Couldn’t agree more,
I’m with BHP nickel west beernutz.
I’m 36 and everything I own is freehold except for the rest of a small mortgage.
As you know I’ve recently bought 2 blocks of land and have a small cabin being built as we speak. Paid cash for the land and cabin!
I know what Bursto is saying as I did the same 10 years ago, along with many others and got a cc, $40,000 personal loan etc. They call them the newly rich.
But anyone wise enough (took me a few years to figure it out haha) knows not to go into debt and do something with their $!
Most of the guys I supervise for have been with BHP for 10+ years and have no debt other than investments (good debt)
They say the more you earn, the more you owe and I say bullshit!
What resource do you mine/process beernutz??