and prosper.

View attachment 4508393
Logic dictates this course of action...
Jeezus ... the bible thumping should have realized that PESTILENCE is pretty much part of the bible.
No hysteria needed. For those that “ truly “ believe , then the sudden occurrence is not unknown , and perhaps an act of god. Heaven knows humankind had this coming - pollution , violence, wars , cats sleeping with dogs , adam and steve ... on and on.

If you really want to open your eyes .... IF and when mankind has run its course ... Mother Nature gets everything back . Earth will heal itself. Everything that happens to mankind ... is FROM mankind. You really don’t think zoonotic diseases stay in nature . Its from human “ interaction “ .

I personally was rooting for an asteroid.
Chinese cold, not a pandemic.

This is what I'll be doing today out in the garage:
Ezekiel 16:17
You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them.
Ezekiel 16:30

30 “ ‘I am filled with fury against you, declares the Sovereign LORD, when you do all these things, acting like a brazen prostitute!

It's a good idea to know the full context of the scripture that someone may mention or quote, it leads to a better understanding of the text as a whole.

By admitting that your dependant on the system (Safeway-Walmart-etc) for your own survival, you admit that yourself like many of us are not truly free, does this not make you also a slave to the ways of the world here in America? Why boast about things that we are bound/attached to and may never have full control of?

I'm sure we all would like to slowly continue spiraling down into a roll playing screen play of gloom and doom that has been placed before us to perceive as a reality, as sticking to the script is important and adaption to the new normal is what society is expecting of us, we would miss out on gaining the acceptance of others if we were to step out of line with our own understanding of what's going on, but I don't know about Human unity through conformity as the best plan of action myself, I stick to answering to a higher authority as I believe this is where intelligent prosperity lays it's footing, let us not reach for the lowest denominator to express our opinions/beliefs towards one another outwardly, let us reach for higher ground in conversation such as this one dear friend/s.
Ezekiel 16:30

30 “ ‘I am filled with fury against you, declares the Sovereign LORD, when you do all these things, acting like a brazen prostitute!

It's a good idea to know the full context of the scripture that someone may mention or quote, it leads to a better understanding of the text as a whole.

By admitting that your dependant on the system (Safeway-Walmart-etc) for your own survival, you admit that yourself like many of us are not truly free, does this not make you also a slave to the ways of the world here in America? Why boast about things that we are bound/attached to and may never have full control of?

I'm sure we all would like to slowly continue spiraling down into a roll playing screen play of gloom and doom that has been placed before us to perceive as a reality, as sticking to the script is important and adaption to the new normal is what society is expecting of us, we would miss out on gaining the acceptance of others if we were to step out of line with our own understanding of what's going on, but I don't know about Human unity through conformity as the best plan of action myself, I stick to answering to a higher authority as I believe this is where intelligent prosperity lays it's footing, let us not reach for the lowest denominator to express our opinions/beliefs towards one another outwardly, let us reach for higher ground in conversation such as this one dear friend/s.
This post was not helpful

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would not recommend to friends or family
By admitting that your dependant on the system (Safeway-Walmart-etc) for your own survival,
you said that, not me. i thought you and the Spaghetti Monster were tight? guess not. you should pray more.

and the idol that i just made out of gold and silver, i put your face on it while i'm pretending to be from Sodom whilst i violate it.
Jeezus ... the bible thumping should have realized that PESTILENCE is pretty much part of the bible.
No hysteria needed. For those that “ truly “ believe , then the sudden occurrence is not unknown , and perhaps an act of god. Heaven knows humankind had this coming - pollution , violence, wars , cats sleeping with dogs , adam and steve ... on and on.

If you really want to open your eyes .... IF and when mankind has run its course ... Mother Nature gets everything back . Earth will heal itself. Everything that happens to mankind ... is FROM mankind. You really don’t think zoonotic diseases stay in nature . Its from human “ interaction “ .

I personally was rooting for an asteroid.
Just in the same way the movie twelve monkey's was scripted? Why give into an overlayment of science fiction? Since when do airborne viruses have the same or higher death ratio/rate above or similar to a blood borne virus? You have exchange DNA to reach this level of destructive power in any other viruses up to this point in human history, we already have H1N1 and the others why suddenly do we have never before detected extremely contagious virus that behaves like the plague and spreads through the air, doesn't anyone here see the relation to this and what is said to be otherwise a zombie like disease that spreads itself out faster than even a bite from a zombie would, is fictional? Why such discontention with what someone with a separate comprehension & whom is part of a community here online decides to share with each of you?

Peace and warm vibes my friend.
Just in the same way the movie twelve monkey's was scripted? Why give into an overlayment of science fiction? Since when do airborne viruses have the same or higher death ratio/rate above or similar to a blood borne virus? You have exchange DNA to reach this level of destructive power in any other viruses up to this point in human history, we already have H1N1 and the others why suddenly do we have never before detected extremely contagious virus that behaves like the plague and spreads through the air, doesn't anyone here see the relation to this and what is said to be otherwise a zombie like disease that spreads itself out faster than even a bite from a zombie would, is fictional? Why such discontention with what someone with a separate comprehension & whom is part of a community here online decides to share with each of you?

Peace and warm vibes my friend.
why do you ask questions as if they were answers?

You need to read up. Or maybe listen to those who know about this stuff. You clearly haven't even begun to learn. Start with discarding that old feeble religious belief. It was top of the line knowledge about a thousand years ago and is dated.
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