Help with plant issue identification.

So I've been looking around for the past 2 days to figure out if there is a problem on my plants. One is showing "wrinkles" and the other has a slight discoloration but what concerns me the most is where the leaf appears dull and on touch, it's dry and brittle. I'm using FFOS, 600w LED @ 32" away, pH 6.6, RH 45-50%, 70-80F, I habe the light on 24/0. Water when it's dry 1" down. I have noticed gnats as well and have been using diatomacious earth (although I think they are coming from outside due to rain and heat). Any help is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
So I've been looking around for the past 2 days to figure out if there is a problem on my plants. One is showing "wrinkles" and the other has a slight discoloration but what concerns me the most is where the leaf appears dull and on touch, it's dry and brittle. I'm using FFOS, 600w LED @ 32" away, pH 6.6, RH 45-50%, 70-80F, I habe the light on 24/0. Water when it's dry 1" down. I have noticed gnats as well and have been using diatomacious earth (although I think they are coming from outside due to rain and heat). Any help is appreciated!

Your plant isnt really established yet.... and then you have a high performance light on when it only needs a fraction of that light you have to grow...raise light up another 8 it at 18/6....the plant grows alot in the dark you rest?...your plant isnt any different...get a veg nute and add it in at really low ppms to give it a boost ...add in a microbe product and use that a little once a week...very little no need to waste it....

leave it alone afterwards.
Your plant isnt really established yet.... and then you have a high performance light on when it only needs a fraction of that light you have to grow...raise light up another 8 it at 18/6....the plant grows alot in the dark you rest?...your plant isnt any different...get a veg nute and add it in at really low ppms to give it a boost ...add in a microbe product and use that a little once a week...very little no need to waste it....

leave it alone afterwards.
Hey cheers man, I appreciate the valuable feedback. Any microbe products you recommend or would any do if i visit my local shop??


Well-Known Member
any will do

I like the RAW brand bloom microbes and use it in veg and bloom the veg is really similar to the bloom and no need to buy two different products.

Its a powder and use it at about 1/8th tsp per 1/2 gal. You dont need alot you just need to know you have a robust microbe population in your soil working for you....once a week or two.
any will do

I like the RAW brand bloom microbes and use it in veg and bloom the veg is really similar to the bloom and no need to buy two different products.

Its a powder and use it at about 1/8th tsp per 1/2 gal. You dont need alot you just need to know you have a robust microbe population in your soil working for you....once a week or two.
Should I do that seperate to my water schedule or with?

Also I forgot to ask since I wasn't sure... I have my LED at veg&bloom lights on, should I lower down to just veg? I've read conflicting information.


Well-Known Member
Should I do that seperate to my water schedule or with?

Also I forgot to ask since I wasn't sure... I have my LED at veg&bloom lights on, should I lower down to just veg? I've read conflicting information.

Im not an expert on your light or what the difference it is or does using both veg and bloom but they have it like that for a reason and best to error on the side of caution and just use the veg

and then if it lowers the intensity of the light then maybe just leave it at the height of where it is at. of the best things you can do when you have a problem is to raise the light and slow the grow and give them time to recover.....
except flower if you have an issue in flower your kind of screwed and depending on what it is it might be best to just ride it out and plow through it and get to the next set.

Im not an expert on your light or what the difference it is or does using both veg and bloom but they have it like that for a reason and best to error on the side of caution and just use the veg

and then if it lowers the intensity of the light then maybe just leave it at the height of where it is at. of the best things you can do when you have a problem is to raise the light and slow the grow and give them time to recover.....
except flower if you have an issue in flower your kind of screwed and depending on what it is it might be best to just ride it out and plow through it and get to the next set.
Alright I've changed the timing on my late and lowered the intensity. The one with wrinkles is leaning to the side. Should I try to adjust it or let it grow and adjust when it's larger?
You should only use veg & bloom both during the budding stage to ensure all 3 light spectrums. Only use veg led for vegging.