Pandemic 2020

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The more the chinese control this pandemic the better, chinese factories have been cranking out PPE and other equipment required for this crises for a couple of months now in epic volumes. They like to make money too and the fraction of the aid donated for PR purposes will pay big dividends, they will be seen as "attoning" for this, with their aid and massive shipments of equipment and supplies (for a profit). It's a win win for them, make money and earn forgiveness. There is also the loss of "face"to consider and this will help to slather on the make up and put lipstick on the pig.
They just built two more bases in the West Philippine Sea and have been intensifying their violations of Taiwanese airspace.
I'd say! It will fucking near spontaneously combust! 3% is what normal folks use.
Dilute it to 3%. It's not a fuel by itself, however higher concentrations are used in rocket fuel. Rain falls through the ozone layer to pick up an extra oxygen molecule, that's why plants respond so well after a rain. Food grade doesn't contain preservatives, so it's used in kitchens and food preparation, a clean disinfectant. Edit: I'm a little weird, just for fun.
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Dilute it to 3%. It's not a fuel by itself, however higher concentrations are used in rocket fuel. Rain falls through the ozone layer to pick up an extra oxygen molecule, that's why plants respond so well after a rain. Food grade doesn't contain preservatives, so it's used in kitchens and food preparation, a clean disinfectant. To you, I'm abnormal
Yep that's what I was referring to, it is a powerful oxidizer. What would it do mixed with gasoline or alcohol? I guess it's diluted just enough to legally sell, but there are shipping restrictions. Just kidding about the normal thing, you read my posts and I read yours, so you know I like to keep it light with humor among friends... I save all shit for Trumpers, trolls and socks, the real enemy.
Yep that's what I was referring to, it is a powerful oxidizer. What would it do mixed with gasoline or alcohol? I guess it's diluted just enough to legally sell, but there are shipping restrictions. Just kidding about the normal thing, you read my posts and I read yours, so you know I like to keep it light with humor among friends... I save all shit for Trumpers, trolls and socks, the real enemy.
If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.- Jimmy Buffett
They just built two more bases in the West Philippine Sea and have been intensifying their violations of Taiwanese airspace.
You would think that pandemic response would become part of the military and be budgeted with the usual sledgehammer of resources, perhaps pandemic command will be more useful than space command. This has obvious military and foreign policy implications and needs to be treated as such, many of the problems are organizational and logistical for preparedness and scientific and medical for response, treatment and research. The really sad fucking part is almost all this was in place, up and functioning, except Donald killed America's hope in 2018. Ron Klain the former pandemic czar fired in 2018 has been on the air a lot...
I cant watch those Trump rally briefings any longer. I'll stick to Cuomo for updates.
Too bad the late night comedians are off for a spell, they sum things up nicely, no need to watch the actual briefing and get upset, watch the comics and have a laugh while staying well informed, they are almost as good as the regular news.
I don't believe any of the stats coming out of PRC.
Me neither, but maybe we can deduce from some of their current counter-measurement how well an ease in lockdown restrictions may play out under a different set of hygiene routines + a general raised awareness.

It started in Italy less than 6 weeks ago.
One of the reasons of the high deathrate in states like Italy, Spain & France is they have alot of old people there, which are more susceptible to not survive the sickness. Not sure but I think the situation in China may be much more in their favour considering this. Although age alone is not the sole contributor but also overall health and state of the health system....

I think we'll just having to discard the numbers of China and use more honest numbers, which from now on, are going to chime in from basically everywhere, to get a clearer overall picture....

I just wanna know if I have to work again in a month, or not XD
They just built two more bases in the West Philippine Sea and have been intensifying their violations of Taiwanese airspace.
See who yer giving dangerous ideas to! Not now, we need the PPE and they got us by the balls! :D

A US senator is calling for an investigation into China's handling of the coronavirus, and wants Beijing to pay for damages

  • Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, is calling for an international investigation into the Chinese government's handling of the coronavirus.
  • He also said the international community should quantify the damages from the coronavirus and force Beijing "to pay for the lives and livelihoods that it has destroyed."
  • The coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, has upended the global economy and killed thousands.
Seems i have under estimated the zapping capabilities of the hospital. But completely disgusted with the lack of communication!!
we have like 5 zenox cleaning robots for patient rooms.

they are taking all PPE and putting them in the room with the robot and zapping them all. This can be done 3 times for a mask before the elastic bands start to deteriorate.

Me neither, but maybe we can deduce from some of their current counter-measurement how well an ease in lockdown restrictions may play out under a different set of hygiene routines + a general raised awareness.
As soon as they knock this down with restrictions they will need to employ the South Korean playbook. Cheap fast tests are coming online now and tests for previous infections too, a test for immune response to identify potential high risk people would be helpful too. Public masks and hygiene education to raise awareness etc are all going to be required to successfully get a partial restart. Mass public events and eat inside restaurants will be a thing of the past for awhile, outside dining might be popular in some places and making tents and shelters for this purpose and others might be profitable this summer. Lot's of sidewalk sales and open air markets this summer!
Seems i have under estimated the zapping capabilities of the hospital. But completely disgusted with the lack of communication!!
we have like 5 zenox cleaning robots for patient rooms.

they are taking all PPE and putting them in the room with the robot and zapping them all. This can be done 3 times for a mask before the elastic bands start to deteriorate.

View attachment 4518549
UV light will break down the plastics.
Amazon warehouse workers walk out in rising tide of COVID-19 protests

As Amazon workers across the country test positive for the virus, employees believe collective action is the only way to get the company to meaningfully clean its facilities .... Who didn't see this coming ? ... wait ... Jeff bezos.

There are openings for gig workers ... free coronavirus bonuses.
I cant watch those Trump rally briefings any longer. I'll stick to Cuomo for updates.
So Cuomo is begging for out of state health care workers not in crisis right now to come to NY to help and HE will return the favor to the states that help when they get hit.
whats he going to do put a gun up to the head of a NYC health care worker and tell them they have to go to bum fuck OK when it hits. What a joke. No doctor or nurse from NYC is going to go to the midwest. that there was total bullshit.
As soon as they knock this down with restrictions they will need to employ the South Korean playbook. Cheap fast tests are coming online now and tests for previous infections too, a test for immune response to identify potential high risk people would be helpful too. Public masks and hygiene education to raise awareness etc are all going to be required to successfully get a partial restart. Mass public events and eat inside restaurants will be a thing of the past for awhile, outside dining might be popular in some places and making tents and shelters for this purpose and others might be profitable this summer. Lot's of sidewalk sales and open air markets this summer!
Yes in Singapore for example they used personal data from mobile phones to track contacts down, but I suspect in western states that kind of plunge into ones own informational integrity is going to meet some resistance... esp. because it's well known that once such a system gets legally enabled - it'll stay permanently.
Funny thing is that in past time when smartphones came out there was alot of outcry of the potential misuse of personal data - metadata & location tracking etc - but later, when people simply took the advantage which is being offered to them they tend to ignore the "infringerment" or loss of the freedom of personal information.
I wonder if Covid-19 will have a consequence in the long run on this?
So Cuomo is begging for out of state health care workers not in crisis right now to come to NY to help and HE will return the favor to the states that help when they get hit.
whats he going to do put a gun up to the head of a NYC health care worker and tell them they have to go to bum fuck OK when it hits. What a joke. No doctor or nurse from NYC is going to go to the midwest. that there was total bullshit.
If Donald and the feds pay them a big fucking bonus they might, Trump will be desperate to save his base this spring. Wait till it hits the nose pickers and shit kickers in the red states.
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