Pandemic 2020

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How do you know it hasn't? Out of the millions of years of human evolution until very recently there has been a lot of space between us.

Also now that I think of it, what do you think happened to the Native American population?
That's why I quoted scripture from an ancient time in the Bible to transfer my message more thoroughly, we are already bound to the hands of time, controlled by the Sun and the season, why place this extra barrier of fear over top of ourselves when ancient wisdom offers guidance otherwise, in the form of simply relating to us that nothing new shall suddenly occur under the Sun, we can have peace of mind in this truth, all things have existed once before especially in the natural world, in Nature, what argument can anyone bring forth that shows evidence that this notion is not true?

Native American population? Disease and Genocide decimated the indigenous people of of the north American continent, hateful misconception and lies became the key contributor of distrust between the people's of that time, loss of civilized rationality and consideration towards other human beings became to downfall of many.
Here’s what really happened to them. But hey why not just rewrite history lmfao you guys kill me


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That ask "questions as if they are answers" shit is for cowards who don't want to speak forthrightly and remove all doubt about the lunacy of their beliefs.

Just say what you mean and leave the bafflegab or religion out of the discussion.
I have my own style and sophistication as to how I bring forth my thoughts, let us not descend into despair, I can only be who I am, I won't be using my message on something as serious as this to troll or discredit someone else foolishly, I wanted to discuss more towards the political side of things but as you see I received many curious replies as to my intention (religiously derived questions towards me) I spoke/typed my initial post from out of a place of concern, Care, and Love in order to show others what I see, this is the best I can do, let's do our best to accept whom we are from one another, life is too short to extend ourselves into discontention.
That's why I quoted scripture from an ancient time in the Bible to transfer my message more thoroughly, we are already bound to the hands of time, controlled by the Sun and the season, why place this extra barrier of fear over top of ourselves when ancient wisdom offers guidance otherwise, in the form of simply relating to us that nothing new shall suddenly occur under the Sun, we can have peace of mind in this truth, all things have existed once before especially in the natural world, in Nature, what argument can anyone bring forth that shows evidence that this notion is not true?

Native American population? Disease and Genocide decimated the indigenous people of of the north American continent, hateful misconception and lies became the key contributor of distrust between the people's of that time, loss of civilized rationality and consideration towards other human beings became to downfall of many.
I guess the fact that a virus that the people had no immunity build up to sweeping through their population killing millions is lost on you.
were decimated by Christians.
Christians who decided to be in agreement with murder and break God's commandments shall be judged heavily, they increased their odds of not entering into God's Kingdom or gaining His acceptance of them, just because someone claims a Christian belief system/ or religion as their own doesn't mean or guarantee that they will automatically gain acceptance into the higher realms of existence and a hope of existing eternally into the future, Christians must be in alignment with God's order, laws, and plan to escape from this material realm of existing, that's not to say that some won't continue to exist in a fleshly form as well, the Bible speaks of the immortality of human beings being a real possibility and that the Earth shall exist forever within the Universe.

Back to what you said tho rkymtnman not every single person alive in those days were 100% Christian, there were other beliefs that people had access to, America still had a connection to European books and materials that were brought with them from the 'old' World, couldn't have been nothing but Christians alone, that's kind of a narrow outlook on the subject, other beliefs must have existed somewhere within the population, sorry that's just a bit too stereotyped of a notion for me to entirely accept and claim, but on a broad scale yes I agree, Christianity was a dominant religion in those times, but not everyone who claimed it was even truly a chosen child of God if they chose to continue claiming the lives of others and continuing on being in accepting agreement of those who had lost their lives around them, God examines the Heart, he sees what's being said on the inside before anyone speaks a word.
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Christians whom decided to be in agreement with murder and break God's commandments shall be judged heavily, they increased their odds of not entering into God's Kingdom or gaining His acceptance of them, just because someone claims a Christian belief system/ or religion as their own doesn't mean or guarantee that they will automatically gain acceptance into the higher realms of existence and a hope of existing eternally into the future, Christians must be in alignment with God's order, laws, and plan to escape from this material realm of existing, that's not to say that some won't continue to exist in a fleshly form as well, the Bible speaks of the immortality of human beings being a real possibility and that the Earth shall exist forever within the Universe.

Back to what you said tho rkymtnman not every single person alive in those days were 100% Christian, there were other beliefs that people had access to, America still had a connection to European books and materials that were brought with them from the 'old' World, couldn't have been nothing but Christians alone, that's kind of a narrow outlook on the subject, other beliefs must have existed somewhere within the population, sorry that's just a bit too stereotyped of a notion for me to entirely accept and claim, but on a broad scale yes I agree, Christianity was a dominant religion in those times, but not everyone who claimed it was even truly a chosen child of God if they chose to continue claiming the lives of others and continuing on being in accepting agreement of those whom had lost their lives around them, God examines the Heart, he sees what's being said on the inside before anyone speaks a word.
Come on seriously, I appreciate you are a believer, but this is the political section.
I guess the fact that a virus that the people had no immunity build up to sweeping through their population killing millions is lost on you.
Which virus/viruses do you speak of?

Are you aware this same viral load type of infection has occurred in other regions of the world like South America as well? People infected the indigenous peoples of Australia and so forth also, it's not unique to us in the USA, it's something that has taken place in our human history however, and the World is much less isolated than it was In those times, continent to continent travel is nothing nowadays, what has occurred has already taken place, it not going to continue being something new, the past has already forever changed our reality here on Earth.

Once again we must not give into fears of the past, these things were ancient before our time, and the Modernization of the natural World has been forever changed by our presence, we become immune to what had once taken a toll on Human existence.

Besides Native Americans didn't have access to modern medicine and therapy, no scientific proof of how to fight infection, no real access to other preventative foods and measures that could be taken in order to safeguard their health and communities, they just didn't have as many benefits within society to access these types of things, and physically/logistically these things just did not exist, and what was known to many peoples of that Era of time was limited.
Christians whom decided to be in agreement with murder and break God's commandments shall be judged heavily, they increased their odds of not entering into God's Kingdom or gaining His acceptance of them, just because someone claims a Christian belief system/ or religion as their own doesn't mean or guarantee that they will automatically gain acceptance into the higher realms of existence and a hope of existing eternally into the future, Christians must be in alignment with God's order, laws, and plan to escape from this material realm of existing, that's not to say that some won't continue to exist in a fleshly form as well, the Bible speaks of the immortality of human beings being a real possibility and that the Earth shall exist forever within the Universe.

Back to what you said tho rkymtnman not every single person alive in those days were 100% Christian, there were other beliefs that people had access to, America still had a connection to European books and materials that were brought with them from the 'old' World, couldn't have been nothing but Christians alone, that's kind of a narrow outlook on the subject, other beliefs must have existed somewhere within the population, sorry that's just a bit too stereotyped of a notion for me to entirely accept and claim, but on a broad scale yes I agree, Christianity was a dominant religion in those times, but not everyone who claimed it was even truly a chosen child of God if they chose to continue claiming the lives of others and continuing on being in accepting agreement of those whom had lost their lives around them, God examines the Heart, he sees what's being said on the inside before anyone speaks a word.
Incorrect use of whom
Come on seriously, I appreciate you are a believer, but this is the political section.
A forum is designed with a unified platform of communication through understanding as it's background beyond all sections and categories, if an misrepresentation of truth is presented it is up to the members to defend it, I responded to something I found to be negatively inclined so I responded to it, i as well as others should be able to express clarity on a subject as long as we don't go beyond our means and welcome... I'm in no way upset or irritated with anyone here, I'm sorry if what I have brought forth today in my posts has irritated anyone, my purpose was share and receive insight where it may reside, may we move onwards and overcome this reverberation.
Which virus/viruses do you speak of?

Are you aware this same viral load type of infection has occurred in other regions of the world like South America as well? People infected the indigenous peoples of Australia and so forth also, it's not unique to us in the USA, it's something that has taken place in our human history however, and the World is much less isolated than it was In those times, continent to continent travel is nothing nowadays, what has occurred has already taken place, it not going to continue being something new, the past has already forever changed our reality here on Earth.

Once again we must not give into fears of the past, these things were ancient before our time, and the Modernization of the natural World has been forever changed by our presence, we become immune to what had once taken a toll on Human existence.

Besides Native Americans didn't have access to modern medicine and therapy, no scientific proof of how to fight infection, no real access to other preventative foods and measures that could be taken in order to safeguard their health and communities, they just didn't have as many benefits within society to access these types of things, and physically/logistically these things just did not exist, and what was known to many peoples of that Era of time was limited.
Small Pox.

And that is the point. New viruses pop up and sweep through the population.

You do understand that as far as we have come we don't have a cure for the common cold virus?

And I am not trying to scare you, but this is really happening, find comfort in anything you like, but saying things like "God wouldn't do this" is ignoring reality.
A forum is designed with a unified platform of communication through understanding as it's background beyond all sections and categories, if an misrepresentation of truth is presented it is up to the members to defend it, I responded to something I found to be negatively inclined so I responded to it, i as well as others should be able to express clarity on a subject as long as we don't go beyond our means and welcome... I'm in no way upset or irritated with anyone here, I'm sorry if what I have brought forth today in my posts has irritated anyone, my purpose was share and receive insight where it may reside, may we move onwards and overcome this reverberation.
It is more about my trying to give you the respect while not pointing out that religion is a trolling tactic and I don't want to disrespect your beliefs without pointing out all the flaws in what you are saying because you believe in stuff that really has to avoid science and reality.
Donald Trump's notes for his virus announcement had the word "Corona" sharpied out and replaced with "Chinese". It's literally like the stupid just keeps getting worse.

From the article: "The picture, taken by a Washington Post photographer, shows the word crossed out in what appears to be Sharpie and in the president's own handwriting."

Next up: 'Trump condems Washington Post for taking a fake photo with a fake camera. In fact, the reporter was fakely standing beside him'.
Retards on film .....

Oh my fucking days, the level of stupidity is rising the longer this goes on.
Had a customer at work put his hands in the pick n mix sweet display and looked at me blankly when I said to him that he shouldn't be doing that anytime but especially during this world wide pandemic. And you wonder how these things get spread.
It is more about my trying to give you the respect while not pointing out that religion is a trolling tactic and I don't want to disrespect your beliefs without pointing out all the flaws in what you are saying because you believe in stuff that really has to avoid science and reality.
Well take for instance the idea that you speak forth about small pox being spread as a new occurance, however there is evidence that it existed possibly before Egyptian times even, it certainly wasn't new to the Earth each time it began its spread, which aligns with the scripture I posted earlier.

What has been lost to our modern age is the understanding that we are at a pinnacle in time, we are at a heightened age of what could exist in Nature, nothing new is about to suddenly come out of the ashes/woodwork of where we are now, we have to be aware of the the age we are in to understand why these things won't occur and why the reality is the opposite of what is being presented.

I'm still wondering how this virus jumped across societal boundaries from bushmeat eaters all the way to the top with people like Trudeau's wife and family all the sudden, when the rest of the population has barely seen an occurrence? The bottom to the very top in a matter of weeks, are you guys/gals serious? Something just doesn't add up.
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