Pandemic 2020

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Also disregarded a 12 hour briefing with Michael Flynn from Susan Rice as well as a war games type project in asshole’s own administration.
What Trump means by "stable jeanyus" is a euphemism for the guy who mucks out horse stalls, kind of like "custodial engineer" for janitor.
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Gotta make sure that 1% doesn’t end up on unemployment boy that would mess up the system.

How many tax breaks do we give these clowns?
Republicans can no longer complain about universal healthcare or govt assistance.

I like the part where they can amend their return from 2019 and get millions back. That’s what the economy needs right now. Dems voted for this horse shit.

Gotta make sure that 1% doesn’t end up on unemployment boy that would mess up the system.

How many tax breaks do we give these clowns?
Republicans can no longer complain about universal healthcare or govt assistance.

I like the part where they can amend their return from 2019 and get millions back. That’s what the economy needs right now. Dems voted for this horse shit.

Yeah but you don't vote so your opinion is flabby and uninteresting.
The only thing i would point out is there are democrats on the senate intelligence committee who were being briefed on the seriousness of the situation in china and the risk to the rest of the world back in January. It looks they too instead of alerting and mobilizing the country decided to cover their own asses on wall street and their own portfolios. All the while both sides telling the public there was nothing to worry about, and thats on the very few times it was even brought up .
I do however wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that the buck stops with the predator in chief.
Meanwhile, Trump is blocking the delivery of supplies that were stockpiled for use in this very event. Trump delayed, dithered and denied. He's the Commander In Chief and Chief Executive of this government. It's his job to protect and defend this country from all enemies, including a virus. So, eff off with this "bad people on both sides" bullshit. Republicans are the ones who kept him in power when Democrats impeached him for his corrupt actions that are part and parcel of his actions throughout this crisis. Republicans are the ones to take the blame for his actions, not just Trump.
Meanwhile, Trump is blocking the delivery of supplies that were stockpiled for use in this very event. Trump delayed, dithered and denied. He's the Commander In Chief and Chief Executive of this government. It's his job to protect and defend this country from all enemies, including a virus. So, eff off with this "bad people on both sides" bullshit. Republicans are the ones who kept him in power when Democrats impeached him for his corrupt actions that are part and parcel of his actions throughout this crisis. Republicans are the ones to take the blame for his actions, not just Trump.
No joke, I was trying to figure out what actually 60 days ago meant...

Trump impeachment trial was still going on, wondering about witnesses. We found out about Walrus mustache guy's book and how he had more information to tell. Lev Parnas and Guiliani's using of Russian money to try to scam the country with manufactured dirt on Biden.

Trump's ridiculous "State of the Union" campaign rally (which now that we are looking back, would have been the ideal time to warn and prepare the country for this upcoming disaster).

The Republicans acquitting Trump without allowing any witnesses, even though they agreed he was guilty of the crimes. Trump's immediate gutting of all departments of people who wouldn't kiss his ring, with a very public frog march of Vindman and his brother. Trump's appointing of a far right propagandist as the DNI after he fired the previous guy for warning Congress about Russia attacking our elections/citizens leading up to the 2020 election.

Russia and Turkey looked like they might go to war with each other, dragging the rest of the world into war.

Cads and dogs living together....

So it is not a surprise that the warnings of the Democrats were getting ignored.

I showed that guy that Feinstein was (and sorry @Warpedpassage but I showed you a very real example of a prominent Democrat pushing to get the government working to get ahead of this that was ignored, I am not going to go through the rest of the 300 or so Democrats to show you every example of them trying to get the ball rolling on this. The Republicans are in power, not the Democrats for the last 4 years, and they have been doing their job passing about what 300 bi-partisan bills that Mitch McConnell has sat on) on it publicly from at least 2/5/2020.
Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 4.07.25 PM.png

You have to really be bought into the lie the Russians and Republicans have been pushing about the Democrats being the same as the Republicans to believe that line of propaganda. They are not. It is just a way to try to get people who will not vote for Trump to not vote in 2020, helping Trump's chances at getting re-elected.
If that turns out to be true and not in some way faked, it would be pretty much the only way I could lie constantly for Dear Leaders to do a show like that, drunk.
She reminds me of the drunken radio ramblings of Lord Haw Haw when his boss Hitler was on the ropes and he knew he would be hanged for treason by the British (he was).
Oh thats right im a russian agent or have swallowed the russian propaganda. This is why i dont bother having politics discussionss on this site. Its a circle jerk of people who cant tolerate any dissent within the party. Anybody that disagrees with the party line is a hack, a russian , or undercover republican.
You people attacking me for being a hack or a moron who who has xonsumed too much Russian propaganda. I ask you again. Show me as some of u have said , where the dems have been screming about this for months. They have been ignoring it and downplaying it themselves up until a few weeks ago. Show me some concrete steps anyone in the party took to alert and mobilize the country after the first case in jan20,21.

Instead we have democratic politician i voted, telling us as late as march 11, not to worry about it if you are healthy, go out, catch a movie , grab some dinner.
This is about getting our house in order and holding the people who knew about this as early as jan and did the absolute minimum.

So here is the democratic mayor of the one of largest metro areas telling people not to worry about it if you are healthy. .....and you want to accuse me of rewriting history?
Was he misinformed about the severity of the crisis by the party leadership ir was he bullshitting people. This was the same response around the this time from other city and state officials around the country who happen to be democrats.
A bipartisan affair.

So trump impeachment was going on..... so russiagste and ukrainegate were more important for the democrats than alerting and mobilizing the country for an impending calamity that could cost thousands of american lives. They aren't capable of doing both. Weak argument.
I also remember during the dem primaries how all those candidates were constantly alerting and informing the public about the impending danger over the last couple months. When they had the media attention during the primaries i dont recall a single one of them bringing up the impending catastrophe and discussing it commensurate to the threat posed and the utter disregard displayed by the trump admin. Hmm. Hardly a peep from from any of them when some of you are now claiming they were screaming about it for months. And im the one rewriting history?
So trump impeachment was going on..... so russiagste and ukrainegate were more important for the democrats than alerting and mobilizing the country for an impending calamity that could cost thousands of american lives. They aren't capable of doing both. Weak argument.
I also remember during the dem primaries how all those candidates were constantly alerting and informing the public about the impending danger over the last couple months. When they had the media attention during the primaries i dont recall a single one of them bringing up the impending catastrophe and discussing it commensurate to the threat posed and the utter disregard displayed by the trump admin. Hmm. Hardly a peep from from any of them when some of you are now claiming they were screaming about it for months. And im the one rewriting history?
there's a Bernie sticker on someone's truck where I live. some hillbilly wrote 'commie' these hillbillies not understand what Russia is all about? the relationship with bff, Vlad?

i can't believe we're in this situation..therefore, Death to Trumpy* and his Trumpers*!!! you know, it's a possibility:wink:
This story isn't true. You guys told us Bernie was the most popular candidate in the history or candidates. So obviously noone would disrespect your dear leader like that
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