Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
to go out of stock i cant get flour or yeast , or beer kits at my local iga

if you self isolating you going to need beer,
'Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I've already got enough cubed wort, grains, hops & frozen liquid yeast strains to make several thousand litres of a multitude of different beers. I don't do kits (unless it's expired stuff that's really only good for fermenting-out & running through a still - which I also have.....).

A mate of mine (a pro distiller) gave me this bottle of whisky as a Xmas gift that he made from expired beer kit cans that I gave him in April last year. Not bad at all considering the shitty base it came-from.

I'm set. It's also good to have friends.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Goverments suggesting we should take out our super to cover living exspenses an other day to day living costs.
Why the fuck should we have to take money outta or retirement funds for something outta our hands fair enough if we blew all our money gambling or something. Whos gunna cover us wen we are at the point in life wen we need our super is the goverment gunna pay us back is china gunna reinburst us, like fuck they will itll be us who are left struggling
Typical Liberal govt- no fkn idea.


Well-Known Member
Hey @bobqp since you're around & active, could I please pick your brains about seed production?

My own reading/research tells me that a high N-feeding-environment throughout a plant's entire life is ideal for seed production (even 'though it fucks with smokeable bud production).

I know you've done a lot of seeds out bush, but were you doing it in a high-N soil, or just accepting "what you got" from your experiments?

'Reason for my question is this "seeds" project I've got on the go (primarily for @beernutz) has got me researching. 'Thought I'd ask someone who's already done the hard-yards & can give a simple yea/nay response.

In your own time, mate......

EDIT: Rather than putting all the pressure on @bobqp , anyone else with experience please chime-in.
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Well-Known Member
Good to hear you're in a good place right now mate.

No shit-hanging intended here, but you do seem to have a propensity for shooting yourself in the foot.
If thats to me better foot than head i guess.
Indoor good falling over. Skunk #1 is some sticky icky smelly huna.