Pandemic 2020

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IBM initiated SUMMIT SUPER COMPUTER to run compound simulations in the battle against coronavirus .

IBM have begun using the powerful SUMMIT A.I. Enabled super computer system to run chemical and biological simulations in finding elements and compound combinations that will help pursue a vaccine or treatment. Running over a million times faster than any computer , it has recombined scenarios and have found recently- 70 particular chemical combinations that show promise.

With the help of such a powerful tool , it will enable more avenues to explore in less time than conventional and time consuming manual tests.
Well it's official Ladies & Gentlemen, this morning the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)) was declared a global threat by the W.H.O.
Worldwide, countries are blocking movement, public gatherings, sporting events, closing schools & generally freaking out
But here at home in the good old USA, we have it under control with the due diligence of the great Donald J. Trump, right?
So, in other words, we're fucked.
I live approximately 40 miles from the largest concentration of the virus discovered on the East Coast, one where the Governor of NY sent the National Guard yesterday to help contain the spread of the virus.
I also read this morning that it is recommended to stockpile 2 weeks worth of provisions in your homes now in case of mandatory quarantines, and this was from a Dr that worked at the CDC. ( I'm going to HD now & buy a freezer :) )
So, I'm gonna die soon probably because it seems to favor men over 60 that smoke & drink & my wife contacts 100's of individuals daily in her line of work, but hey, we all gotta go sometime, right?
Anyway, I wish you all good luck & try to stay safe
Peace out :)
I hope the best for everyone, here in Canada everyone's buying ass wipe and for the life of me I don't know why?look at your ass wipe it was probably made in Canada I guarantee it doesn't say made in China we export it we don't import it if everything goes to hell in hand basket I'm pretty sure you'll need food guns and ammo before shit tickets!the last thing you're going to worry about is how the fuck you're going to wipe your ass fucken Canadians eh/lol
IBM initiated SUMMIT SUPER COMPUTER to run compound simulations in the battle against coronavirus .

IBM have begun using the powerful SUMMIT A.I. Enabled super computer system to run chemical and biological simulations in finding elements and compound combinations that will help pursue a vaccine or treatment. Running over a million times faster than any computer , it has recombined scenarios and have found recently- 70 particular chemical combinations that show promise.

With the help of such a powerful tool , it will enable more avenues to explore in less time than conventional and time consuming manual tests.
An upgrade from Watson ? Probably reconfigured programming to fit the algorithm of virology? Lol, Skynet will cure us lol !
See how Taiwan is handling it.
Is Canada doing enough amid the COVID-19 pandemic? (Marketplace)

Schools are closed and businesses are shutting down across Canada amid the coronavirus pandemic, but they’re open in Taiwan. Inside, we show you how the government acted quickly after the island's first case of COVID-19 was reported. Watch how they keep people safe on public transit, in schools and in restaurants. Could this be our new normal?

David Common has an exclusive interview with Taiwan's foreign minister, who has advice on next steps. We compare Canada’s response and also investigate whether the big grocery chains are doing enough to stop the panic and stock the shelves.
Maybe if you guys weren’t so insulting you two could hear each other.

If that was in relation to me and mustbetribbin then I would love to understand his side but there are no facts to back up any of his statements. Only insult I think I made was on his intelligence(since apologised).
See how Taiwan is handling it.
Is Canada doing enough amid the COVID-19 pandemic? (Marketplace)

Schools are closed and businesses are shutting down across Canada amid the coronavirus pandemic, but they’re open in Taiwan. Inside, we show you how the government acted quickly after the island's first case of COVID-19 was reported. Watch how they keep people safe on public transit, in schools and in restaurants. Could this be our new normal?

David Common has an exclusive interview with Taiwan's foreign minister, who has advice on next steps. We compare Canada’s response and also investigate whether the big grocery chains are doing enough to stop the panic and stock the shelves.
And? Do you think your feds and prov. governments are doing enough? You’ve said over and over that our doctors and medical workers are happy with the response and efforts. I’m not seeing a whole lot of confidence from that sector as we too have gutted our healthcare. The first 2-3 weeks we were letting people enter freely without a smidgen of screening, still were up to a few days ago. Our transit system is still up and running as normal. Our national flights are still zipping around. Nail solons, hair salons still open, our household service industry still open, all this why? And why are people still willing to work in these places? Because they can’t afford not to that’s why.
And? Do you think your feds and prov. governments are doing enough? You’ve said over and over that our doctors and medical workers are happy with the response and efforts. I’m not seeing a whole lot of confidence from that sector as we too have gutted our healthcare. The first 2-3 weeks we were letting people enter freely without a smidgen of screening, still were up to a few days ago. Our transit system is still up and running as normal. Our national flights are still zipping around. Nail solons, hair salons still open, our household service industry still open, all this why? And why are people still willing to work in these places? Because they can’t afford not to that’s why.
I'm agreeing with you more all the time, here in NS malls were still open yesterday, but there were restrictions on a lot of things and more over the weekend, the people themselves are doing the most with individual effort. Canada was doing what all the other western countries were doing, following the advice of experts while trying to minimize the hit to the economy. I think that they should forget the economy for a spell as far as the non essentials are concerned, we need a shutdown to push the "reset" button. I've been following things closer to home lately and our response has been less than desirable, we like everybody else need a national "reset" to get better prepared and organized. I think the most important thing is that the feds are responding and adapting responsibly. As for Doug Ford, I don't follow his doings too closely and if things are fucked up in Ontario I figure he's the blame. Everybody got caught flat footed in the west and should have been preparing more, we have a minority government in Ottawa and there will be an investigating commision that will get us answers for sure. I'm focusing more on home for now, but there don't seem to be the scale of issues they have in the states with federal action, they've got Donald, we've got Justin, I'll go with Justin, as for Doug Ford...
Loving your taste in music mate. Everything that you have put up i already love like Paul Simon, or are form bands i haven't really listened too but should of been. Yes is right in my wheelhouse, don't know why I haven't listened to them more often. Going to need good tunes to get me through this weekend with all the pubs being closed from last night in UK and we have nothing on shelves for them in the supermarket. Already had to take shopping off customers and telling them to leave for verbally abusing staff yesterday and this was before the announcement went out from our blithering idiot Boris Johnson
Sorry too hear about your situation.
Fuck Boris (what's up with his fucking hair?)
This is a good tune with Steve Howe playing guitar, one of the best that ever picked up the instrument.

Sorry for having a bit of a rant, feel I have been doing it often lately, but it's better than letting it fester.
Fuck knows, but I am pretty sure it is real.
Amazing, only half way through it so far, I would have to agree with you there.
Sorry for having a bit of a rant, feel I have been doing it often lately, but it's better than letting it fester.
Fuck knows, but I am pretty sure it is real.
Amazing, only half way through it so far, I would have to agree with you there.
Rant away :)
Utilize RIU & make it worthwhile for something, really.
We're all in this together, all of us, even the stoners & the more often we can share/express our feelings the better off we all will be.
Bars and liquor stores (not yet) were closed for a week and sit down restaurants were closed early this week here in NS Canada.
Saturday 21st March, Lets learn from others - Coronavirus
Dr. John Campbell
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