Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

Emergency first response. Not just to divers either, in the army we had a more in depth course called combat life savers course or CLS. You might be surprised at how many soldiers weaken at the sight of blood and simply cannot properly insert an IV tube or be of any use at all when there's some blood in front of them.
I still have my Geneva Convention Army Medics ID......


Here Abandon, geek out!

Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19
To the Editor — We report the kinetics of immune responses in relation to clinical and virological features of a patient with mild-to-moderate coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that required hospitalization. Increased antibody-secreting cells (ASCs), follicular helper T cells (TFH cells), activated CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells and immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibodies that bound the COVID-19-causing coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 were detected in blood before symptomatic recovery. These immunological changes persisted for at least 7 d following full resolution of symptoms.
A 47-year-old woman from Wuhan, Hubei province, China, presented to an emergency department in Melbourne, Australia. Her symptoms commenced 4 d earlier with lethargy, sore throat, dry cough, pleuritic chest pain, mild dyspnea and subjective fevers (Fig. 1a). She traveled from Wuhan to Australia 11 d before presentation. She had no contact with the Huanan seafood market or with known COVID-19 cases. She was otherwise healthy and was a non-smoker taking no medications. Clinical examination revealed a temperature of 38.5 °C, a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute, a blood pressure of 140/80 mm Hg, a respiratory rate of 22 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation 98% while breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed bi-basal rhonchi. At presentation on day 4, SARS-CoV-2 was detected in a nasopharyngeal swab specimen by real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR. SARS-CoV-2 was again detected at days 5–6 in nasopharyngeal, sputum and fecal samples, but was undetectable from day 7 (Fig. 1a). Blood C-reactive protein was elevated at 83.2, with normal counts of lymphocytes (4.3 × 109 cells per liter (range, 4.0 × 109 to 12.0 × 109 cells per liter)) and neutrophils (6.3 × 109 cells per liter (range, 2.0 × 109 to 8.0 × 109 × 109 cells per liter)). No other respiratory pathogens were detected. Her management was intravenous fluid rehydration without supplemental oxygenation. No antibiotics, steroids or antiviral agents were administered. Chest radiography demonstrated bi-basal infiltrates at day 5 that cleared on day 10 (Fig. 1b). She was discharged to home isolation on day 11. Her symptoms resolved completely by day 13, and she remained well at day 20, with progressive increases in plasma SARS-CoV-2-binding IgM and IgG antibodies from day 7 until day 20 (Fig. 1c and Extended Data Fig. 1). The patient was enrolled through the Sentinel Travelers Research Preparedness Platform for Emerging Infectious Diseases novel coronavirus substudy (SETREP-ID-coV) and provided written informed consent before the study. Patient care and research were conducted in compliance with the Case Report guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki. Experiments were performed with ethics approvals HREC/17/MH/53, HREC/15/MonH/64/2016.196 and UoM#1442952.1/#1443389.4.
Nice. Lockdown boredom activities.
I see ya were not always as ugly as you are these days... That was back in the stone age JJ :D
I still remember the day they took that picture. That was the day I became an official Army Medic. That was graduation day from Army Medic School at Ft Sam Houston in Tx. I can still see that look on my face, Ugh oh, it's getting serious now. all the fun & training is stop Vietnam
I was 19 and green.....
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"We warmly congratulate the spread of the virus in America and may it last a very long time in Japan."

Banner in Beijing.
I don't think the CPP approved that message! Not what I would call good PR, like America, private citizens have their private sentiments that they sometimes make public like with a MAGA hat. It might be a widely held private sentiment in China, particularly concerning Japan. I guess my point is there are assholes in China too and I don't think it had government approval, they are just not that stupid.

They are evil, not stupid like Trump, who is both stupid and evil.
I don't think the CPP approved that message! Not what I would call good PR, like America, private citizens have their private sentiments that they sometimes make public like with a MAGA hat. It might be a widely held private sentiment in China, particularly concerning Japan. I guess my point is there are assholes in China too and I don't think it had government approval, they are just not that stupid.

They are evil, not stupid like Trump, who is both stupid and evil.
If the local government wants it down, it will come down. They have extreme control over the internet and they have a social credit system. It's there not only because it's allowed, but because it's encouraged.
Here is some good information from an expert concerning the statistics. This is an asian source and as such are taking China's "feelings" into "consideration" at the beginning of the interview, they have to work with these people.
You Need To Listen To This Leading COVID-19 Expert From South Korea | ASIAN BOSS
We want to thank Professor Kim from Korea University Guro Hospital for taking his valuable time to inform our subscribers. He just started his official YouTube channel and even though it’s all in Korean, you should subscribe to his channel just in case he makes important announcements in the future:
If the local government wants it down, it will come down. They have extreme control over the internet and they have a social credit system. It's there not only because it's allowed, but because it's encouraged.
Like I said, it's probably a popular sentiment, not something a thinking person would approve of for practical reasons alone.
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Like I said, it's probably a popular sentiment, not something a thinking person would approve off for practical reasons alone.
It's extremely popular. That is what good obedient PRC citizens are encouraged to believe. That is the sort of nonsense that Uighurs have to regurgitate to earn time with their families too. That is exactly what the CCP wants the country to say.
It's extremely popular. That is what good obedient PRC citizens are encouraged to believe. That is the sort of nonsense that Uighurs have to regurgitate to earn time with their families too. That is exactly what the CCP wants the country to say.

Trump wants US to believe it's China's fault. That should be a warning that someone else is involved.
Trump wants US to believe it's China's fault. That should be a warning that someone else is involved.
I don't care what Trump says or wants. I generally ignore him. Even when he tells the truth, he spins it into some bullshit.

I didn't say it's China's fault. I said it's the CCP's fault and it absolutely is. I already explained why.
I don't care what Trump says or wants. I generally ignore him. Even when he tells the truth, he spins it into some bullshit.

I didn't say it's China's fault. I said it's the CCP's fault and it absolutely is. I already explained why.

I like a good conspiracy.
They have been busted before.

What Happened after an Explosion at a Russian Disease Research Lab Called VECTOR?
Was the explosion the result of a deliberate attack by terrorists who were trying to gain a hold of deadly cultures to be used in bioterror attacks? Or was it an accident which, as was the case with an explosion at a similar facility forty years ago, would expose illicit bioweapons activities by Russia?

Did you know Bats are popular in Russia too?
A heart breaking thing is happening. There are ventilators being used to treat infants with whooping cough because of two very preventable factors. The first is that everyone should be vaccinated for pertussis. The second is that people can't get doctor housecalls for routine medical stuff that is not related to SARS-CoV-2 because of the lockdown.

I would have thought that doctor housecalls are essential now more than ever.
Aside from the fact that the Title to this Thread is pure unadulterated BULLSHIT!!!!!

Debate Ends Over Chloroquine as France Officially Sanctions Usage

Doctors in France now will finally be able to treat patients with Didier Raoult, a renown doctor that specializes in infectious diseases, announcing new clinical results that show out of 80 patients treated with chloroquine, 78 recovered within 5 days.
That’s considerably more than the usual 14 days and for some it can go up to 28 days if they recover at all.

A heart breaking thing is happening. There are ventilators being used to treat infants with whooping cough because of two very preventable factors. The first is that everyone should be vaccinated for pertussis. The second is that people can't get doctor housecalls for routine medical stuff that is not related to SARS-CoV-2 because of the lockdown.

I would have thought that doctor housecalls are essential now more than ever.


The rich would-be buyers approaching Ventec — whom Kiple did not name — wanted the machines as a fallback if the US hospital system failed, the Times reported.
One of the key features of one of Ventec's models, the VOCSN, is that it is a portable device that can be operated by one person, rather than needing a team of medical staff.
Aside from the fact that the Title to this Thread is pure unadulterated BULLSHIT!!!!!

Debate Ends Over Chloroquine as France Officially Sanctions Usage

Doctors in France now will finally be able to treat patients with Didier Raoult, a renown doctor that specializes in infectious diseases, announcing new clinical results that show out of 80 patients treated with chloroquine, 78 recovered within 5 days.
That’s considerably more than the usual 14 days and for some it can go up to 28 days if they recover at all.

Hopefully that study holds up. If they are doing more testing on it we should find out pretty soon.
Aside from the fact that the Title to this Thread is pure unadulterated BULLSHIT!!!!!
Did you have something to cite scientifically about it? I'd love to see a treatment make it through clinical trial, not sure why you framed that as though I named the thread the way I did because of some connection to chloroquine.

SARS-CoV-2 did originate exactly the way the thread title says.
Doctor housecalls for routine stuff not related to covid. That's going to be a big part of making any lockdown feasible.

I need a pediatrician to come to my house and give my 6 week old son a DTP shot so he doesn't get whooping cough and take up one of those precious ventilators.

I have a newborn in Seattle that I cant visit (ton of pictures) because of my possible exposure to the virus if I don't already have it.
I've had 4 surgerys and numerous office visits in the past 5 weeks. It like walking on eggshells. Hopeful in a month or two i can get up there.

I hope you can get the attention your child needs.
How are things going down there? Is the count still low?