Led and hps together

No dude he's trolling
Why u gotta call it Trollin. Aint Trollin man, simply bustin chops!.
You think i sit at a computer all day n Look for People to Troll? Comm0n man! Someone said this last week when i told a guy my XB was a 3.0 umol/j light justc see if he knew Anything about the industry n bust his beans a lil cuz he was bustin mine. Its a response.
A Troll sits around all day in his mothers basement literally going after guys starting dumb shit. Both times nine were simple joked of my dry humor.
So no. PurpFarmer i am Not Trolling you or anyone.
But seriously, if you plug led in in the same outlet as hps they will both explode. Its on the small pront bottom of SP new page. Hps has it in small print too. Just gotta look. Took me over an hour to find it.
You absolutely can blend the light of an LED with that of an HPS And you will get better/different results.
A question I've been asking myself lately is what type of light blends best with LED? CMH, MH, HPS or ???
Oh come on hybrid, you know you're a shill for Amare. It's the only light you ever talk about or reccomend. It's all good. You don't gotta be ashamed. EMBRACE IT! :P
Why the word Shill though? I'm as decsnt as i can be about it. I talk about allot more then Amare & show. You guys need to get your insults straight. Share all info i feel valuable.
Not a shill or a troll by definition lol! (Whatever that is)
But ill embrace recommending only things I've used & liked allot since day 1...