I am angry. No pretending here. I'm angry at stupid people like you who think electing a guy with a rape allegation against him is going to defeat Trump. Electing a guy who said publicly he'd veto M4A if congress got it passed during a goddamn pandemic where millions of people are terrified and thousands have already lost their jobs, where it's expected to be worse than the greatest ever goddamn depression in American history, and the guy is fuckin' absent to save face because he's a goddamn gaffe machine walking.
You fuckin' bet I'm angry
You just can't stop lying.
1. There is no 'rape allegation' against him. If I am at a party and a girl walks up and we start talking and she slips her hand down my pants and grabs my dick, did she just rape me? Sexual assault, maybe, not rape. And that is if she actually did it, let this lady go under oath, otherwise it is easily just more Russian porpagated lies aimed at hurting Biden. Just like what Trump and the Republicans used to deflect form Trump's illegal acts that he got impeached for.
2. You are lying with what Biden was asked and what he said:
“Nancy Pelosi gets a version of it through the House of Representatives. It comes to your desk. Do you veto it?” MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell asked Biden during an interview Monday night.
I would veto anything that delays providing the security and the certainty of health care being available now,” Biden responded. “If they got that through in by some miracle or there’s an epiphany that occurred and some miracle occurred that said, ‘OK, it’s passed,’ then you got to look at the cost.”
Biden added: “I want to know, how did they find $35 trillion? What is that doing? Is it going to significantly raise taxes on the middle class, which it will? What’s going to happen?”
3. Biden is not in office, and is quarantined like hundreds of millions of other Americans, it is not like he can do anything other than what he has.
And he has been out there, he has put together a plan that Trump is ignoring, and has done town halls virtually, interviews, and speeches online.
You are not angry, you're at best
confused and spreading Russian propaganda like it is your job.