Hooray! The Crisis is Over! "A Beautiful Day!"


Well-Known Member
Soon there will be very little humor in this situation as the daily death toll mounts, I like humor to lift spirits, relieve stress and help people to cope with a difficult situation, knowing others feel the same way helps.


Well-Known Member
Soon there will be very little humor in this situation as the daily death toll mounts, I like humor to lift spirits, relieve stress and help people to cope with a difficult situation, knowing others feel the same way helps. No you are not insane, the world is and in particular the president who is driving much of this comedy of errors and fiasco to it's tragic climax.

Now do you understand why he managed to bankrupt a casino, lose his family fortune, ripped off everybody in sight and owed almost 10 billion before going bankrupt and claiming other people's losses as his own on taxes. That was just for starters, the subsequent years have been one business catastrophe after another, laundering money for Russians was the only thing that keep him afloat. All Trumps properties are getting hammered with this crises as are all hotels including his, Donald has his tongue hanging out for bail out money now.

Donald couldn't manage his way out of a wet paper bag and is the most transparently inept negotiator I've ever seen, the Chinese had him over a barrel in no time flat and he will stay there until november.
If you’re going to Bankrupt America why not give it’s leadership to a bankrupt artist, USA could be no7, the biggest most beautiful bankruptcy in the whole history of bankruptcies, “I think it must be a record, bigly”


Well-Known Member
What? We're not going to be together for Easter?

Goddamn those Democrats! If Obama had not left such a mess that Trump has tried so hard to fix, we would all be having hamberders together this Easter.

Thanks Obama.
Gonna be a sad little Seder here at home this year

could barely procure ingredients for matzahball soup