Trump Flu - Who's To Blame?

Who is to blame for Trump Flu?

  • Chi-na

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • Europe

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Neo-Liberals

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Mexicans

    Votes: 10 26.3%

  • Total voters
And there's plenty of masks and PPE, everybody who needs a test has got them since last week, it's all a hoax anyway, it's not my fault, it's the states problems, I don't have anything to do with it, I didn't fire the pandemic team...
Remember when trump used to joke about being able to be Presidential, saying he could be the most Presidential, then stiffening his back with high shoulders turning side to side in a mocking fashion.
That bunch of Charlatans and bullshit artists better pray extra special hard for cheeto jesus, the shit has hit the fan, show and tell time for Donald, what ya got stable jenius? Yep, figured as much, Money talks, bullshit walks, but the truth sticks around, Donald is sprinting away at high speed.

He stands inches from the experts at the podium glowering at them on TV, ready to shove them out of the way and take command of the microphone, should they criticize him or say something that displeases. He also hopes some of their credibility will rub off on himself, which is another reason he stands so close and inserts himself into it when he can. He has his toadies all lined up behind him in a made for Donald, made for TV show, do what ya know, even the news conference was for Donald's benefit, not the country's. The poor example of of social distancing by Trump and this toadies puts the experts who are doing the real heavy lifting and serious talking at risk and makes them look like morons in light of expert advice.

In this time of national crises and peril, Donald needs to call another mass prayer meeting in the oval office, as many of the moral morons as he can jam in there, for a big fucking laying on of hands and prayer fest. No snake handling though, snakes mignt catch the coronavirus and be harmed.
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The Donald dun ficked up...
Yeah a smart president like Obama would have anticipated this shit and had a pandemic response team so that it wouldn't cost Americans their lives and economy. He also would have been way better prepared and would have ramped up shit before the new year, the virus would have never have got a foothold in North America and there would be millions of tests available on demand. Elections have consequences and competency counts, in fact it saves lives.
Obama, Nancy, Mexicans? And people voted for them being responsible for the Virus? I feel like this place is satire and I'm the only one who doesn't get it. And every time I see the word neo-liberal why do I think of the matrix?
Obama, Nancy, Mexicans? And people voted for them being responsible for the Virus? I feel like this place is satire and I'm the only one who doesn't get it. And every time I see the word neo-liberal why do I think of the matrix?

Todd Gurley just signed with the Falcons.

edit two hours later: sarcasm
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This guy gives so much material, I can't wait for the real flood of political ads to start up on him.

Especially when they go onto all of the channels he watches all the time. Someone will have to fast forward/ edit out the commercials for him when he is having his daily tv time. I bet when they do, based on what he tweets, you could easily find out which channel he is watching based on which commercials he has the need to rebutt in real time.

It is going to be a interesting fall.