UV light can kill the virus.
TLDR: It depends. The UV lights for reptiles (and plant growing) are UVB. These are different from the lights used for sterilization, which are UVC. Either way, human exposure to both should be limited.
Longer version: There are three, primary types of UV radiation, differing in wavelength: A, B and C. The UV radiation in sunlight is mostly the longer wavelength UVA, because B and C are absorbed by the earth's ozone layer and atmosphere. However, a small amount of UVB (~2%) still gets through. Depending on duration and intensity, the effects of exposing skin to UVB range from getting a vitamin D fix, to sunburn, premature skin wrinkling, sun/age spots and melanoma.
UVC has the shortest wavelength. It doesn't penetrate as deeply as UVA or UVB, but has much more energy and quickly damages any living thing - think instant sunburn, fried DNA,.... Arc welders produce intense UVC radiation and you would burn your corneas without proper goggle protection. Mercury lamps also emit UVC and these are used in industrial disinfecting systems. There are UV-LED modules and it's also worth noting that HID lamps contain mercury and emit UVC, although the glass bulb jacket and/or lens will absorb ~90%. Either way, you don't want to stare at these bulbs.