Zomg you are a literal toddler.
Hey Dwayne, the democrats are gonna win in a landslide, it will be the slaughter of the elephants, a real blood bath in november. I figure you're so fucked you'll not only lose the senate, you might even lose half of the senators up for grabs. It will be bad Dwayne and you will be completely at the mercy of the liberal elites, who are gonna take your guns and bust your ass for hate speech and crimes. You will love the human rights commissions too!
By the time they are done with your redneck ass you'll be lucky to be carrying a spear, the NRA is on the ropes and is finished, the leadership are scrambling like cockroaches and criminal charges are coming, both state and federal. As far as the second amendment is concerned you can have black powder and muzzle loaders only, the conservatives judges believe in a strictly interpreting the constitution with the founders intentions in mind. Not even repeating arms might be allowed eventually, not right away though, just the semi auto rifles and shotguns.
If the government can regulate calibres and fully automatic weapons, they can ban semi automatic and even repeating arms. Sleep tight Dwayne, something to think about eh?