President Cuomo

We don’t need one but we are

you gonna burn your check?
I don't get a check but I will be checking with the SBA to see about the loans so I can keep people working with not having to pay the loan back. I thought you had a business, should you not be looking into
You seem really upset.
Only about Coronas...not about you. You are a follower which means you are meaningless. Your ammo is to fuck with only women. First it was flamingpie, now it is Sky.
When a man step to you. you have nothing to say. I told you ask Unclebuck how you should respond
Only about Coronas...not about you. You are a follower which means you are meaningless. Your ammo is to fuck with only women. First it was flamingpie, now it is Sky.
When a man step to you. you have nothing to say. I told you ask Unclebuck how you should respond
Your blaccent is atrocious
Only about Coronas...not about you. You are a follower which means you are meaningless. Your ammo is to fuck with only women. First it was flamingpie, now it is Sky.
When a man step to you. you have nothing to say. I told you ask Unclebuck how you should respond
I miss Pie too. But Schuylaar is a treasure. You can be her friend too, unless she is still worried about craving fried chicken and watermelon.