Pandemic 2020

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You could say the same thing about the number of people who have it and are fine. Glad half empty people damn.

The vast majority will be fine but the actual #s are far from known yet and will never be known with any precision as so many will never be tested or feel symptoms even if they get infected.

Same with the flu that kills many more than get detected. When 95 yo grandma kicks off in the home they just call it 'natural causes' when it may have been the flu.

When my dad died of cancer 34 years ago it was the extra morphine the doc gave him on the sly that stopped his heart so his death certificate says he died of heart failure. Shit like that skews the numbers in that and many things. Glad they do it tho as it was hell for him at the end.

My sister never set up the doctor assisted death and died last Wednesday a week after her IV was stopped at her request and she died of thirst basically but it's noted as death by ovarian cancer. I ain't going out that way.
Ignorant in what way? I guess questioning media statistics is now ignorant. Haha
You keep saying you don't know but give your opinion as if it were important.

People with experience and knowledge of a subject -- their opinion is worth hearing. Yours, especially when you admit you don't know anything, is not.
You keep saying you don't know but give your opinion as if it were important.

People with experience and knowledge of a subject -- their opinion is worth hearing. Yours, especially when you admit you don't know anything, is not.
I could give two fucks if you wanna hear my opinion or not. You on the other hand seem like you love hearing yourself talk.
The vast majority will be fine but the actual #s are far from known yet and will never be known with any precision as so many will never be tested or feel symptoms even if they get infected.

Same with the flu that kills many more than get detected. When 95 yo grandma kicks off in the home they just call it 'natural causes' when it may have been the flu.

When my dad died of cancer 34 years ago it was the extra morphine the doc gave him on the sly that stopped his heart so his death certificate says he died of heart failure. Shit like that skews the numbers in that and many things. Glad they do it tho as it was hell for him at the end.

My sister never set up the doctor assisted death and died last Wednesday a week after her IV was stopped at her request and she died of thirst basically but it's noted as death by ovarian cancer. I ain't going out that way.
That’s terrible and that sucks about your dad and sister sorry to hear that.
They wear you down eventually. Gotta block them. They always win because they shout the loudest. Keep your head up
Oh I know haha. That’s the society we live in. The most ignorant people are the ones who can’t look past their own opinion. Somehow questioning the mortality rate turned into me sucking trumps dick. Epic escalation
They wear you down eventually. Gotta block them. They always win because they shout the loudest. Keep your head up

Do you think that any of you Trump supporters will care how badly he fucked up when the hospitals in some areas become overwhelmed by coronavirus cases?
They are not media statistics though.

you don’t appear to have basic intelligence much less common sense

Maybe he meant "owned government statistics" published by "owned media" and we should question your inability to use common sense to extrapolate that.
Maybe he meant "owned government statistics" published by "owned media" and we should question your inability to use common sense to extrapolate that.
Oh hey the “kicking black people out of stores is defensive force” guy has come to lecture us on what words mean
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