Aussie Growers Thread

I must be missing something ....?View attachment 4511398
And of the same age range as this bullshit Chinese flu

Difference is there’s currently no treatment for it and it’s also on top of standard flue season, this is also spreading quicker and is a young virus in humans that could easily mutate into something much more deadly if we don’t act quick enough. Like I don’t remember the federal government suggesting between 10000-100000 people potentially dieing from The flu last year
Difference is there’s currently no treatment for it and it’s also on top of standard flue season, this is also spreading quicker and is a young virus in humans that could easily mutate into something much more deadly if we don’t act quick enough. Like I don’t remember the federal government suggesting between 10000-100000 people potentially dieing from The flu last year
I just read that it is slower spreading than influenza and similar in way of there is no “treatment” for either. There’s a vaccine for the flu but that is of no help once u’ve already contracted it.
U really would tag team JZS by the sounds. A bit queer for me but each to their own. Its great that you lot can get married now.
thats right youd be getting a chair smashed over you head for the crap you spit out

calling bursto a troll :clap: fing retard
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I must be missing something ....?View attachment 4511398
And of the same age range as this bullshit Chinese flu

its not the flue, its certainly not called the Chinese flu. Have you been on some Trump sites?
Flue kills .17 or something of confirmed cases, Covid19 kills about 3% of confirmed cases BUT thats not the whole story. In Australia we have about 1000 ICU beds. Many, many people who contact Covid 19 end up in hospital which overwhelms the ICU very fast (approx 50% of people who end up in hospital are under 40 years old) and very convincingly. this means that people who would normally go to hospital, like heart attacks, car accidents, people who have seizures etc etc etc cannot get a bed- they die with out any treatment. This heavy toll is not statistically added to the Corona toll.
O and then there's next years wave to come. Its already mutated once and viruses tent to mutate as a survival mechanism. Ad to this that we only just learned that this virus exists and we have no idea what effects it may have on our bodies long term.

O and our medical staff are a huge % of casualties so the longer it goes on the less medical staff we have.

But as a research scientist told me recently . Its just like a mild Spanish flu but Air planes...
Hey guys first time posting here, after advice on flushing my plants. I’m not sure how long until they will be ready for harvest and don’t want to miss that last week to flush. Any advice appreciated cheers
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Im no expert but looks like it could go a few more weeks if not longer, lotta white pistals still an doesn seem to have swollen yet.
Some one will jump in an tell ya if im wrong
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its not the flue, its certainly not called the Chinese flu. Have you been on some Trump sites?
Flue kills .17 or something of confirmed cases, Covid19 kills about 3% of confirmed cases BUT thats not the whole story. In Australia we have about 1000 ICU beds. Many, many people who contact Covid 19 end up in hospital which overwhelms the ICU very fast (approx 50% of people who end up in hospital are under 40 years old) and very convincingly. this means that people who would normally go to hospital, like heart attacks, car accidents, people who have seizures etc etc etc cannot get a bed- they die with out any treatment. This heavy toll is not statistically added to the Corona toll.
O and then there's next years wave to come. Its already mutated once and viruses tent to mutate as a survival mechanism. Ad to this that we only just learned that this virus exists and we have no idea what effects it may have on our bodies long term.

O and our medical staff are a huge % of casualties so the longer it goes on the less medical staff we have.

But as a research scientist told me recently . Its just like a mild Spanish flu but Air planes...

Couldn’t have said it better.
I just read that it is slower spreading than influenza and similar in way of there is no “treatment” for either. There’s a vaccine for the flu but that is of no help once u’ve already contracted it.
Talkin to an elderly lady today an she is 100% convinced that this isnt a random event thats happening an is positive some real powerful people in this world have gotten together to help the stop the over population of the current world an have released this man made virus in order to correct the balance.
Guess you can believe or take from this whatever you want but at the end of the day its a real problem the world is facing with deadly consequences you only have to look at reports from other countries to see how bad this virus is affecting everyone..
Hey guys first time posting here, after advice on flushing my plants. I’m not sure how long until they will be ready for harvest and don’t want to miss that last week to flush. Any advice appreciated cheers
View attachment 4511407
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View attachment 4511409
I'll chuck my layman's 2c at this & let the cognisenti fill-in the gaps in my own knowledge/experience & correct me where I'm wrong.
Folks in the know, please do-so, so that I can also learn from my own "gaps".

You're in the ground, so "flushing" isn't really a "thing" for you. That's a concept reserved for folks in hydro/soil-less mediums.

It/they look Sativa-dominant, so you can expect a LOOOONNNGGGGG flowering period before they're ready to chop, so you've got plenty of time to research how to deal with your own situation.

You still have a lot of white pistils & very few trichomes. That brings me back to the "Sativa" thing, with their long flowering period.

Patience maybe your best course here. Bear in mind that we've only just crossed the Autumnal Equinox (ie. 12/12 of natural light) & you could be looking at a mid-late April harvest, depending on where you are.....

Your plant(s?) look healthy, so whatever you've been doing up until now, keep doing it!
Talkin to an elderly lady today an she is 100% convinced that this isnt a random event thats happening an is positive some real powerful people in this world have gotten together to help the stop the over population of the current world an have released this man made virus in order to correct the balance.
Guess you can believe or take from this whatever you want but at the end of the day its a real problem the world is facing with deadly consequences you only have to look at reports from other countries to see how bad this virus is affecting everyone..
Ever read "The Stand" by Stephen King?

"Captain Trips" maybe upon us (for all you conspiracy theorists out there....).
i wasnt telling the story its nutzy's story, man,,

first he knocked out Jzs teeth,

he fell over i tagged him as he fell down, got in the ring

Nutzy shat his pants ran over and tagged you, cause you his bitch,

and that when the chair thing happened


jokes man
Ever read "The Stand" by Stephen King?

"Captain Trips" maybe upon us (for all you conspiracy theorists out there....).
Nah cant say i have but im sure that was one of the sources the old girl was talkin about but it was hard to understand some of the stuff she was sayin as i was tryna keep a nice space away from her plus she was startin to get short of breath the old girl..
Im always up for a good conspiracy theory every now an then i might look into... :eyesmoke:
Talkin to an elderly lady today an she is 100% convinced that this isnt a random event thats happening an is positive some real powerful people in this world have gotten together to help the stop the over population of the current world an have released this man made virus in order to correct the balance.
Guess you can believe or take from this whatever you want but at the end of the day its a real problem the world is facing with deadly consequences you only have to look at reports from other countries to see how bad this virus is affecting everyone..
Interestingly i asked the same scientist this Q, but in a diff way).
Q: Any real evidence that the virus was man made? Has it mutated much and does it look like it might?

A. "If it was man made, it was a shit job! Yes, it has mutated.. and it will mutate again and again.. it's what viruses do.