Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.


Well-Known Member
Cases which had an outcome:
87,407 (90%)
Recovered / Discharged
10,012 (10%)
Global statistics with limited testing and many overwhelmed health care systems, the mortality rate is dynamic and local. If this gets away from us I'll agree to a 10% or even higher death rate, it looks like Boris fucked up in the UK almost as bad as Trump, Christ help ya in a month. Though from what I can see (without looking it up) 10 to 15% in general need hospitalization, 5% ventilation and 50% of those die. In Canada I hope we got ahead of the curve, we've been testing no one has been complaining.

zeddd ,it's gonna take awhile to determine the true mortality rate, people die after weeks of illness and there's promise of treatments that might lower the mortality rate by a few percent too. Much will depend on your level of treatment, as these stats show, the overall mortality rate thus far based only on those cases that present, are diagnosed and are recovered is 10%. When large scale testing rolls out in the US and the west, that will impact the mortality rate. Also they are developing a test to see if you've had it and are immune, this too will impact mortality stats, these are raw numbers though and other things have to be factored in.



Well-Known Member
Global statistics with limited testing and many overwhelmed health care systems, the mortality rate is dynamic and local. If this gets away from us I'll agree to a 10% or even higher death rate, it looks like Boris fucked up in the UK almost as bad as Trump, Christ help ya in a month. Though from what I can see (without looking it up) 10 to 15% in general need hospitalization, 5% ventilation and 50% of those die. In Canada I hope we got ahead of the curve, we've been testing no one has been complaining.

zeddd ,it's gonna take awhile to determine the true mortality rate, people die after weeks of illness and there's promise of treatments that might lower the mortality rate by a few percent too. Much will depend on your level of treatment, as these stats show, the overall mortality rate thus far based only on those cases that present, are diagnosed and are recovered is 10%. When large scale testing rolls out in the US and the west, that will impact the mortality rate. Also they are developing a test to see if you've had it and are immune, this too will impact mortality stats, these are raw numbers though and other things have to be factored in.

Ok boomer


Well-Known Member
Los angeles will get hospital ship docked off port.

Waiting on governor news conference about to start in my neck of the woods :|

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Slather the cart handle with sanitizer, they should have some by the carts. The open early for seniors here too and I'm 65 so I slip under the line, I look younger though, so I'll have my id! No young pupps allowed. Take a coughing spell, it will move ya to the top of the line real quick!

I see 7 red states aren't doing the self isolation thing, "we don't like no big guberment" types.
Not sure about NB but Ontario (Toronto, Ottawa) need to take drastic steps like mass transit shut down. Hair salons and other services need to lock down. My girlfriend just locked the doors at her salons (she’s manager). You keep saying the States are doing poorly but IMO so is Ontario due to not moving fast enough and more to limit contact. His shit is so fucking bizarre it’s mind boggling.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about NB but Ontario (Toronto, Ottawa) need to take drastic steps like mass transit shut down. Hair salons and other services need to lock down. My girlfriend just locked the doors at her salons (she’s manager). You keep saying the States are doing poorly but IMO so is Ontario due to not moving fast enough and more to limit contact. His shit is so fucking bizarre it’s mind boggling.
Rob Ford's, brother Doug the slug is running the place, the Hermann Goering look alike, no wonder things are fucked up.

Here in NS we have 12 cases in clusters, the walk in restaurants are closed, except for take outs and drive thru's, folks are taking it seriously, you see it in the toilet paper panic. I've heard no complaints about the federal response from the scientists or doctors, we have testing and seem to have half the mortality of the states per capita, thus far anyway. They have just begun rolling out testing in America.

Have a boo and compare the USA to Canada. S Korea will be the gold standard for mortality rates and response,

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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Think I'll get out on the deck without a shirt the next nice day, shorts if it's warm enough, in late morning my back deck get lots of sun and is much warmer than the outside because its sheltered. Time for some sun and natural vitamin D at the first opportunity.
D is for Debacle - The Crucial Story of Vitamin D and Human Health
From 2014

Leveraging the knowledge of the foremost experts in the field, I can now release what I believe is a comprehensive explanation of the Vitamin D story. It's benefits are difficult to disentangle from those of healthy Sun Exposure though - the beneficial effects of D status may be hugely due to the sun exposure that got your D up! I use sun and UV sources to achieve my D levels as a result, not supplementation. Other key elements like K2, A, Mg, Ca etc are inextricably linked also, but here we focus mainly on D. Reverse Causality applies also - people who have inflammatory issues and are obese may drive down their D status, but data on this is sparse - but keep it in mind. Also important is that DAILY supplementation rather than big bolus dosing is used - the half-life of D3 is only a couple of days.

This Seminar is of interest to Mothers & their Children particularly (e.g. see 15:00:00 to 21:00:00 segment), to avoid probability of serious chronic diseases, in childhood and beyond. The main message is that blood levels of D should be targeted towards healthy evolutionary levels, ideally through access to UVB / healthy sun exposure (NO burning). So to stress again: there is a lot of associational "correlation but possibly not causation" data in this, and there is every possibility that Sun exposure delivers more benefits than D3 supplements (by the production of many other photoproducts in the skin), and also the modern carb-inflamed/diseased population may be causal in driving down 25(OH)D status (e.g. the obese people with low D - is it their fat sequestering away the D, or is their inflammation driving down their status?) Anyway, thanks for watching! Ivor Cummins BE(Chem), CEng MIEI December 2014
Have fun soaking it in Boomer.
You did mention you are morbidly obese. Having all that extra adipose tissue should make it easy to collect a lot of VD
(vitamin D) in a short amount of time.
excellent idea.


Well-Known Member
Have fun soaking it in Boomer.
You did mention you are morbidly obese. Having all that extra adipose tissue should make it easy to collect a lot of VD
(vitamin D) in a short amount of time.
excellent idea.
View attachment 4508826
I'm packing a few extra, like a lot of 65 year olds with a bum knee and I'm making dietary attonments for my many sins... Not quit like the feller in the picture! Pleasantly plump, not too much much of a gut, Got an exercise bike and I was gonna do a hit (High Intensity Training) program before I was stuck down with norovirus for a week and near shit myself out of existence.

Right now I gotta get on the bike and peddle my fat ass to build up better cardio endurance and I'll be doing some gardening too. I might turn this social isolation thing into a meditation retreat and go off line for a spell and zonk out on meditation so much it's like doing real good drugs! Practicing that much works very good for self regulation (discipline) after a time even a slug of a human will get their shit together.

For now I'll hide out on the back deck and get my sun in private...


Well-Known Member
Wasn't feeling well Wednesday night or Thursday so I didn't go to Whole Foods till this morning and they are taking it serious there anyway. They installed spit shields at the check out where the card reader is and they have a procedure for check out. You have to unload your cart at the end of the belt while the cashier steps away,then you step away and the cashier comes back and rings things up. Then she steps back and you either put your money up or use your card and step back then she steps up and finishes the sale and sets your change and receipt and steps back. They bag and load your items in the cart and step away and then you can step forward to get the cart and leave.


Well-Known Member
60 and older are let in a hour early but the store was out of a lot of stuff and some stuff they had limits, strangest part of grocery shopping now in treating your items as toxic waste and coming home and washing all your groceries. There was only about 15 of us waiting to get in but by the time I left there was a lot of seniors there. I'm thinking that the limited items were sold out by the time the rest of the public was let in.