NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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It’s funny all the people that agree with me are crazy and we’re dumb. All the people that agree with you are smart and scientist. Crazy how that worked out eh bud
all the people that agree with you won't voice their opinion publicly which should tell you all you need to know about what they have to say. But this is a case of confirmation bias.

Was that plant supposed to be something special?

This level of trolling just makes you look dumb as fuck. Why pretend to be this stupid? Unless you're actually this stupid.

ESL? Maybe that's the issue at play with word definitions.

I'll say this defoliation in Cannabis has never meant the grower stripping all leaves. It's always been interpreted as Selective Defoliation. It's done for commercial purpose, not to provide light to bud sites, but to provide light to the leaves of neighbouring plants.
I'll say this defoliation in Cannabis has never meant the grower stripping all leaves. It's always been interpreted as Selective Defoliation. It's done for commercial purpose, not to provide light to bud sites, but to provide light to the leaves of neighbouring plants.
I agree with this when it comes to commercial grows, but the "Swazzing" fad has turned a lot of new growers on to defoliation. They don't even call it selective defoliation like the commercial growers do. This is why I said earlier that I can understand that term.
all the people that agree with you won't voice their opinion publicly which should tell you all you need to know about what they have to say. But this is a case of confirmation bias.

Was that plant supposed to be something special?

This level of trolling just makes you look dumb as fuck. Why pretend to be this stupid? Unless you're actually this stupid.

ESL? Maybe that's the issue at play with word definitions.

I'll say this defoliation in Cannabis has never meant the grower stripping all leaves. It's always been interpreted as Selective Defoliation. It's done for commercial purpose, not to provide light to bud sites, but to provide light to the leaves of neighbouring plants.
I never have said stripping all leaves that’s what they have been saying. I’m saying I’m selectively removing leaves to expose more leaves to light. And they said I was a moron using bro science.

I’m saying pick a side. U either remove them or I don’t. IMO
May want to take some of your own advice. You messed up defol and then blamed defol.
You really must be just stupid and not a troll. The only reason I "messed up defol" is because i didn't defoliate. I removed damaged leaves which, even in the loosest definition, isn't even selective defoliation.
It just kills me when people act like that when you are trying to help them learn things that will make understand things better and help them differentiate between different techniques.

There are people out there who all they want to do is argue, even when they know they are wrong. It's sociopathic and narcissistic attention getting is all.

If someone doesn't care to learn, fuck 'em. It's when they spout their bullshit to other new growers who are interested in learning that's disappointing.
What you don't want to see Noobs discuss advanced commercial production principles in their 1 plant grow tent? You're a weirdo. This thread has taught me so much. We should call Finshaggy and get the real science.
So you think I should just let my one plant grow like that pic, one big bush? Spreading it with LST? Don’t pull any leaves? I got good yield I’m just trying this out.
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