First grow! 4th week in flower


Active Member
So I been a lurker for years. I’ve a seasoned cube grower but never had much of a green thumb. I got a tent and some cheap leds on sale so I gave it a go. These were started from seed mid January. This is the end of the 4th week of flower.

Any tips are welcomed! I’m just winging it and going by feel. Try to listen to the plants using info off this site.

4x4 tent
X2 300watt Vivosun lights (and everyone said they wouldn’t work lol)
fox farm soil
Using half doses of emerald harvest nutes at this point.
I have a 600w hps on order I’m hoping to add for the last half of flowering to try and boost yield. Future grows will flower with the hps from day one. I was using the leds to try and manage power and heat, but after more reading I decided I’m just hurting yields and would be better off with more light


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Your doing good but if you are learning too scrog you need some guidance
The idea is to weave the plant thru the netting while vegging increase bud sites and yield
It is tough when it adds several weeks to veg
Carry on:weed:


Active Member
Your doing good but if you are learning too scrog you need some guidance
The idea is to weave the plant thru the netting while vegging increase bud sites and yield
It is tough when it adds several weeks to veg
Carry on:weed:
Trellis was really a last minute decision to try and keep my head room. They would be really tall if hadn’t trained it down before the stretch.

I’d love to do a scrog but I feel like being a perpetual grower fits me better. I have 12 clones.. 6 of which will likely be ready to go into flower before these are done. So I need to figure out my timing.

Does anyone run 12/12 all the time?


Well-Known Member
Trellis was really a last minute decision to try and keep my head room. They would be really tall if hadn’t trained it down before the stretch.

I’d love to do a scrog but I feel like being a perpetual grower fits me better. I have 12 clones.. 6 of which will likely be ready to go into flower before these are done. So I need to figure out my timing.

Does anyone run 12/12 all the time?
Are you asking if you run 12/12 all the time during flower? If so then I do. This is my first indoor grow as well. I'm on day 41 since going 12/12. I'm growing from seed with 5 plants without scrogging and battling for space because of it but really been enjoying the process. Keep up the good work!



Active Member
Are you asking if you run 12/12 all the time during flower? If so then I do. This is my first indoor grow as well. I'm on day 41 since going 12/12. I'm growing from seed with 5 plants without scrogging and battling for space because of it but really been enjoying the process. Keep up the good work!
I mean run 12/12 from clone to finish. To make smaller plants with quick turn around.

So I have a question. My 600w Hps setup shows up tomorrow and I want to add it right away. Does anyone know if I’ll have any problems going from burple cheap leds to this hps 5 weeks into flower?

I figure I’ll dim the ballast to 400w and keep it a bit higher at first and keep both the “300w” leds in there as well.

I just don’t wanna negatively affect anything changing lights right now


Active Member
So my HPS arrived! I kicked the blurple leds over and hung the 600w hps. I have the ballast set at 400w in hopes not to shock the plants too much with the new light and added heat.

I sat my thermometer at canopy level and seeing low 80*temps. This is a pretty big increase and looking for input on this. I added the light in hopes to increase yield. Don’t wanna hurt them doing so. Humidity is pretty low and typical of where I live. Figure this should eliminate bud rot issues but could be a bit too dry in the tent?

this is the beginning of the 5th week of flower. Still flying by the seat of my pants lol



Well-Known Member
Beautiful setup. Makes my closet look like trash. But you gotta work with what you got..and you GOT. :) I'll be watching. Good luck. Don't do what I did.


Active Member
Beautiful setup. Makes my closet look like trash. But you gotta work with what you got..and you GOT. :) I'll be watching. Good luck. Don't do what I did.
Hey man try living in a non weed friendly place and struggle to find it and pay $250-300 a ounce when you do! It gets pretty easy to justify making a real investment towards it lol. It’s been something I’ve done my entire adult life and my wife has medicated her entire life. It’s part of our lifestyle. To be honest the only reason it’s taken this long to try it was fear.

But there is enough fear in the world right now over this virus that me providing for myself should be the least of anyone’s worries.


Well-Known Member
Hey man try living in a non weed friendly place and struggle to find it and pay $250-300 a ounce when you do! It gets pretty easy to justify making a real investment towards it lol. It’s been something I’ve done my entire adult life and my wife has medicated her entire life. It’s part of our lifestyle. To be honest the only reason it’s taken this long to try it was fear.

But there is enough fear in the world right now over this virus that me providing for myself should be the least of anyone’s worries.
The perfect cover for a grow operation haha. I love it. That's a bummer of a situation, makes me think of high school days. Going on long drives to meet with the shady dealer and buy your 300 dollar ounce. I feel for you and wishing you many problem free yields ❤


Active Member
Nobody has input on adding the hps and the temps? Right now the canopy is at 84*... 72* at the dirt level. I’m leaning towards this being fine. I only have the ballast on 400w right now and haven’t turned it up to 600w


Well-Known Member
I think your doing great. I mean if those colas where penises I would be deepthroating those bad boys right now. No homo.


Well-Known Member
Nobody has input on adding the hps and the temps? Right now the canopy is at 84*... 72* at the dirt level. I’m leaning towards this being fine. I only have the ballast on 400w right now and haven’t turned it up to 600w
Someone will see this and help for sure.